3,070 research outputs found

    Structure and stability of a high-coverage (1x1) oxygen phase on Ru(0001)

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    The formation of chemisorbed O-phases on Ru(0001) by exposure to O_2 at low pressures is apparently limited to coverages Theta <= 0.5. Using low-energy electron diffraction and density functional theory we show that this restriction is caused by kinetic hindering and that a dense O overlayer (Theta = 1) can be formed with a (1x1) periodicity. The structural and energetic properties of this new adsorbate phase are analyzed and discussed in view of attempts to bridge the so-called "pressure gap" in heterogeneous catalysis. It is argued that the identified system actuates the unusually high rate of oxidizing reactions at Ru surfaces under high oxygen pressure conditions.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Laser-induzierte schnelle thermische Desorption von Festkörper-Oberflächen

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    Absorption of a pulse of laser light in the surface region of a solid causes a fast temperature increase, followed, after the end of the laser pulse, by a rapid decrease to the base temperature. Experiments with a Nd laser (power 105–106 W/cm2, half width of the pulse 150 µsec) showed that desorption of CO from a Pd surface reaches its maximum rate within the time constant of the system (∼ 0.5 msec). This effect can be used for example to investigate the kinetics of adsorption/desorption processes by means of relaxation methods. © 1972, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved

    A two-parameter criterion for classifying the explodability of massive stars by the neutrino-driven mechanism

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    Thus far, judging the fate of a massive star (either a neutron star (NS) or a black hole) solely by its structure prior to core collapse has been ambiguous. Our work and previous attempts find a non-monotonic variation of successful and failed supernovae with zero-age main-sequence mass, for which no single structural parameter can serve as a good predictive measure. However, we identify two parameters computed from the pre-collapse structure of the progenitor, which in combination allow for a clear separation of exploding and non-exploding cases with only few exceptions (~1-2.5%) in our set of 621 investigated stellar models. One parameter is M4, defining the normalized enclosed mass for a dimensionless entropy per nucleon of s=4, and the other is mu4 = d(m/M_sun)/d(r/1000 km) at s=4, being the normalized mass-derivative at this location. The two parameters mu4 and M4*mu4 can be directly linked to the mass-infall rate, Mdot, of the collapsing star and the electron-type neutrino luminosity of the accreting proto-NS, L_nue ~ M_ns*Mdot, which play a crucial role in the "critical luminosity" concept for the theoretical description of neutrino-driven explosions as runaway phenomenon of the stalled accretion shock. All models were evolved employing the approach of Ugliano et al. for simulating neutrino-driven explosions in spherical symmetry. The neutrino emission of the accretion layer is approximated by a gray transport solver, while the uncertain neutrino emission of the 1.1 M_sun proto-NS core is parametrized by an analytic model. The free parameters connected to the core-boundary prescription are calibrated to reproduce the observables of Supernova 1987A for five different progenitor models.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures; accepted by ApJ; revised version considerably enlarged (Fig. 7 and Sect.3.6 added

    Electrodeposition of Cu onto Reconstructed Pt(100) and Pt(110) Surfaces

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    The structural properties of reconstructed Pt(100) and (110) surfaces in H2S04 solution and after underpotential deposition (UPD) of Cu were investigated by means of LEED, RHEED, Auger electron spectroscopy and voltammetry. Potential cycling between —0.2 and +0.2 V leaves the surface reconstructions unaffected. While with Pt(110) the 1 X 2 surface periodicity survives Cu UPD as well as subsequent stripping, with Pt(100) the surface reconstruction is lifted by Cu UPD. Structural models for Pt(110) covered by 1 and 2 monolayers (ML) of Cu are presented which are consistent with the various experimental observations. Specific adsorption of anions (SO 24- and Br-) on Cu/Pt(110) causes the formation of ordered overlayers under certain conditions

    Holograms of Conformal Chern-Simons Gravity

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    We show that conformal Chern-Simons gravity in three dimensions has various holographic descriptions. They depend on the boundary conditions on the conformal equivalence class and the Weyl factor, even when the former is restricted to asymptotic Anti-deSitter behavior. For constant or fixed Weyl factor our results agree with a suitable scaling limit of topologically massive gravity results. For varying Weyl factor we find an enhancement of the asymptotic symmetry group, the details of which depend on certain choices. We focus on a particular example where an affine u(1) algebra related to holomorphic Weyl rescalings shifts one of the central charges by 1. The Weyl factor then behaves as a free chiral boson in the dual conformal field theory.Comment: 5

