183 research outputs found

    A theoretical and formal model for knowledge management systems

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    Knowledge management is now a huge domain, where it is difficult to have a clear view of the manipulated concepts and their crossed-relations. The development of that domain requires now a theoretical framework including concepts from various theories as Knowledge Economy, Information Systems, Knowledge theories (in particular Nonaka's theory), Communities of practice (Wenger's theory), General System Theory, Semiotic, Information theory, Knowledge Worker concept Â…This paper is an attempt to provide sound basis for such a framework, with a mathematical formalism. The formalism is inspired by the one used in Information System Theory, based on General System Theory (OID Model). The proposed model is structured by the set of networks (or communities) of Knowledge Workers, A, the Information System, I, and the Knowledge Capital, K (AIK model). Different morphisms, functions and operators provide classical KM links (or knowledge flows) and KM combinations for those subsystems.KM formalism, Knowledge management, KM framework , Knowledge theories

    Knowledge management techniques for know-how transfer systems design : the case of an oil company

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    This paper presents a research in progress on the use of knowledge engineering and knowledge management techniques for the development of a strategic approach for the transfer of professional know-how. This transfer is based on the design of devices for sharing and learning clearly identified knowledge in the oil industry domains. This work is based on a pilot study which was carried out in the PED department (Petroleum Engineering & Development) and it deals with upstream activity of the oil group Sonatrach. A mapping of this know-how was established using a method based on mapping strategy. The main steps of the current approach are the strategic analysis for required competences, the processes analysis for professional know-how and a cross analysis for strategic competences and critical know-how. Emphasis is put on the strategic and critical aspects in the areas of knowledge where efforts are to be made in terms of capitalising, sharing, learning and transfer.Learning, E-learning, Knowledge management, Knowledge map, Strategy map, Knowledge engineering, Knowledge servers, Computer assisted human learning

    A knowledge server including tools for professional know-how transfer

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    This paper presents a research in progress on the use of knowledge engineering and knowledge management techniques for the development of a strategic approach for the transfer of professional know-how. This transfer is based on the design of devices for sharing and learning clearly identified knowledge in the oil industry domains. This work is based on a pilot study which was carried out in the PED department (Petroleum Engineering & Development) and it deals with upstream activity of the oil group Sonatrach. After the different phases of knowledge mapping, critical knowledge assessment, and strategic alignment, the KM process focus on knowledge elicitation, sharing, transfer and learning, based on design and implementation of specific tools called Knowledge Server, including Knowledge Books and e-Learning.E-learning, Knowledge management, Knowledge transfer, Knowledge engineering, Knowledge servers, Computer assisted human learning, Case study

    Methods and tools for Knowledge Management in research centres

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    International audienceIn the Knowledge Based Economy, research centres whether industrial or public, play a fundamental role. In terms of Knowledge Management, these organisations have a special status, because their production is knowledge and only knowledge. The Knowledge Capital they accumulate in their activities therefore is a strong strategic issue and the management of these assets has become crucial. The problem addressed in this paper is to design a pertinent methodology for Knowledge Management considering the specificity of knowledge production by research centres. This methodology is based on a suitable model to describe that knowledge production. The reference model is built on knowledge flows between the organisation and its knowledge workers, and a subsystem called “Knowledge Capital”. A research centre is defined by the fact that its product is only knowledge and is accumulated in its knowledge subsystem. Some economical characteristics of this Knowledge Capital are shown as being very adapted to knowledge produced in research centres. The methodology is based on two tools. The first tool is the knowledge map that can represent a comprehensive model of the Knowledge Capital of the organisation, which is often not well known or unstructured. That map is built on a shared and consensual vision of the main knowledge actors. It is not a map produced by a knowledge tool, but a co‑construction (through interviews) with the knowledge actors. The second tool is a grid for criticality analysis (Critical Knowledge Factors), which evaluates the knowledge domains of the organisation and suggests appropriate actions to be put in place for the most critical domains. This tool is a guide for interviewing knowledgeable actors in the organisation, to collect and analyse a set of data for decision support. The aim of the methodology is to provide a set of recommendations to build a KM plan of actions to preserve, share and make evolve the Knowledge Capital. The methodology has been elaborated through constant feed‑back with practice, and has been validated in many real cases in various countries. Three case studies (France, Brazil, and Canada) are succinctly described to exemplify the effectiveness of the methodology

