20 research outputs found

    Increasing tumoral 5-fluorouracil concentrations during a 5-day continuous infusion: a microdialysis study

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    Purpose: Response to anticancer therapy is believed to be directly related to the concentration of the anticancer drug in the tumor itself. Assessment of intra-tumor drug pharmacokinetics can be helpful to gain more insight into mechanisms involved in the (in)sensitivity of tumors to anticancer therapy. We explored the pharmacokinetics of 5-fluorouracil in both plasma and tumor tissue during a 5-day continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil in patients with cancer. Sampling for measurement of 5-fluorouracil in tumor tissue was performed using microdialysis. Experimental design: In seven patients with an accessible (sub)cutaneous tumor treated with a continuous 5-fluorouracil infusion, plasma and microdialysate samples from tumor and normal adipose tissue were collected over a period of 5 days. Results: For six patients, drug concentrations in both tumor tissue and plasma were available. Concentration-time curves of unbound 5-fluorouracil were lower in tumor tissue compared to the curves in plasma, but exposure ratios of tumor tissue versus plasma increased during the 5-day infusion period. The presence of circadian rhythmicity of 5-fluorouracil pharmacokinetics in the tumor itself was demonstrated as 5-fluorouracil concentrations in tumor extracellular fluid were higher during the night than during daytime. Conclusion: Microdialysis was successfully employed in patients with cancer during a continuous 5-day 5-fluorouracil infusion. Plasma and tumor pharmacokinetics of 5-fluorouracil differed substantially with increasing 5-fluorouracil concentrations in tumor over time, possibly resulting from a lowered interstitial fluid pressure by 5-fluorouracil itself. This microdialysis 5-fluorouracil model might be useful to monitor the effect of drug delivery modulating strategies in future studies

    Application of prolonged microdialysis sampling in carboplatin-treated cancer patients

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    Purpose: To better understand the mechanisms underlying (in)sensitivity of tumors to anticancer drugs, assessing intra-tumor drug pharmacokinetics (PKs) could be important. We explored the feasibility of microdialysis in tumor tissue for multiple days in a clinical setting, using carboplatin as model drug. Methods: Plasma and microdialysate samples from tumor and adipose normal tissues were collected up to 47 h after dosing in eight carboplatin-treated patients with an accessible (sub)cutaneous tumor. Results: Pharmacokinetics were evaluable in tumor tissue in 6/8 patients and in adipose normal tissue in 3/8 patients. Concentration-time curves of unbound platinum in both the tissues followed the pattern of the curves in plasma, with exposure ratios of tissue versus plasma ranging from 0.64 to 1.46. Conclusions: Microdialysis can be successfully employed in ambulant patients for multiple days, which enables one to study tissue PK of anticancer drugs in normal and malignant tissues in more detail

    The carcinogenicity of dietary acrylamide intake: A comparative discussion of epidemiological and experimental animal research

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    Since 2002, it is known that the probable human carcinogen acrylamide is present in commonly consumed carbohydrate-rich foods, such as French fries and potato chips. In this review, the authors discuss the body of evidence on acrylamide carcinogenicity from both epidemiological and rodent studies, including variability, strengths and weaknesses, how both types of evidence relate, and possible reasons for discrepancies. In both rats and humans, increased incidences of various cancer types were observed. In rats, increased incidences of mammary gland, thyroid tumors and scrotal mesothelioma were observed in both studies that were performed. In humans, increased risks of ovarian and endometrial cancers, renal cell cancer, estrogen (and progesterone) receptorpositive breast cancer, and oral cavity cancer (the latter in non-smoking women) were observed. Some cancer types were found in both rats and humans, e.g., endometrial cancer (observed in one of the two rat studies), but there are also some inconsistencies. Interestingly, in humans, some indications for inverse associations were observed for lung and bladder cancers in women, and prostate and oro-and hypopharynx cancers in men. These latter observations indicate that genotoxicity may not be the only mechanism by which acrylamide causes cancer. The estimated risks based on the epidemiological studies for the sites for which a positive association was observed were considerably higher than those based on extrapolations from the rat studies. The observed pattern of increased risks in the rat and epidemiological studies and the decreased risks in the epidemiological studies suggests that acrylamide might influence hormonal systems, for which rodents may not be good models. © 2010 Informa UK Ltd

    Competition Law, Antitrust Immunity and Profits: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

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    This paper tests whether the transition from the old Economic Competition Act, which was based on the so-called “abuse system”, to the new Competition Act, which was based on “prohibition system”, in the Netherlands had an impact on the price-cost margins in manufacturing industries during the period 1993-2007. The paper further investigates if the price-cost margins were higher in industries where temporary antitrust immunity was granted for subset of firms that engaged in concerted practices. The results indicate that the change in the competition law in the Netherlands had a very small and negative, yet statistically insignificant deterrent effect on the price-cost margins. Elsewhere, markups were higher in industries in which temporary antitrust immunity was granted for some class of coordinated actions.