    Optimizing indirect branch prediction accuracy in virtual machine interpreters

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    Interpreters designed for efficiency execute a huge number of indirect branches and can spend more than half of the execution time in indirect branch mispredictions. Branch target buffers are the best widely available form of indirect branch prediction; however, their prediction accuracy for existing interpreters is only 2%–50%. In this paper we investigate two methods for improving the prediction accuracy of BTBs for interpreters: replicating virtual machine (VM) instructions and combining sequences of VM instructions into superinstructions. We investigate static (interpreter buildtime) and dynamic (interpreter run-time) variants of these techniques and compare them and several combinations of these techniques. These techniques can eliminate nearly all of the dispatch branch mispredictions, and have other benefits, resulting in speedups by a factor of up to 3.17 over efficient threaded-code interpreters, and speedups by a factor of up to 1.3 over techniques relying on superinstructions alone

    EEG microstate architecture does not change during passive whole-body accelerations

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    Background and aim!#!The extent of penumbra tissue and outcome in stroke patients depend on the collateral cranial vasculature. To provide optimal individualized care for stroke patients in the emergency room setting we investigated the predictive capability of a stringent evaluation of the collateral vessels in ischemic stroke on clinical outcome and infarct size.!##!Methods!#!We retrospectively studied uniform clinical and radiological data of 686 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency department with suspected acute ischemic stroke. Cranial collateral vasculature status was graded using the initial CT-angiography. Outcome was measured by mRS, NIHSS and final infarct size at hospital discharge. All data were used to build a linear regression model to predict the patients´ outcome.!##!Results!#!Univariate and multivariate analyses showed significant effects of the whole brain collateral vessel score on all outcome variables. Atherosclerosis and piale collateral status were associated with the final infarct volume (FIV). Atherosclerosis and age were associated with the NIHSS at discharge. The presence of atherosclerosis, glucose level on admission and age were associated with the mRS at discharge. The multivariate models were able to predict 29% of the variance of the mRS at discharge, 24% of the variance in FIV and 17% of the variance of the NIHSS at discharge. The whole brain collateral status and the presence of atherosclerosis were the most relevant predictors for the clinical and radiological outcome.!##!Conclusion!#!The whole brain collateral vasculature status is clearly associated with clinical and radiological outcome but in a multivariate model seems not sufficiently predictive for FIV, mRS and NIHSS outcome at discharge in non-preselected patients admitted to the emergency department with ischemic stroke

    Aluminum arsenide cleaved-edge overgrown quantum wires

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    We report conductance measurements in quantum wires made of aluminum arsenide, a heavy-mass, multi-valley one-dimensional (1D) system. Zero-bias conductance steps are observed as the electron density in the wire is lowered, with additional steps observable upon applying a finite dc bias. We attribute these steps to depopulation of successive 1D subbands. The quantum conductance is substantially reduced with respect to the anticipated value for a spin- and valley-degenerate 1D system. This reduction is consistent with disorder-induced, intra-wire backscattering which suppresses the transmission of 1D modes. Calculations are presented to demonstrate the role of strain in the 1D states of this cleaved-edge structure.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    General Two-Dimensional Supergravity from Poisson Superalgebras

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    We provide the geometric actions for most general N=1 supergravity in two spacetime dimensions. Our construction implies an extension to arbitrary N. This provides a supersymmetrization of any generalized dilaton gravity theory or of any theory with an action being an (essentially) arbitrary function of curvature and torsion. Technically we proceed as follows: The bosonic part of any of these theories may be characterized by a generically nonlinear Poisson bracket on a three-dimensional target space. In analogy to a given ordinary Lie algebra, we derive all possible N=1 extensions of any of the given Poisson (or W-) algebras. Using the concept of graded Poisson Sigma Models, any extension of the algebra yields a possible supergravity extension of the original theory, local Lorentz and super-diffeomorphism invariance follow by construction. Our procedure automatically restricts the fermionic extension to the minimal one; thus local supersymmetry is realized on-shell. By avoiding a superfield approach we are also able to circumvent in this way the introduction of constraints and their solution. For many well-known dilaton theories different supergravity extensions are derived. In generic cases their field equations are solved explicitly.Comment: 70 pages, LaTeX, AMSmath, BibTe

    Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control. II. Model calculations

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    A kinetic model is developed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid on Pt under potentiostatic control. The model development proceeds stepwise via a simple model of the electrocatalytic CO oxidation. The full model consists of four coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The scanned and stationary current/outer potential (I/U) behavior, stationary current oscillations, two-parameter bifurcation diagrams and stirring effects are simulated using realistic model parameters. The numerical findings are found to be consistent with the experimental results given by Strasser et al. The model reproduces period-1 as well as mixed-mode oscillations. Furthermore, a mechanistic analysis of the model was performed: two suboscillators are identified whose characteristics allow a plausible interpretation of the observed dynamics. After a classification of the suboscillators into previously described categories, an attempt is made to identify the minimal mechanistic requirements for electrochemical current oscillations
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