21 research outputs found

    Electricity derivative markets : investment valuation, production planning and hedging

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    This thesis studies electricity derivative markets from a view point of an electricity producer. The traditionally used asset pricing methods, based on the no arbitrage principle, are extended to take into account electricity specific features: the non storability of electricity and the variability in the load process. The sources of uncertainty include electricity forward curve, prices of resources used to generate electricity, and the size of the future production. Also the effects of competitors' actions are considered. The thesis illustrates how the information in the derivative prices can be used in investment and production planning. In addition, the use of derivatives as a tool to stabilize electricity dependent cash flows is considered. The results indicate that the information about future electricity prices and their uncertainty, obtained from derivative markets, is important in investment analysis and production planning.reviewe

    Gas Fired Power Plants: Investment Timing, Operating Flexibility and Abandonment

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    We analyze investments in gas fired power plants under stochastic electricity and gas prices. We use a real options approach, taking into account the economic information in futures and forward prices. A simple but realistic two-factor model is used for price process, enabling analysis of the value of operating flexibility, the opportunity to sell and abandon the capital equipment, as well as finding thresholds for energy prices for which it is optimal to enter into the investment. Our case study, using real data, indicates that when the decision to build is considered, the plant’s flexibility and abandonment option do not have significant value.Real options, spark spread, gas fired power plant, forward prices

    Gas fired power plants: Investment timing, operating flexibility and abandonment

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    We analyze investments in gas-fired power plants under stochastic electricity and natural gas prices. A simple but realistic two-factor model is used for price processes, enabling analysis of the value of operating flexibility, the opportunity to abandon the capital equipment, as well as finding thresholds for energy prices for which it is optimal to enter into the investment. Our case study uses representative power plant investment and operations data, and historical forward prices from well-functioning energy markets. We find that when the decision to build is considered, the abandonment option does not have significant value, whereas the operating flexibility and time-to-build option have significant effect on the building threshold. Furthermore, the joint value of the operating flexibility and the abandonment option is much smaller than the sum of their separate values, because both are options to shut down. The effects of emission costs on the value of installing CO2 capture technology are also analyzed

    Gas fired power plants: Investment timing, operating flexibility and CO2 capture

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    We analyze investments in gas-fired power plants under stochastic electricity and natural gas prices. A simple but realistic two-factor model is used for price processes, enabling analysis of the value of operating flexibility, the opportunity to abandon the capital equipment, as well as finding thresholds for energy prices for which it is optimal to enter into the investment. Our case study uses representative power plant investment and operations data, and historical forward prices from well-functioning energy markets. We find that when the decision to build is considered, the abandonment option does not have significant value, whereas the operating flexibility and time-to-build option have significant effect on the building threshold. Furthermore, the joint value of the operating flexibility and the abandonment option is much smaller than the sum of their separate values, because both are options to shut down. The effects of emission costs on the value of installing CO2 capture technology are also analyzed

    Flexibility and Technology Choice in Gas Fired Power Plant Investments

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    The value of a gas fired power depends on the spark spread, defined as the difference between the price of electricity and the cost of gas used for the generation of electricity. We model the spark spread using a two-factor model, allowing mean-reversion in short-term variations and uncertainty in the equilibrium price to which prices revert. We analyze two types of gas plants: peak and base load plants. A peak load plant generates electricity when spark spread exceeds emission costs, whereas a base load plant generates electricity at all levels of spark spread. A base load plant can be upgraded to a peak load plant. First, we find the upgrading threshold for a base load plant. The upgrading threshold gives the optimal type of gas plant as a function of spark spread. Second, we calculate building threshold for the investment costs. When the investment costs are below the threshold it is optimal to build the plant. In the numerical example, we illustrate how our model can be used when investments in gas fired power plants are considered.Real options, spark spread, gas fired power plants, investment flexibility

    Planning and Hedging

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    This report is downloadable at www.sal.hut.fi/Publications/r-index.html ISBN 951-22-7687-9 ISSN 0782-203

    Electricity Derivative Markets: Investment Valuation, Production Planning and Hedging

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    Abstract: This thesis studies electricity derivative markets from a view point of an electricity producer. The traditionally used asset pricing methods, based on the no arbitrage principle, are extended to take into account electricity specific features: the non storability of electricity and the variability in the load process. The sources of uncertainty include electricity forward curve, prices of resources used to generate electricity, and the size of the future production. Also the effects of competitors ’ actions are considered. The thesis illustrates how the information in the derivative prices can be used in investment and production planning. In addition, the use of derivatives as a tool to stabilize electricity dependent cash flows is considered. The results indicate that the information about future electricity prices and their uncertainty, obtained from derivative markets, is important in investment analysis and production planning

    Abstract Hydropower production planning and hedging under inflow and forward uncertainty

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    We consider long- and medium-term production planning and hedging in a hydropower system under price and inflow uncertainty. The price uncertainty is modeled with a multidimensional forward curve model that considers time dependant spot volatility, the volatility curve’s maturity effect, and the forward curve’s correlation structure. We give a simple and intuitive parameterization for the optimal production strategy of a profit maximizing producer. The parameterization leads to a simple production hedging policy. The accuracy of the parameterization is analyzed by comparing its expected cash flows to an upper bound of expected cash flows. In our bench marking case the parameterization gives profits that are less than 2.6 % from the optimal profits. Our bench marking illustrates that during winters 1997-2003 our method would have increased the profits of an actual hydropower producer by 4.2%