12 research outputs found

    Comparative effect of saline solutions as diluents on in vitro semen storage, egg fertility and hatchability in Turkey hens

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    The high viscosity and concentration of turkey semen necessitates its dilution prior to artificial insemination. The comparative effects of Modified Ringer’s Solution (MRS), Normal Saline (NS) and Dextrose Saline (DS) as diluents on semen quality and fertility in turkeys were investigated. Semen pooled from 20 toms was divided into four: Undiluted Semen (US), others were diluted at 1:1 with MRS, NS or DS and stored at ambient temperature (27.75±0.25 ). Progressive Spermatozoa Motility (PSM) was measured hourly till it was below 50%. Sixty turkey hens were inseminated with the treatments for two successive days, and fertility assessed over ten weeks. At first hour of storage, PSM was greater than 90% in all treatments while it was significantly (P˂0.05) higher in MRS (58.3±2.9%) and DS (56.7±1.7) than US (43.2±2.9%) and NS (41.7±1.7%) at the fourth hour. Fertility at the first six weeks post insemination was similar among the treatments. Values at the first 3 weeks were 81% to 97%. At week 8, it was significantly (P˂0.05) higher in NS (20.83%) than others (0%). Modified Ringer’s solution, normal saline and dextrose saline are suitable as semen diluents for insemination in turkeys. However, modified Ringer’s solution and dextrose saline stored semen better in vitro. Keywords: Dextrose saline; Normal saline; Ringer’s solution; Saline solutions; Turkey fertility; Turkey seme

    Metabolic and oxidative stress markers of rabbit bucks at peak of heat stress in Southwest Nigeria

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    In this cross-sectional study, serum biochemical and oxidative stress indicators in rabbit bucks of different age groups were assessed at peak of heat stress in the tropical condition of South west Nigeria. This investigation was carried out between February and March, when highest temperature-humidity index (THI) is observed in the study location. Thirty-four (34) pubertal rabbit bucks between 4 and 5 months old, thirty-six (36) mature rabbit bucks between 7 and 9 months old and thirty-five (35) adult rabbit bucks above 1 year old were used in this study. Animals were housed individually and allotted randomly into experimental units using the Completely Randomised Design (CRD). After 9 weeks of exposure of the animals to the prevailing heat stress condition in the study area; blood was sampled from all the rabbit bucks through the ear vein into sample bottles for serum biochemical and oxidative status assay using standard procedures. The result revealed that serum glucose, magnesium and sodium in adult rabbit bucks was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of pubertal and mature bucks. Serum lipid peroxidation of adult rabbit bucks was significantly (P<0.05) higher than mature bucks, while serum superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities of bucks were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by the differences in age. Total antioxidant capacity of adult and mature rabbit bucks was significantly (P<0.05) higher than pubertal bucks. The study concluded that at peak of heat stress, adult rabbit bucks are more sensitive to oxidative stress than mature and pubertal bucks. Efforts to combat heat stress in rabbits with antioxidant supplements should cut across three physiological age groups

    Growth response, organ morphometry, sperm production and reserve in rabbit bucks administered carrot fruit extracts

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    An experiment was conducted for 12 weeks to investigate the anti-oxidative effect of carrot fruit extracts administered to rabbit bucks on growth, organ characteristics, gonadal and extra-gonadal sperm reserves, and daily sperm production. A total of 35 rabbit bucks (four months old with average weight of 1.62±0.2kg) were randomly allotted into treatment groups each containing seven bucks per replicate. The bucks were subjected to the same environmental conditions and were assigned into five doses of carrot fruit extracts administration: Treatment 1 (0 mL of carrot fruit extracts (CE)/kg BW i.e. control), treatment 2 (0.5 mL CE/kg BW), treatment 3 (1.0 mL CE/kg BW), treatment 4 (1.5 ml CE/kg BW), treatment 5 (2 mL CE/kg BW). The extract was administered by drenching using corn oil as the carrier. The bucks were weighed weekly to determine weight gain and feed conversion ratio. At the end of the trial, the bucks were sacrificed, dissected, organs removed and weighed. Testes and epididymis were homogenised and filtered. The sperm cells in the testicular and epididymal homogenates were determined. Organ characteristics: eviscerated weight, adrenal gland, liver, lungs, kidney, pancreas, bile, testis, spleen, heart and GIT weight were measured. Data were subjected to analysis of variance at P = 0.05. The bucks administered with 1.0 mL CE had the highest relative eviscerated weight (48.74±6.73%) and also recorded the highest weight gain (0.21±0.15g/day) when compared to other treatments. There was non-significant difference for most of the organs assessed except for the GIT and spleen weight. The GIT weight was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T1 (15.41%), T3 (14.81%) and T4 (16.23%) than T2 (13.58) and T5 (13.09%) in rabbits administered 0.5mL and 2.0mL CE/kg BW, respectively. Relative spleen weight of rabbits administered 0.2mL CE/kg BW was similar to T1 but significantly (p<0.05) higher than T2, T3 and T4. Testicular and epididymal sperms reserves significantly (P<0.05) increased as the concentration of the carrot fruit extract administered to rabbits increased. Daily sperm production was significantly (P<0.05) higher in treated bucks than the control bucks. This study suggests that administering carrot fruit extracts up to 2mL/kg body weight increased growth, sperm cell production and testicular sperm reserve. Keywords: Carrot fruit antioxidants, sperm reserve, daily sperm production, rabbit