    A Shannon's theory of knowledge

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    Our so-called "Information Society", is gradually changing into a "Knowledge Society". The Shannons Theory provided a formal and mathematical framework for information. It was very fruitful for avoiding ambiguity on the concept of information. This paper proposes a transposition of this theory for knowledge. From the three axes of a formal model designed for knowledge engineering (information, sense and context), three quantitative measures are proposed to get a measure of the quantity of knowledge of a system. This notion permits to consider applications as the cognitive measure of a web site, a knowledge community (community of practiceÂ…).Knowledge, Knowledge management, Shannon's theory

    Applied knowledge management : a set of well-tried tools

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    For almost 20 years, Knowledge Management projects hit various domains. This paper focuses on selected tools now of general practice and becoming popular among the practitioners. Originally out of the Information Science labs, the tools introduced here have been proved tested efficient and reliable after hundreds of real projects, no matter what type of industry and domain use them. This paper aims to briefly describe a set of four well-tried Knowledge Management tools allowing practitioners to analyse and structure, describe and represent, share and store, teach and transmit knowledge. This now common practice should open the path to new models for the Knowledge Economy. Dealing with complexity becomes easier as well as putting the Information system at the crossing of the interactive information flows instead of keeping it out of reach of a majority of knowledge workers. Due to the massive retirement of the baby boomers, a large loss of workforce challenges the companies for the first time in history. How to evaluate and pass to the next generation its core business of knowledge is thus of critical importance. This paper reminds that Knowledge Management is no longer a solely academic issue since tools of the next generation are now available, beefing up the growing domain of the knowledge economy.E-learning, Intranets, Knowledge economy, Knowledge management

    Valoriser les connaissances les connaissances critiques dune entreprise

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    L'expérience a démontré que la mise en oeuvre d'une gestion efficace des connaissances passe par le repérage, l'analyse du patrimoine de connaissances d'une entreprise, afin de les valoriser au mieux. Ainsi, la cartographie des connaissances est un moyen de navigation « cognitif » pour accéder aux ressources d'un patrimoine de connaissances d'une organisation, qu'il soit implicite ou explicite. De plus, elle permet d'avoir une compréhension fine, par une analyse de criticité, des domaines de connaissances sur lesquels des efforts doivent être faits en termes de capitalisation, partage ou innovation.Gestion des connaissances, Connaissances industrielles, Knowledge management

    Critical knowledge map as a decision tool for knowledge transfer actions

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    Knowledge transfer is no longer reducible to classical solutions such as face-to-face training, technical education or tutoring. Knowledge to be transferred is professional knowledge (Business Knowledge). It involves the whole Knowledge Capital within an organization. Identifying the knowledge components that are worthwhile transferring is not an easy task. This is the problem addressed in this paper.Knowledge transfer, Knowledge Management, Knowledge mapping, Knowledge capitalization

    From MASK knowledge management methodology to learning activities described with IMS - LD

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    In this paper we present how knowledge capitalized using the Knowledge Management Mask methodology can be used to design E-learning activities by matching Mask models and the concepts proposed by the IMS-Learning Design modelling language. Our study consists in highlighting the e-learning aspects encapsulated in these MASK models carried out around a domain of activity, via a writing these elements in the description language IMS - Learning Design, in a preoccupation of reusability and reengineering.Knowledge Management, E-learning

    Using cartography to sustain inter-generation knowledge transfer : the M3C methodology

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    Knowledge transfer problem between two generations of professionals (usually from the old one to the new one) to a new dimension. Knowledge transfer is no longer reducible to classical solutions as face to face training, technical education, tutoring. Knowledge to transfer is professional knowledge (Business Knowledge). It involves the whole Knowledge Capital within an organization. Identify the knowledge components that are worthwhile to transfer is not an easy task. This is the problem addressed in this paperKnowledge management, Knowledge transfer
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