1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Mapping QTLs using a novel source of salinity tolerance from Hasawi and their interaction with environments in rice

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    Table S1. Linkage map information. Table S2. Digenic interactions/epistatic QTLs (LOD >5.0) using ICIM-EPI method in single environments E1, E2, and E3. Table S3. Significant QTLs detected in two environments (E2 and E3) for traits related to salt tolerance in an IR29/Hasawi RIL population by inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) through combined analysis. Table S4. Responses of different salt-tolerant RIL genotypes of rice and their parents under salt stress at seedling stage in (a) the Philippines, (b) Senegal, and (c) Tanzania. (DOCX 47 kb