109 research outputs found

    Does It Pay To Be a Woman? Labour Demand Effects of Maternity-Related Job Protection and Replacement Incomes

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    In countries with strong employment protection laws it is often considered to be unwise to hire a woman in childbearing age because she might get pregnant. However, such labour demand e ects of job protection measures related to maternity leave are often rather anecdotal. To provide analytical evidence, this paper studies the impact of changes in maternity-related job protection in Germany on employment opportunities for women in childbearing age without children for whom the observed e ects should be largely demand-related. Exogenous, discrete policy changes in the German labour market of the 1980s and 1990s constitute the setting for a difference-in-differences analysis of the transition into employment as well as wages. The data for this study are taken from the German Socio-Economic Panel and from the German Microcensus. Doubling the job-protected leave period from 6 months to 12 months between 1986 and 1988 led to an approximately 6% lower probability of being hired for women in childbearing age without a university degree.In addition, I nd a 5-10% increase in wages for women in childbearing age associated with the latter reform. Since this effect disappears when controlling for having a child in the future, this may indicate an increased need to signal commitment by increased effort after the reform

    Overeducation Among Graduates: An Overlooked Facet of the Gender Pay Gap? Evidence from East and West Germany

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    Germany's occupational and sectoral change towards a knowledge-based economy calls for high returns to education. Nevertheless, female graduates are paid much less than their male counterparts. We wonder whether overeducation affects sexes differently and whether this might answer for part of the gender pay gap. We decompose total year of schooling in years of over- (O), required (R), and undereducation (U). As ORU earnings estimations based on German SOEP cross-section and panel data indicate, overeducation pays off less than required education in the current job even when unobserved heterogeneity is taken into account. Moreover, analyses of job satisfaction and self-assessed overeducation point to some real mismatch. However, overeducation does not matter for the gender pay gap. By contrast, women's fewer years of required education reasonably do, answering for 7.61 pp. of the East German (18.79 %) and 2.22 pp. of the West German (32.98 %) approximate gap. Moreover, job biography and the household context affect the gap more seriously in the old Bundesländer than in the new ones. Overall, the West German pay gap almost doubles the East German one, and different endowments answer for roughly three quarters of the approximate gap in the Western but only for two thirds in the Eastern part. We conclude that the gendered earnings gap among German graduates is rather shaped by an employment behaviour suiting traditional gender roles and assigned gender stereotypes than being subject to gendered educational inadequacy

    First Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Free-Electron Laser at 109 nm Wavelength

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    We present the first observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) in a free-electron laser (FEL) in the Vacuum Ultraviolet regime at 109 nm wavelength (11 eV). The observed free-electron laser gain (approx. 3000) and the radiation characteristics, such as dependency on bunch charge, angular distribution, spectral width and intensity fluctuations all corroborate the existing models for SASE FELs.Comment: 6 pages including 6 figures; e-mail: [email protected]

    The Aims of Lifelong Learning: Age-Related Effects of Training on Wages and Job Security

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    This study analyses the effects of training participation on wages and perceived job security for employees of different ages. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, results indicate that only younger workers benefit from training by an increase in wages, whereas older employees' worries about losing their job are reduced. This observation can also be explained by the fact that goals of training courses are related to the age of participants. Moreover, I differentiate between workers who permanently and only occasionally participate in training. The results indicate that there seem to be decreasing marginal returns to training with respect to job security

    Does Money Buy Higher Schooling? Evidence from Secondary School Track Choice in Germany

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    The German schooling system selects children into different secondary school tracks already at a very early stage in life. School track choice heavily influences choices and opportunities later in life. It has often been observed that secondary schooling achievements display a strong correlation with parental income.We use sibling fixed effects models and information on a natural experiment in order to analyze whether this correlation is due to a causal effect of income or due to unobservable factors that themselves might be correlated across generations. Our main findings suggest that income has no positive causal effect on school choice and that differences between high- and low-income households are driven by unobserved heterogeneity, e.g. differences in motivation

    Who is Overeducated and Why? Probit and Dynamic Mixed Multinomial Logit Analyses of Vertical Mismatch in East and West Germany

