38 research outputs found

    Gerakan Perlawanan Gelombang Kedua Desa Adat Pasedahan Kabupaten Karangasem dalam Menolak Kebijakan Reklamasi Teluk Benoa

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    Benoa Bay reclamation policies led to the reaction a resistance movement of various circles of society to indigenous villages. Resistance indigenous village began to spread, which initially only indigenous coastal villages Benoa Bay, now the traditional village far from the coast of the Gulf of Benoa party to the resistance movement refuse reclamation of Benoa Bay. This research takes the traditional village Pasedahan Karangasem as a case study. The purpose of this study is to determine and describe how the resistance movement Pasedahan indigenous village in Karangasem regency refuse reclamation policy Benoa Bay. The theory used is the theory of the Resistance. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Research data collection techniques by observation, interviews, literature method, discorse and documentation. This research on the findings discovered that the resistance movement is done the traditional village Pasedahan still in the form of semi-open resistance (social protests or demonstrations), installation of billboards and flags ForBALI, as well as participation in joint actions Pasubayan Village People/Pakraman. In data analyzed that there are two factors that underlie the emergence of resistance movements Pasedahan indigenous villages. First, trust/faith in the sacred area which produces resistance that there are points of sacred region Benoa Bay. Second, the sense of solidarity which produces resistance can be interpreted as a manifestation of concern society based on equality of morality, collectivity, and belief as indigenous peoples

    Peranan Elit dalam Rekonstruksi Budaya Lokal “Ingot-ingot” di Desa Panribuan Kabupaten Simalungun

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    The research was based on the strong position of a group of elite in a village in Karo Tribe called "Simantek kuta". Position is Obtained through elite role when Reconstructing a culture called "Ingot-ingot" meaning returning the favor. The purpose of this research was to know and describe the role of the elite in the reconstruction of the local culture Ingot-ingot in the village of Panribuan, Simalungun Regency. The theory used is the elite theory and the theory of cultural studies. The methods used by qualitative research. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, literature and documentation. This study yields findings where the reconstruction is done by doing a social approach, cultural hegemony and build relations of power in society. The culture of Ingot-ingot is a culture that is very sacred because when a debt of gratitude to appear then this debt is not just a personal debt but also debt into spirit, family debt, and debt of the ancestors, so that if not paid or dibalaskan then it can be a catastrophe. This definition is used by the elite through the power of capital in the form of material wealth and knowledge of the cultural aspects to revive culture of ingot-Ingot in an attempt to menghegemoni the community. Social approach undertaken to understand culture in a diverse community in the Batak tribe. This approach then yields the reconstruction of Ingot-ingots that was built through the existing cultural concept that already exist namely the awarding of "Jabatan" as the Organization of indigenous institutions, the granting of "Marga" as a form of tribal identity and "Perkawinan" in the concept formation of kinship. Elite calculations appear on each value from the third awarding it. On the other hand, the concept of marriage even produce power relations in the system of kinship

    Peran Partai Politik dan Kalkulasi Elit terhadap Karakteristik Koalisi (Studi Kasus : Pilkada Serentak di Kabupaten Karangasem dan Tabanan 2015)

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    Political party's actor and elite calculation are undivided element on politics process. Which is the political party as the main pilar in demokratic system, and utilities of power and governs, also the elit position playing the good roleand directing the legislation. Which is taken by this reseach named the role of political party and elite calculation toward coalition characteristic on study case of joint election at Bali 2015. People's unknowing about process of candidating and forming of coalition which having a privat tendency. The metodh which used in the reseach is qualitative reseach with case comparative, with the case would been researching are election on Tabanan and Karangasem regency. As the foreword theories which use for the structure of reseach it using the coalition theory, elite theory, and rational choise theory and some reseach found which are the political intentions as the basic coalition forming in election. The candidate having a connection with using as the consideration of party's action in high level with dominant acts such big political party that given a relative freedom under their lower structure, however, the little party giving the more freedom for the local level in the districts

    Konstelasi Relasi Antar Aktor dalam Gerakan Penolakan Tambang Emas di Desa Pace Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember 2016

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    This study aimed to analyze the movements and actors in the resistance movement of gold mining in the Pace village Subdistrict Silo, Jember regency. This research was using the Qualitative method include in-depth interviews and field in research studies,In addition collecting documents related to this research. This research had resulted, in finding the relationships between actors prone to be a trigger of conflict and led to the refusal movement made by the village community of Pace. Conflict of individuals who had an influence that made this conflict had became a mass conflict involving the community at large. Meantime, besides individual behalf, the state also had behalf for mining through PT Antam. The presence of the state in gold mining in the Pace village had become new chapter to the people who reject gold mining in the Pace village

