16 research outputs found

    Ankara’daki geleneksel ahşap konutların ses iletim özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi.

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    Sound transmission characteristics of traditional timber dwellings in Turkey have become a serious issue due to the increase in complaints of residents about noise problems in those structures. There is a necessity to examine sound transmission problems in these dwellings with an emphasis on configuration of their timber frame components. Such a study is needed to suggest proper repair solutions to eliminate the existing sound transmission problems while keeping authentic features of those traditional structures. Three traditional timber framed dwellings in Ankara, original one and repaired ones, were examined in terms of impact and airborne sound transmission characteristics of their floor and wall components by in-situ measurements and simulation analyses. Sound absorption and transmission loss characteristics of laboratory mudbrick samples were determined by using the impedance tube. Some supportive laboratory tests were conducted to characterize material properties of the original mudbrick samples collected from traditional houses. The sound insulation performances of timber framed wall and floor components under examination, both repaired and non-repaired ones, were below the acceptable values. The presence of door/window openings, air leakages and poor detailing such as direct fixing of any cladding layers to the structural elements, are the main reasons that reduce the overall sound insulation performance of the original wall and floor components. Presence of voids for the running of pipework or door/ window openings existed in the composition of timber framed wall and floor components was found to reduce their sound insulation performances in the range of 12-22dB. Air/sound leakages through the openings should be sealed properly and the openings need to be replaced with the solid/insulated door or insulated window components in order to provide the required Rw and Lnw values for dwellings. In case that the dwelling units/spaces are used as exhibition, meeting, office or hotel rooms, some acoustical improvements in existing wall and floor components can be provided by demountable attachments with sound insulation infill and sound breaks. The 50mm-thick and 100mm-thick mudbrick samples were determined to have STC values of 28dB±2 dB and 35dB±2 dB, respectively. The sound absorption coefficient at mid frequencies and NRC of one representative mudbrick sample were determined to be 0.31 and 0.23, respectively. The performance of several wall/floor configurations suggested in the study was summarized to be guiding particularly for the improvement of airborne and impact sound insulation of traditional timber frame wall and floor sections and their repairs.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Geleneksel ahşap çatkı duvarların ses iletim özellikleri ve mevcut durumu iyileştirmeye yönelik öneriler

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    Ankara’da bulunan üç geleneksel ahşap çatkı konuta ait iç duvar bileşenlerinin hava ile yayılan ses iletim özellikleri yerinde akustik ölçümler ve bilgisayar modelleme analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Mevcut iç duvar bileşenlerinin yetersiz ses yalıtım performanslarına sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kapı ve pencere açıklıkların varlığı, dolu duvarların ses yalıtım performansını 16-23 dB aralığında düşürmektedir. Geleneksel ahşap çatkı duvarın içinde kullanılan özgün kerpiç dolgusu ve ahşap lata uygulamasının ise ses yalıtımına önemli bir katkısı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ses yutucu dolgu malzemesi ve elastik bağlantı elemanlarının kullanıldığı sökülüp takılabilir duvar sistem önerileri geliştirilmiş ve her bir önerinin mevcut duvarların ses yalıtımında farklı seviyelerde iyileşmeler sağladığı tespit edilmiştir

    Assessment of sound transmission characteristics of traditional timber framed dwellings in Ankara Turkey

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    The impact and airborne sound transmission characteristics of interior wall and floor components in traditional timber-framed dwellings (Ankara, Turkey) were examined by in-situ acoustical measurements and simulation analyses. Presence of voids for the running of pipework or door/ window openings existed in the composition of timber framed wall and floor components was found to reduce their sound insulation performances in the range of 12-22dB. Air/sound leakages through the openings should be sealed properly in order to provide the required Rw and Lnw values for dwellings. In case that the dwelling units/spaces are used as exhibition, meeting, office or hotel rooms, some acoustical improvements in existing wall and floor components can be provided by demountable attachments with sound insulation infill and sound breaks. Copyright ©(2015) by EAA-NAG-ABAV, ISSN2226-5147 All rights reserve

    Assessment of sound transmissiion characteristics of tradtional timber framed dwelllings in Ankara Turkey

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    The impact and airborne sound transmission characteristics of interior wall and floor components in traditional timber-framed dwellings (Ankara, Turkey) were examined by in-situ acoustical measurements and simulation analyses. Presence of voids for the running of pipework or door/ window openings existed in the composition of timber framed wall and floor components was found to reduce their sound insulation performances in the range of 12-22dB. Air/sound leakages through the openings should be sealed properly in order to provide the required Rw and Lnw values for dwellings. In case that the dwelling units/spaces are used as exhibition, meeting, office or hotel rooms, some acoustical improvements in existing wall and floor components can be provided by demountable attachments with sound insulation infill and sound breaks

    Compatibility assessment with a focus on breathing capability in timber framed dwellings in Ankara and Mersin (Turkey)

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    The study deals with the assessment of breathing features of authentic building materials forming the traditional timber-framed dwellings in Kavaközü and Beypazarı regions (Ankara, Turkey) and Tarsus region (Mersin, Turkey). In Beypazarı and Kavaközü, the traditional dwellings were mostly composed of mudbrick masonry structure at the ground floor and timber frame structure with mudbrick infill at the upper level(s). In Tarsus, basically a masonry a structure composed of cut stone and stone mortar was observed at the ground floor while a timber-framed structure with rubble stone and mortar infill at upper floors. The building materials, forming the multi-layered wall sections of these dwellings, were investigated in terms of continuity of water vapour transmission along the timber frame wall and stone and mud brick masonry wall sections. The water vapour diffusion resistance index (μ) of each material layer was determined in this regard. The overall SD values for each wall section were also calculated by means of graphs showing equivalent air layer thickness of water vapour diffusion (SD) of each material layer versus its thickness. The data exhibited high water vapour permeability capacity of the materials layers forming highly-breathable timber-framed and masonry wall components while wall components using mudbrick and mud mortar infill were more breathable than the ones using stone masonry and rubble stone infill. Their highly-breathable nature is one of the fundamental property that has to be fulfilled by compatible repair materials