    Sperm storage potential and daily sperm production of brown male Japanese quails for three different physiological age groups

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    Thirty brown male Japanese quail birds consisting of 10 each of pubertal mature and adult quails were used to determine their sperm storage potential and daily sperm production at the three different physiological age groups. The birds were randomly allotted to treatment groups (pubertal mature and adult) in a completely randomised design. All animals were sacrificed and their reproductive organs excised and weighed. Testes and epididymis were homogenised separately in 0.154M NaCl. Sperm reserves in the homogenates were determined. Sperm production efficiency and daily sperm production were also determined from  testicular homogenates and epididymal sperm reserves from epididymal homogenate. The results showed that pubertal quail had significantly (P<0.05) higher paired epididymal weight (0.25±0.05g) than the mature (0.17±0.07g) and adult (0.23±0.05g). The pubertal quails had highest (P<0.05) daily sperm production per testis (259.29 x106) and had a significantly (P<0.05) higher sperm production efficiency (97.57x106) than matured (44.84x106) and adult groups (10.95x106). The mature group had a  significantly (P<0.05) higher right epididymal sperm reserve (88.46 x106) than the adult (28.62 x106) while the pubertal group had highest (P<0.05) paired epididymal sperm reserves (237.54 x106) and the age groups. The live weight of the birds was significantly (P<0.05) and positively correlated with the weight of the paired epididymis (r = 0.52) and with the paired testicular weight (r = 0.60; P<0.01). Daily sperm production per testis and right testicular sperm reserve per testis were observed to be significant and positively correlated (r=0.91 P<0.01). This study revealed that the brown male Japanese quail has its peak reproduction potential at puberty.Keywords: Quail sperm storage, sperm productio

    Bovine testicular fluid enhanced growth performance of broiler chickens

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    Testosterone has been reported to have anabolic influence on various organs of animals. Thus, an experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of crude testosterone in bovine testicular fluid (BTF) on the growth performance of broiler chickens. One hundred and twenty-five broiler chicks (Abore Acre) were used. They were raised for one week and randomly allotted into five treatments consisted of five replicates (five chicks per replicate) under the intensive management system. Four different levels; 25mL, 50mL, 75mL, and 100mL of bovine testicular fluid per litre of water were administered to the birds, while the control birds were offered ordinary water. Feeds (broiler starter and finisher diets) were provided ad libitum on daily basis at weeks 2-4 and 5-8, respectively and clean water was given at free choice throughout the period of the study. Average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily water intake (ADWI), average daily weight gain (ADWG) per bird, and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the birds were determined. At week seven blood was sampled to assay for level of the luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone. The results indicated that ALW and the ADWG of the T5 birds (1850.00g/bird and 43.79g/bird, respectively) were significantly (p<0.05) higher than birds in T1, T2, T3, and T4, while the ADFI of T1, T3 and T4 birds (90.33g/bird, 94.09g/bird, 90.39g/bird respectively) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than T2 (84.60g/bird) and T5 (84.60g/bird). ADWI of the T5 and T4 birds (101.01mL/bird, and 98.68mL/bird, respectively) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than TI (82.13mL/bird), T2 (86.50mL/bird) and T3 (93.01mL/bird) birds. Birds administered 100mL of BTF/litre (T5) had the best percentage carcass yield and feed conversion ratio of 76.60% and 2.11 respectively, among the treatments T1, T2, T3, and T4 birds. The result of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of the serum concentration of the sex hormones showed that the expression of the serum testosterone increased as the inclusion levels of the Bovine testicular fluid increased with birds on T5 having significantly (P < 0.05) higher values (3.64 nmol/L) than those on the control (2.60 nmol/L). However, testosterone levels in T2 (3.18 nmol/L), T3 (3.24 nmol/L) and T4 (3.40 nmol/L) was not significantly different from T5. This study suggests that 100ml of bovine testicular fluid per liter of the drinking water can be used as a growth promoter for broiler chickens. Keywords: Broiler chickens, Natural growth promoter, Bovine testicular fluid, Crude testosteron