    Analisis Akar Resistensi Masyarakat Desa Senganan, Kabupaten Tabanan dalam Pemilihan Calon Kepala Daerah Tahun 2015

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    The phenomenon of resistance by the senganan of the prospective head region in the election outright by 2015, became the basis of what's interesting about this research to show how the action of rejection can make the benchmark for other villages in the fight to make choices in the implementation of the election. As a step a theoretical, this study uses the theory of James C. Scoot the resisten and the mobilization, in doing analysis on the results of research. The method used in this study is the method of qualitative descriptive, while the techniques of collecting data through interviews, chat with a lot of people, and analysis of documents. The findings in the field indicate the presence of the dominance of the prospective head region to influence the vote in the implementation of the election in a way of the village chief to influence people in the award of a potential partner number.. Furthermore, resistance.the villagers senganan by using two ways namely resistance and resistance in disguise. Impilikasi the theoretical to show that the theory of domination and the mobilization of society affects the resistance of the village senganan in the implementation of the election outright by 2015

    Era Baru Kesehatan Mental Indonesia: Sebuah Kisah Dari Desa Siaga Sehat Jiwa (DSSJ)

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    Due to the large number of people with mental illness in Indonesia, traditional treatment to individuals with mental disorder becomes less effective. Community-based mental health treatment becomes a more effective and efficient choice in handling the disorder. Desa Siaga Sehat Jiwa (DSSJ, Mental Health Awareness Village) has comes as a form of community-based mental health treatment. One of villages in Yogyakarta where the program has been being implemented is in Selomartani village, Kalasan Sub-district, Sleman Regency. This study aimed to look at the process of formation, implementation and obstacles of the program in this village, and to provide advice or suggestions for its improvement. This study used a qualitative approach with narrative method. Data were retrieved through interviews and focus group discussions. Participants involved in the study were 19 cadres of the program. Results obtained from the study indicated that cadres have ability in understanding clearly the system and their roles in the program and they know the consequences of being a cadre of DSSJ. The new finding obtained during the research process was the emergence of "compassion fatigue” or “secondary traumatic stress", a traumatic disorder suffered by the cadre while handling patients. Keywords: community-based mental health, compassion fatigue, Mental Health Awareness Villag

    Sulinggih dalam Pusaran Kuasa: Dukungan Griya Agung Bangkasa Kepada Koster-Ace pada Pemilihan Gubernur Bali 2018

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    This study aims to determine factors that can explain Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba's support for Koster-Ace in the Bali Governor Election 2018. Furthermore, the research is framed using Rational Choice theory of James S. Coleman and Social Capital theory from Robert D. Putnam. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with primary and secondary data, because it describes factors that led to provision of support by Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba in the Bali Governor Election 2018. The results of this study are: first, there is a rational choice from Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba who has calculated profits and losses to achieve the desired goals in supporting Koster-Ace. Second, social capital in the form of longstanding friendships between Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba and Tjok Ace is another factor in providing support in the Bali Governor Election 2018.   Keywords: Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba, Rational Choice, Social Capital, Bali Governor Election 201

    Aktor Penghubung dalam Modular Parties

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between PKS and Bambang Santoso with mass mobilization through Mudjiono in the Legislative Election 2019. This study uses the Modular Parties theory by Novaes to see brokers as free agents who can mobilize their voter linkages because they receive more profitable proposals. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using primary data and secondary data because the topic is complex and closely related to social interaction. The results of this study are: first, when there is a conflict within the PKS, the relationship that exists between the PKS and Mudjiono is no longer mutually beneficial, so Mudjiono chooses to leave and has a detrimental impact on the PKS. Second, Mudjiono's relationship with Bambang Santoso is mutually beneficial because Bambang Santoso gets votes from Mudjiono's voter network, while for Mudjiono, the closer he is to power, the stronger his position as a broker. Keywords: Mudjiono, Broker, Modular Parties, Legislative Election in 201

    Praktik Governmentality dan Nativisme dalam Kebijakan Keluarga Berencana Krama Bali

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      There is an odd relation between othering practices, efforts to secure native interests, birth control mechanism by introducing ‘four-child norm,' and  claim to preserve traditional Balinese naming system around the issuance of Krama Bali Family Planning policy. This article aims to explain the relation and  historicity  of  these problems. To  achieve these objectives,  this study uses  two theoretical perspectives: governmentality and nativism. The first perspective serves to investigate specific rationality behind the issuance of Krama Bali Family Planning policy and understand it as a way for the government to manufacture the governable subject; while the second perspective is used to analyze how the governable subjects are formed through  the categorization of natives (orang  ‘asli' Bali) and  non-natives (pendatang) groups.   Keywords: governmentality, nativism, family planning, krama  Bal