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    Overeducation is an often overlooked facet of untapped human resources. But who is overeducated and why? Relying on SOEP data 1984-2011, we use probit models for estimating the likelihood of entering overeducation and dynamic mixed multinomial logit models with random effects addressing state dependence and unobserved heterogeneity. As further robustness checks we use three specifications of the target variable, i.e. realized matches, self-assessment and twofold overeducation. We run separate analyses for men and women, East and West Germans and medium and highly educated persons. We find that overeducation is mainly state dependent. Nonetheless, even in the dynamic context staying employed proves to be risk-decreasing. By contrast, scars of past unemployment show up in a higher mismatch risk. Moreover, an employer change does not serve as a suitable exit strategy, and a dual qualification does not show up as a valid insurance against graduates' job mismatch. Overall, effects largely depend on the operationalization of overeducation. We conclude that to combat overeducation, focusing on continuous employment careers and circumventing unintentional withdrawals from the current job is crucial. Moreover, institutional impediments that restrain job match quality for certain groups (migrants, mothers) have to be tackled.Überqualifikation ist ein zuweilen übersehener Aspekt in der Debatte um ungenutzte Fachkräftepotenziale. Aber wer ist überqualifiziert, und warum? Basierend auf Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) der Wellen 1984-2011 schätzen wir mit Probitmodellen die Wahrscheinlichkeit für neue Überqualifikation sowie mit dynamischen Multinomialen Mixed Logit-Modellen mit zufälligen Effekten die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Überqualifikation unter Berücksichtigung von Pfadabhängigkeit und unbeobachteter Populationsheterogenität. Das Messfehlerproblem kontrollieren wir durch drei verschiedene Spezifikationen der abhängigen Variable, die selbsteingeschätzte Überqualifikation, die statistische Überqualifikation (Realized Matches) sowie eine Kombination aus beidem. Wir führen die Schätzungen getrennt für Männer und Frauen, Ost- und Westdeutsche sowie Personen mittlerer und hoher Bildung durch. Unsere Analysen zeigen, dass Überqualifikation ein hohes Beharrungsvermögen hat. Allerdings vermindert Erwerbserfahrung das Risiko der Überqualifikation auch im dynamischen Modell unter Kontrolle unbeobachteter Heterogenität. Narbeneffekte früherer Arbeitslosigkeit hingegen zeigen sich in einem höheren Überqualifikationsrisiko. Weder ein Arbeitgeberwechsel noch (bei Akademiker/innen) eine Doppelqualifikation in Form von Lehre plus Studium taugen als wirksame Ausweichstrategien. Um Überqualifikation im Job zu vermindern, scheinen Strategien, die konti-nuierliche Erwerbskarrieren fördern, vielversprechend zu sein. Für bestimmte Gruppen am Arbeitsmarkt (Migranten, Mütter) erschweren zudem institutionelle Barrieren ein gutes Jobmatch, die es gezielt anzugehen gilt

    Conceptual design of the SPL II: A high-power superconducting HH^- linac at CERN

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    An analysis of the revised physics needs and recent progress in the technology of superconducting RF cavities have led to major changes in the speci cation and in the design for a Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) at CERN. Compared with the rst conceptual design report (CERN 2000012) the beam energy is almost doubled (3.5 GeV instead of 2.2 GeV), while the length of the linac is reduced by 40% and the repetition rate is reduced to 50 Hz. The basic beam power is at a level of 45MW and the approach chosen offers enough margins for upgrades. With this high beam power, the SPL can be the proton driver for an ISOL-type radioactive ion beam facility of the next generation (`EURISOL'), and for a neutrino facility based on superbeam C beta-beam or on muon decay in a storage ring (`neutrino factory'). The SPL can also replace the Linac2 and PS Booster in the low-energy part of the CERN proton accelerator complex, improving signi cantly the beam performance in terms of brightness and intensity for the bene t of all users including the LHC and its luminosity upgrade. Decommissioned LEP klystrons and RF equipment are used to provide RF power at a frequency of 352.2 MHz in the lowenergy part of the accelerator. Beyond 90 MeV, the RF frequency is doubled to take advantage of more compact normal-conducting accelerating structures up to an energy of 180 MeV. From there, state-ofthe- art, high-gradient, bulk-niobium superconducting cavities accelerate the beam up to its nal energy of 3.5 GeV. The overall design approach is presented, together with the progress that has been achieved since the publication of the rst conceptual design report