    Effects of Buserelin acetate and semen extension on fertility in rabbit does under artificial insemination

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    The productivity of rabbit farms can be increased and become more homogeneous through the use of Artificial Insemination (AI). However, this possibility is limited with low conception in artificially inseminated does without ovulation induction. This study aimed at determining the conception rate of rabbit does induced with buserelin acetate and inseminated with extended semen at varied dilution ratio. A total number of Twenty eight multiparous non-lactating rabbit does were randomly allotted into four treatments housed individually in a completely randomised design. Rabbits  were used as a teaser for semen collection using an artificial vagina and after semen collection and evaluation; ejaculates from ten bucks with more than 60% motility were pooled and extended. Forty eight hours before the AI, the does were hormonally synchronized (i.m) for oestrus with 20IU  PMSG. Does in treatment 1(control) were inseminated with unextended semen without buserelin but injected with normal saline, while does on treatments 2, 3 and 4 were inseminated with extended semen in ratio 1: 1, 1:2 and 1: 3 (semen: extender), respectively and were all intramuscularly induced using 0.8μg of buserelin after insemination. Results showed that some of the does induced with buserelin acetate intramuscularly (treatments 2, 3 and 4) were pregnant, while none of the control rabbits was pregnant. The ratio 1: 1 extended semen (treatment 2) recorded the highest percentage conception (85.71%) followed by treatment 3 (71.43%) and treatment 4 (57.14%). There was significant (P<0.05) difference in gestation length (32.50, 31.00 and 32.75), litter size (4.83, 8.60 and 3.25), live kits at birth (3.50, 6.60 and 1.75) for treatments 2, 3 and 4 respectively and the average litter weight was not significantly different among the treatments. This study suggests that diluting semen in ratio 1: 1 produced highest conception rate with intramuscular administration of 0.8μg buserelin acetate than extending semen in ratios 1: 2 and 1: 3. Keywords: Rabbit does, ovulation induction, buserelin acetate, semen extender, artificial inseminatio

    Genitalia morphometry and testicular characteristics of male white Japanese quails at three different age groups

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    An experiment was designed to evaluate genitalia morphometry of the male white Japanese quails at three different age groups. Fifty-four male Japanese quails were allotted to 3 treatment groups (Pubertal, Mature and Adult) in a completely randomized design. Pubertal (7-10 weeks), mature (15-20 weeks) and the adults (≥ 24 weeks). The initial weight of the quails was taken. All the animals were sacrificed and organs were carefully excised. The total length of reproductive tract and sections of the tract of male quails was taken. Total weight of reproductive tracts, right and left testicular weight, right and left epididymis, right and left testicular diameter and circumference were determined. The weight of the male genitalia tract of white Japanese quails was similar across different age groups. The length of the genitalia tract was significantly higher in the pubertal group than the adult and mature groups. Testicular circumference and diameter of white Japanese quails at puberty was significantly (P<0.05) higher than at adulthood. It was concluded that the male pubertal quail have well developed reproductive tracts and thus could have potential for high reproductive ability similar to later physiological ages. Farmers can do more breeding activity when the birds are at the pubertal age.Keywords: Reproductive tract, White quails, Testicular characteristics, Quail epididymi

    Effect of melatonin administration on conception rate and biochemical properties of the epididymis in West African Dwarf (WAD) ewes and rams, respectively in dry season