    Sound transmission analyses of impacts of wall renovation for traditional timber framed dwellings

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    Increase in complaints of residents about noise problems in traditional timber-framed dwellings in Turkey has necessitated identification of sound transmission problems. The airborne sound transmission characteristics of interior wall components in traditional timber-framed dwellings (Ankara, Turkey) were examined by in-situ acoustical measurements and simulation analyses. The existing wall components under examination were found to have insufficient airborne sound reduction index (Rw) values with respect to specified criteria. Comparison of in-situ and simulated data has shown that inherent construction features, such as using mudbrick infill and wooden lath within the traditional wall frame, contribute to the overall sound insulation performance of original wall components. In case that the dwelling units/spaces are used as meeting rooms, office rooms or hotel rooms, some acoustical improvements in existing wall components are needed and demountable/reversible attachment with minimum interventions are necessary. The performance of several wall configurations suggested in the study was summarized to be guiding particularly for the improvement of airborne sound insulation of traditional timber frame wall sections and their renovations

    Material Characterization of Mudbrick and Neighbouring Plasters in Traditional Timber Framed Structures

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    The 19th century timber dwellings reflect the experience of the past on materials and construction technologies of the traditional timber frame structures in Anatolia. However, those houses suffer mostly from wrong repairs due to incompatible materials and inappropriate construction detailing. Wrong repairs introduce and/or accelerate many problems, such as moisture problems, salt decay, thermal and structural failures. Comprehensive studies are, therefore, needed to improve the knowledge for the planning of proper repair and maintenance works and keeping them for long periods of time with their authentic features. The earthen materials together with neighbouring plaster layers that complement/protect the wall structure were examined in terms of their material properties to better define their roles in traditional timber framed structures. The original mud brick, mud mortar, mud plaster and interior and exterior finishing plasters were collected from some traditional timber frame houses in Güdül and Beypazarı districts of Ankara. Their material characteristics were examined in terms of: (i) physical properties, such as bulk density, particle density, porosity, water vapor permeability (ii) physicomechanical and mechanical properties, such as ultrasonic pulse velocity, and modulus of elasticity (iii) raw materials characteristics, such as binder-aggregate ratio, particle size distribution, silt-clay content, fiber content, clay type and pozzolan content. Mineralogical composition of silt, clay and aggregates were identified by the X-Ray diffraction analyses. The results are expected to reveal the technological properties of the traditional earthen and plaster materials, contributing to their performance and durability characteristics. The knowledge obtained will also be useful to define the specifications for the repair materials compatible with the original ones

    Technological Properties of Earthen Building Materials in Traditional Timber Frame Structures

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    Earthen materials are commonly used in the 19th century timber frame dwellings of Anatolia as mud brick, mud infill, mud mortar and mud plaster. Some of these timber frame houses still keep their original architectural and technological features while most houses suffer from wrong repairs due to incompatible materials and inappropriate construction detailing. Wrong interventions introduce and/or accelerate many problems, such as dampness problems, salt damage. Comprehensive studies are, therefore, needed to improve the knowledge for the planning of proper repair and maintenance works and keeping them for long periods of time with their authentic features. In this study, the earthen materials were examined in terms of their raw material compositions and physical properties. For the laboratory analyses, the original mud brick, infill mortar and plaster samples were collected from some traditional timber frame houses in Güdül and Beypazari districts of Ankara. The performance characteristics of those materials were examined in terms of: (i) physical properties, such as particle density, bulk density, porosity, water vapor permeability, (ii) raw materials characteristics, such as mineralogical composition of silt, clay and aggregates, binder-aggregate ratio, grain size distribution, fiber content. The results are expected to reveal some technological properties of the traditional earthen materials used in timber frame dwellings of Güdül and Beypazarı. The knowledge obtained will also be useful to define the specifications for the repair materials compatible with the original ones

    Günümüz Harman Tuğlasının Performans Özelliklerinin İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla Malzeme Analizleri

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    Bu araştırma, duvar yapımında kullanılan günümüz harman tuğla teknolojisinin üretim teknikleri ve niteliklerine yönelik malzeme analizlerini kapsamaktadır. Harman tuğlasının daha iyi niteliklere sahip olmasını destekleyecek olan bu çalışmadan elde edilen veriler;-iyi niteliklere sahip harman tuğlasının ham madde, bileşim, pişme ve malzeme özellikleri spesifikasyonlarının tanımlanmasına, -bu konularla ilgili standartların geliştirilmesine yönelik bilgi üretimine, -tarihi/özgün tuğlalarla uyumlu onarım tuğlalarının üretimine,-bu sayede, tarihi tuğla teknolojilerinin sürdürülmesi ve günümüz malzeme teknolojisinin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı beklenmektedir. Uzun yıllar boyunca ayakta kalmış olan ve geçmişte kazanılmış malzeme, yapı ve yapım teknolojilerine dair bilgileri içinde barındıran tarihi yapıların, korunması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılması gerekir. Harman tuğlası teknolojisi ile üretilen onarım tuğlalarının özgün/tarihi tuğlalar ile uyumlu tuğlalar olarak üretilebilmesi, kültürel varlıkların korunması kapsamındaki onarım çalışmalarına da katkıda bulunacaktır