91 research outputs found

    Sustainable Agriculture: Case Study in Barebbo Village, Bone Regency

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    Ecological sustainability refers to the maintenance of the environmental order on earth so that its sustainability can be maintained. Three aspects must be considered to maintain the integrity of the environmental order, namely; carrying capacity, assimilative capacity and sustainable use of recoverable resources. Environmental development management is essential for ecosystem sustainability. Macroeconomic sustainability guarantees sustainable economic progress and encourages economic efficiency through structural and national reforms. Food security is defined as a condition for the fulfillment of food for households which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, equitable, and affordable

    Perencanaan Jaringan Long Term Evolution (LTE) Menggunakan Parameter Existing di Universitas Riau

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    This paper proposes Long Term Evolution (LTE) network design using of which is eNodeB parameter data existing supplied by Telkomsel operators in the area of Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru. The design was involved several stages namely data analysis, network planning based on capacity (Capacity Planning), network planning based on area coverage (Planning Coverage)and the final stage of design to do simulation using the software atoll. Based on capacity planning, obtained a maximum capacity of cell is 100.6 Mbps with the coverage area cells 1,001 km2 andradius cells 0.444 km2 so obtained 4 eNodeB. Based on obtained coverage planning, obtained a link budget calculation parameters are planning well enough in accordance with the standards ofquality coverage planning, with extensive coverage area cells 262.8 km2 and radius cells 7.2 km2 so obtained 1 eNode. Universitas Riau have urban morphology with an area of 3.62 km2 and 13.978 subscribers, simulation of design on software atoll generate an average signal level -72.11 dBm

    Sintesis Dan Uji Toksisitas Kompleks Kobalt(II) Dengan Ligan (6E)-(N2)-((E)-2-(6-aminopiridin-2-ilimino)-1,2-difeniletilidin)piridin-2,6-diamina

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    Senyawa kompleks binuklir kobalt(II) dengan ligan (6E)-N2-((E)-2-(6-aminopiridin-2-ilimino)-1,2-difeniletilidin)piridin-2,6-diamina telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan alat refluks. Kristal yang diperoleh berwarna oranye dan berbentuk jarum kecil. Senyawa kompleks tersebut dapat menyerap warna pada panjang gelombang maksimum 460 nm. Hasil analisis menggunakan elemental analyzer dan AAS menunjukkan bahwa kompleks yang terbentuk memiliki rumus molekul [Co2(L2)(CH3COO)4]∙H2O. Rumus molekul juga didukung dengan data TGA yang menunjukkan dekomposisi air kristal pada suhu 105-120 °C. Spektrum FTIR menunjukkan puncak khas vibrasi C=N dan Co-N masing-masing pada bilangan gelombang 1658,84 cm-1 dan 418,57 cm-1. Uji toksisitas senyawa ini dilakukan dengan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) dan dihasilkan nilai toksisitas LC50 sebesar 151,35 mg/L

    Pengaruh Metode Learning Community terhadap Hasil Belajar Tolak Peluru Kelas VIII Mts N 2 Pontianak

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    This study aims to determine the effect of community learning methods on learning outcomes shot put in learning the sport physical education and health at class VIII students MTS Negeri 2 Pontianak. The method used is an experimental method to form true experimental design. The data source of this research is class VIII B 2 totaling 34 people as the control class A and class VIII totaling 34 people as a class experiment. Data was analyzed using computerized systems as well as analysis by using t-test. The result showed that the t-test results in grade control and experimental value 0,000 p value <0.05 then Ho is rejected (Ha acceptable) means that there is a significant improvement between the before and after treatment, in which the mean value of the difference in the experimental class ( 29.18) was higher than in the control group (5.86)

    A Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) for Indonesian Car Licence Plate Identification System

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    Volume 7 Issue 10 (October 201

    Pengaruh Berbagai Macam Bahan Organik Dan Pemberian Air Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    Sayuran merupakan komoditas penting dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional dan memiliki keragaman yang luas dan berperan sebagai sumber karbohidrat, protein nabati, vitamin dan mineral yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara macam bahan organik dan pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil sawi serta mengetahui hasil terbaik dari perlakuan bahan organik dan pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil sawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial yang terdiri dari macam bahan organik (B) dan pemberian air (A) dengan tiga (3) kali ulangan. Adapun macam faktor yang diteliti : Pemberian Air (A) yang terdiri dari dua taraf yaitu : A1 = 100 % Pemberian air. A2 = 50 % Pemberian air. Macam bahan organik (B) yang terdiri dari empat taraf yaitu : B0 = Kontrol (tanpa bahan organik) B1 = Bahan organik kompos jerami 20 ton ha-1 B2 = Bahan organic bokashi 20 ton ha-1 B3 = Bahan organik kotoran ayam 20 ton ha-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi perlakuan bahan organik kotoran ayam 20 ton ha-1 dan pemberian air 100 % kapasitas lapang memberikan hasil terbaik pada parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot basah tanaman, bobot kering tanaman, bobot segar total tanaman dan bobot segar total konsumsi
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