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    The effect of melatonin administration on conception rate and biochemical properties of the epididymis in West African Dwarf (WAD) ewes and ram respectively were investigated in an experiment with twenty-four sheep (16 ewes and 8 rams) aged, 12 - 18 months, with average weight of 16.5 ± 2kg. Animals were randomly allotted to four treatment groups, each group consisting of six animals and varied doses of melatonin were administered for 30 days. Melatonin was administered at 0mg (T1, control), 5mg (T2), 10mg (T3) and 15mg(T4) to each group, which contained 4 ewes and 2 rams for 30 consecutive days. Twenty-five percent (25%) and fifty percent (50%) conception rate were observed in ewes that received 10 mg and 15 mg of melatonin, respectively. One fetus was obtained from a single ewe in those administered 10mg melatonin, while two fetuses from two ewes , were obtained from those on 15 mg melatonin. Lactate dehydrogenase, was significantly (P<0.05) higher in rams administered 15mg (917.50iu/L) than those on 0mg, 5mg and 10mg melatonin respectively. Lactate dehydrogenase of rams on 5mg, and 10mg (435.50iu/L and 655.50iu/L, respectively) melatonin treatment were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in control group (375.50iu/L). Total cholesterol was significantly (P<0.05) higher in rams receiving 0mg, 5mg and 10mg melatonin than those that received 15mg melatonin treatment. Glucose was significantly (P<0.05) higher on animals that received 10mg (17.00mg/dL) melatonin compared to those on 0mg (12.00mg/dL), 5mg(12.50mg/dL) and 15mg(11.65mg/dL). Zinc was significantly (P<0.05) higher in animals administered 10mg and 15mg melatonin, however both were significantly different from animals on 0mg, and 5mg melatonin. The paired epididymis, sperm reserves of rams on 15mg (21.50 X 106 cell/mL) melatonin treatment was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those on 0mg (11.20±1.36), 5mg (6.47±1.36), and 10mg (0.90±1.36). No Significant difference was observed in Total Protein, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium and calcium in all the treatment groups. In conclusion exogenous melatonin influenced the conception rate of ewes and improved the quality of epididymal sperm cells of the rams in the dry season.Keywords: Melatonin; epididymal biochemical properties; sperm reserves; West African Dwarf sheep; Dry seaso

    Variations in haematological and serum biochemical indices among White Fulani bulls, Ouda rams and West African Dwarf bucks

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    Variations in haematological and serum biochemical indices  among White Fulani bulls, Ouda rams and West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks were studied. Ten each of mature bulls, rams and bucks were used for the experiment. Blood was sampled from all the animals and analysed for haematology and serum was separated for serum biochemical analysis. The result showed that species had effect on some haematological and  serum biochemical indices of White Fulani bulls, Ouda rams and WAD bucks. Packed cell volume, haemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, monocytes and eosinophils were not significantly different among the species, while platelets, lymphocytes, and neutrophils counts were  significantly influenced by specie differences. Platelets was significantly (p<0.05) lower in rams (93.20×103/μL) than in bulls (136.00×103/μL) and bucks (141.90×103/μL). Lymphocytes and neutrophils count was significantly (p<0.05) influenced by species differences. Serum biochemical parameters showed that there was no significant difference in the mean values for albumin, glucose, cholesterol, urea and Aspartate amino transferase, while the values obtained for total protein, creatinine and Alanine amino transferase (ALT) were significantly (p<0.05) different among the animal species. Total protein (7.21±0.52 g/dL) and creatinine (1.21±0.19 mg/dL) were significantly (p<0.05) higher in bucks than other species.  The ALT was also higher (p<0.05) in bucks (20.83 iu/L) than in rams (7.59 iu/L) and bulls (6.27 iu/L). This study suggests that the effect of specie of an animal influences blood indices. The values obtained in this study can be used as references for haematological and serum biochemical assessment of indigenous male cattle, sheep and goat in Nigeria. Keywords: Haematology, serum metabolites Ruminants blood variation, Bull, Ouda Ram, Male goa

    Spermatozoa survival and fertility of Nera black breeder semen extended with carrot juice

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    This experiment was conducted to examine the fertilising ability of layer breeder cock spermatozoa extended with normal saline fortified with varying levels of carrot juice using 10 breeder Bovan Nera cocks. Semen was collected from the cocks, pooled and divided into six portions (treatments). Treatment 1(TUS) was undiluted semen which served as a control, while Treatments 2 (TNS) and 3 (TMRS) were diluted at 1:1 with normal saline and modified ringer solution, respectively. Treatments 4 (T25%CJ), 5 (T50%CJ), and 6 (T75%CJ) were diluted at 1:1 with normal saline fortified with 25%, 50% and 75% carrot juice, respectively, and stored at room temperature (27.0±0.2). Sperm motility and liveability reduced (p<0.05) as time of storage increased. In vivo study was carried out with 70 hens randomly allocated and inseminated with each of the 5 treatments. The fertility among the treatments was 75% (TNS), 100% (T2), 60% (T3), and 83.33% (T4), while optimum of 60% at day 3 and 50% at day 7 were obtained for T3 and T5 respectively. Duration of fertile period was prolonged by carrot juice for T50%CJ and T75%CJ respectively by 2 and 3 days relative to TNS and 5-6 days for TMRS. Embryonic mortality and hatchability were similar among the treatment