25,909 research outputs found

    Linear Form of Canonical Gravity

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    Recent work in the literature has shown that general relativity can be formulated in terms of a jet bundle which, in local coordinates, has five entries: local coordinates on Lorentzian space-time, tetrads, connection one-forms, multivelocities corresponding to the tetrads and multivelocities corresponding to the connection one-forms. The derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the latter class of multivelocities give rise to a set of multimomenta which naturally occur in the constraint equations. Interestingly, all the constraint equations of general relativity are linear in terms of this class of multimomenta. This construction has been then extended to complex general relativity, where Lorentzian space-time is replaced by a four-complex-dimensional complex-Riemannian manifold. One then finds a holomorphic theory where the familiar constraint equations are replaced by a set of equations linear in the holomorphic multimomenta, providing such multimomenta vanish on a family of two-complex-dimensional surfaces. In quantum gravity, the problem arises to quantize a real or a holomorphic theory on the extended space where the multimomenta can be defined.Comment: 5 pages, plain-te

    Tightening the uncertainty principle for stochastic currents

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    We connect two recent advances in the stochastic analysis of nonequilibrium systems: the (loose) uncertainty principle for the currents, which states that statistical errors are bounded by thermodynamic dissipation; and the analysis of thermodynamic consistency of the currents in the light of symmetries. Employing the large deviation techniques presented in [Gingrich et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016] and [Pietzonka et al., Phys. Rev. E 2016], we provide a short proof of the loose uncertainty principle, and prove a tighter uncertainty relation for a class of thermodynamically consistent currents JJ. Our bound involves a measure of partial entropy production, that we interpret as the least amount of entropy that a system sustaining current JJ can possibly produce, at a given steady state. We provide a complete mathematical discussion of quadratic bounds which allows to determine which are optimal, and finally we argue that the relationship for the Fano factor of the entropy production rate varσ/meanσ2\mathrm{var}\, \sigma / \mathrm{mean}\, \sigma \geq 2 is the most significant realization of the loose bound. We base our analysis both on the formalism of diffusions, and of Markov jump processes in the light of Schnakenberg's cycle analysis.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Quantized Maxwell Theory in a Conformally Invariant Gauge

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    Maxwell theory can be studied in a gauge which is invariant under conformal rescalings of the metric, and first proposed by Eastwood and Singer. This paper studies the corresponding quantization in flat Euclidean 4-space. The resulting ghost operator is a fourth-order elliptic operator, while the operator P on perturbations of the potential is a sixth-order elliptic operator. The operator P may be reduced to a second-order non-minimal operator if a dimensionless gauge parameter tends to infinity. Gauge-invariant boundary conditions are obtained by setting to zero at the boundary the whole set of perturbations of the potential, jointly with ghost perturbations and their normal derivative. This is made possible by the fourth-order nature of the ghost operator. An analytic representation of the ghost basis functions is also obtained.Comment: 8 pages, plain Tex. In this revised version, the calculation of ghost basis functions has been amended, and the presentation has been improve

    Essential self-adjointness in one-loop quantum cosmology

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    The quantization of closed cosmologies makes it necessary to study squared Dirac operators on closed intervals and the corresponding quantum amplitudes. This paper proves self-adjointness of these second-order elliptic operators.Comment: 14 pages, plain Tex. An Erratum has been added to the end, which corrects section

    Towards obtaining Green functions for a Casimir cavity in de Sitter spacetime

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    Recent work in the literature has studied rigid Casimir cavities in a weak gravitational field, or in de Sitter spacetime, or yet other spacetime models. The present review paper studies the difficult problem of direct evaluation of scalar Green functions for a Casimir-type apparatus in de Sitter spacetime. Working to first order in the small parameter of the problem, i.e. twice the gravity acceleration times the plates' separation divided by the speed of light in vacuum, suitable coordinates are considered for which the differential equations obeyed by the zeroth- and first-order Green functions can be solved in terms of special functions. This result can be used, in turn, to obtain, via the point-split method, the regularized and renormalized energy-momentum tensor both in the scalar case and in the physically more relevant electromagnetic case.Comment: 13 pages, special issue review article. In the final version, the calculations of Sec. III have been improved, two References have been added and their content has been summarize

    Geometry and physics of pseudodifferential operators on manifolds

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    A review is made of the basic tools used in mathematics to define a calculus for pseudodifferential operators on Riemannian manifolds endowed with a connection: esistence theorem for the function that generalizes the phase; analogue of Taylor's theorem; torsion and curvature terms in the symbolic calculus; the two kinds of derivative acting on smooth sections of the cotangent bundle of the Riemannian manifold; the concept of symbol as an equivalence class. Physical motivations and applications are then outlined, with emphasis on Green functions of quantum field theory and Parker's evaluation of Hawking radiation.Comment: 14 pages, paper in honour of Gaetano Vilas

    Work producing reservoirs: Stochastic thermodynamics with generalized Gibbs ensembles

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    We develop a consistent stochastic thermodynamics for environments composed of thermodynamic reservoirs in an external conservative force field, that is environments described by the Generalized or Gibbs canonical ensemble. We demonstrate that small systems weakly coupled to such reservoirs exchange both heat and work by verifying a local detailed balance relation for the induced stochastic dynamics. Based on this analysis, we help to rationalize the observation that nonthermal reservoirs can increase the efficiency of thermodynamic heat engines.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, plus 3 page

    Hydrodynamic limit of asymmetric exclusion processes under diffusive scaling in d3d\ge 3

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    We consider the asymmetric exclusion process. We start from a profile which is constant along the drift direction and prove that the density profile, under a diffusive rescaling of time, converges to the solution of a parabolic equation

    Singularity Theory in Classical Cosmology

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    This paper compares recent approaches appearing in the literature on the singularity problem for space-times with nonvanishing torsion.Comment: 4 pages, plain-tex, published in Nuovo Cimento B, volume 107, pages 849-851, year 199

    Flavour-conserving oscillations of Dirac-Majorana neutrinos

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    We analyze both chirality-changing and chirality-preserving transitions of Dirac-Majorana neutrinos. In vacuum, the first ones are suppressed with respect to the others due to helicity conservation and the interactions with a (``normal'') medium practically does not affect the expressions of the probabilities for these transitions, even if the amplitudes of oscillations slightly change. For usual situations involving relativistic neutrinos we find no resonant enhancement for all flavour-conserving transitions. However, for very light neutrinos propagating in superdense media, the pattern of oscillations νLνLC\nu_L \to \nu^C_L is dramatically altered with respect to the vacuum case, the transition probability practically vanishing. An application of this result is envisaged.Comment: 14 pages, latex 2E, no figure