98 research outputs found

    Quantum Test of the Universality of Free Fall

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    We simultaneously measure the gravitationally-induced phase shift in two Raman-type matter-wave interferometers operated with laser-cooled ensembles of 87^{87}Rb and 39^{39}K atoms. Our measurement yields an E\"otv\"os ratio of ηRb,K=(0.3±5.4)×10−7\eta_{\text{Rb,K}}=(0.3\pm 5.4)\times 10^{-7}. We briefly estimate possible bias effects and present strategies for future improvements

    Testing the universality of free fall with rubidium and ytterbium in a very large baseline atom interferometer

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    We propose a very long baseline atom interferometer test of Einstein's equivalence principle (EEP) with ytterbium and rubidium extending over 10m of free fall. In view of existing parametrizations of EEP violations, this choice of test masses significantly broadens the scope of atom interferometric EEP tests with respect to other performed or proposed tests by comparing two elements with high atomic numbers. In a first step, our experimental scheme will allow reaching an accuracy in the E\"otv\"os ratio of 7×10−137\times 10^{-13}. This achievement will constrain violation scenarios beyond our present knowledge and will represent an important milestone for exploring a variety of schemes for further improvements of the tests as outlined in the paper. We will discuss the technical realisation in the new infrastructure of the Hanover Institute of Technology (HITec) and give a short overview of the requirements to reach this accuracy. The experiment will demonstrate a variety of techniques which will be employed in future tests of EEP, high accuracy gravimetry and gravity-gradiometry. It includes operation of a force sensitive atom interferometer with an alkaline earth like element in free fall, beam splitting over macroscopic distances and novel source concepts

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present an analytical model for the theoretical analysis of spin dynamics and spontaneous symmetry breaking in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). This allows for an excellent intuitive understanding of the processes and provides good quantitative agreement with experimental results in Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 135302 (2010). It is shown that the dynamics of a spinor BEC initially prepared in an unstable Zeeman state mF=0 (|0>) can be understood by approximating the effective trapping potential for the state |+-1> with a cylindrical box potential. The resonances in the creation efficiency of these atom pairs can be traced back to excitation modes of this confinement. The understanding of these excitation modes allows for a detailed characterization of the symmetry breaking mechanism, showing how a twofold spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry can occur. In addition a detailed account of the experimental methods for the preparation and analysis of spinor quantum gases is given.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    QUANOMET : Eine Forschungslinie der strategischen Allianz Braunschweig - Hannover

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    Die Quanten- und Nanometrologie (QUANOMET) verfolgt die methodische Weiterentwicklung und Innovation immer präziserer und empfindlicherer Messverfahren und ist eine von drei Forschungslinien eines Wissenschaftsbündnisses zwischen der Leibniz Universität Hannover und der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Wissenschaftler beider Hochschulen berichten, wie das Projekt entstanden ist und welche Ziele es hat

    Self-alignment of a compact large-area atomic Sagnac interferometer

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    We report on the realization of a compact atomic Mach-Zehndertype Sagnac interferometer of 13.7 cm length, which covers an area of 19 mm(2) previously reported only for large thermal beam interferometers. According to Sagnac's formula, which holds for both light and atoms, the sensitivity for rotation rates increases linearly with the area enclosed by the interferometer. The use of cold atoms instead of thermal atoms enables miniaturization of Sagnac interferometers without sacrificing large areas. In comparison with thermal beams, slow atoms offer better matching of the initial beam velocity and the velocity with which the matter waves separate. In our case, the area is spanned by a cold atomic beam of 2.79m s(-1), which is split, deflected and combined by driving a Raman transition between the two hyperfine ground states of Rb-87 in three spatially separated light zones. The use of cold atoms requires a precise angular alignment and high wave front quality of the three independent light zones over the cloud envelope. We present a procedure for mutually aligning the beam splitters at the microradian level by making use of the atom interferometer itself in different configurations. With this method, we currently achieve a sensitivity of 6.1 x 10(-7) rad s(-1) Hz(-1/2).DFG/SFB/407EU/NESTEU/FINAQSEU/EuroquasarEU/IQSQUESTMax-Planck-GesellschaftINTERCAN networkUFA-DF

    Interference of Clocks: A Quantum Twin Paradox

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    The phase of matter waves depends on proper time and is therefore susceptible to special-relativistic (kinematic) and gravitational time dilation (redshift). Hence, it is conceivable that atom interferometers measure general-relativistic time-dilation effects. In contrast to this intuition, we show that light-pulse interferometers without internal transitions are not sensitive to gravitational time dilation, whereas they can constitute a quantum version of the special-relativistic twin paradox. We propose an interferometer geometry isolating the effect that can be used for quantum-clock interferometry.Comment: 9 Pages, 2 Figure

    Rapid generation and number-resolved detection of spinor Rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates

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    High data acquisition rates and low-noise detection of ultracold neutral atoms present important challenges for the state tomography and interferometric application of entangled quantum states in Bose-Einstein condensates. In this article, we present a high-flux source of 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensates combined with a number-resolving detection. We create Bose-Einstein condensates of 2×1052\times10^5 atoms with no discernible thermal fraction within 3.33.3 s using a hybrid evaporation approach in a magnetic/optical trap. For the high-fidelity tomography of many-body quantum states in the spin degree of freedom [arXiv:2207.01270], it is desirable to select a single mode for a number-resolving detection. We demonstrate the low-noise selection of subsamples of up to 1616 atoms and their subsequent detection with a counting noise below 0.20.2 atoms. The presented techniques offer an exciting path towards the creation and analysis of mesoscopic quantum states with unprecedented fidelities, and their exploitation for fundamental and metrological applications.Comment: Corrected figures, updated reference
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