11 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Komplexbildnern auf die Aufnahme von Zink durch Sonnenblumen

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    Uptake and allocation of plant nutrients and Cd in maize, sunflower and tobacco growing on contaminated soil and the effect of soil conditioners under field conditions

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    Contaminated land may in many cases still be used for agriculture, provided that crops are chosen appropriately, as the accumulation of contaminants varies greatly among cultivars and also plant parts. We aimed to determine whether maize (Zea mays), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) grown on a heavy-metal contaminated soil containing copper (540mg Cu kg−1), zinc (680mg Zn kg−1) and cadmium (1.4mg Cd kg−1) could be used to gradually remediate the soil, while producing valuable biomass. The soil was treated with either a normal fertiliser regime (control), elemental sulphur (S), or the biodegradable chelant NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid), to test how soil acidification or chelating organic compounds would affect the uptake and allocation of selected elements (Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S and Zn). The highest concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn occurred in the leaves and/or roots, while seeds and grains contained much lower concentrations of these elements. All these concentrations, however, were still in the ranges considered normal for the respective plant parts grown on uncontaminated soil. While sunflower and maize could be safely used as food and feed, tobacco would better be used for bioenergy than for cigarette production because of its relatively high foliar Cd concentration. The two treatments (S and NTA) had only slight effects on the uptake and allocation of plant nutrients and Cd. Thus, there was little benefit of these treatments for phytoextraction purposes at this sit

    Effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on sunflower growth and heavy metal uptake in combination with ethylene diamine disuccinic acid (EDDS

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    a b s t r a c t The use of plants for phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soil is limited by the ability of the plants to grow on these soils and take up the target metals, as well as by the availability of the metals for plant uptake in the soil solution. The hypotheses of this study were that the growth-promoting phytohormone auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) can alleviate toxic effects of metals on plants and increase metal phytoextraction in combination with the biodegradable chelating agent ethylene diamine disuccinic acid (EDDS). To test these hypotheses we performed two sets of experiments with sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) in hydroponic solution. In the first set of experiments, five IAA concentrations (0, 10 Root and shoot growth of metal-stressed plants were most effectively increased with 10 À10 M IAA, and also the extraction of both metals was significantly increased at this treatment level. IAA reduced the negative metal effects, such as reduced shoot and root dry weight, root length, root volume and root surface area. EDDS significantly decreased metal uptake by the plants, thus reducing metal stress and promoting plant growth. The combined application of IAA with EDDS significantly increased Zn uptake in comparison to EDDS only treated plants. The experiments indicate that IAA can alleviate toxic effects of Pb and Zn on plant root and shoot growth and can in combination with chelants such as EDDS increase the phytoextraction potential of these plants

    Hyperplastic conotruncal endocardial cushions and transposition of great arteries in perlecan-null mice

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    Perlecan is a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan abundantly expressed in pericellular matrices and basement membranes during development. Inactivation of the perlecan gene in mice is lethal at two developmental stages: around E10 and around birth. We report a high incidence of malformations of the cardiac outflow tract in perlecan-deficient embryos. Complete transposition of great arteries was diagnosed in 11 out of 15 late embryos studied (73%). Three of these 11 embryos also showed. malformations of semilunar valves. Mesenchymal cells in the outflow tract were abnormally abundant in mutant embryos by E9.5, when the endocardial-mesenchymal transformation starts in wild-type embryos. At E10.5, mutant embryos lacked well-defined spiral endocardial ridges, and the excess of mesenchymal cells obstructed sometimes the outflow tract lumen. Most of this anomalous mesenchyme expressed the smooth muscle cell-specific a-actin isoform, a marker of the neural crest in the outflow tract of the mouse. In wild-type embryos, perlecan is present in the basal surface of myocardium and endocardium, as well as surrounding presumptive neural crest cells. We suggest that the excess of mesenchyme at the earlier stages of conotruncal development precludes the formation of the spiral ridges and the rotation of the septation complex in order to achieve a concordant ventriculoarterial connection. The observed mesenchymal overpopulation might be due to an uncontrolled migration of neural crest cells, which would arrive prematurely to the heart. Thus, perlecan is involved in the control of the outflow tract mesenchymal population size, underscoring the importance of the extracellular matrix in cardiac morphogenesis

    Endothelium-specific platelet-derived growth factor-B ablation mimics diabetic retinopathy

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    Loss of pericytes from the capillary wall is a hallmark of diabetic retinopathy, however, the pathogenic significance of this phenomenon is unclear. In previous mouse gene knockout models leading to pericyte deficiency, prenatal lethality has so far precluded analysis of postnatal consequences in the retina. We now report that endothelium-restricted ablation of platelet-derived growth factor-B generates viable mice with extensive inter- and intra-individual variation in the density of pericytes throughout the CNS. We found a strong inverse correlation between pericyte density and the formation of a range of retinal microvascular abnormalities strongly reminiscent of those seen in diabetic humans. Proliferative retinopathy invariably developed when pericyte density was <50% of normal. Our data suggest that a reduction of the pericyte density is sufficient to cause retinopathy in mice, implying that pericyte loss may also be a causal pathogenic event in human diabetic retinopathy

    Targeted Disruption of the Murine zyxin Gene

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    Zyxin is an evolutionarily conserved protein that is concentrated at sites of cell adhesion, where it associates with members of the Enabled (Ena)/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) family of cytoskeletal regulators and is postulated to play a role in cytoskeletal dynamics and signaling. Zyxin transcripts are detected throughout murine embryonic development, and the protein is widely expressed in adults. Here we used a reverse genetic approach to examine the consequences of loss of zyxin function in the mouse. Mice that lack zyxin function are viable and fertile and display no obvious histological abnormalities in any of the organs examined. Because zyxin contributes to the localization of Ena/VASP family members at certain subcellular locations, we carefully examined the zyxin(−/−) mice for evidence of defects that have been observed when Ena/VASP proteins are compromised in the mouse. Specifically, we evaluated blood platelet function, nervous system development, and skin architecture but did not detect any defects in these systems. Zyxin is the founding member of a family of proteins that also includes the lipoma preferred partner (LPP) and thyroid receptor-interacting protein 6 (TRIP6). These zyxin family members display patterns of expression that significantly overlap that of zyxin. Western blot analysis indicates that there is no detectable upregulation of either LPP or TRIP6 expression in tissues derived from zyxin-null mice. Because zyxin family members may have overlapping functions, a comprehensive understanding of the role of these proteins in the mouse will require the generation of compound mutations in which multiple zyxin family members are simultaneously compromised