56 research outputs found

    Emissions of Passenger Cars in Special Driving Situations

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    Testing of real driving emissions (RDE), as an element of a type approval of passenger cars (since September 2017), offers the opportunity to collect the data about the emissions in special driving, or non-driving situations. These situations are: cold start, warm-up of the engine, stop & go and idling. In the present work of the Laboratory for Exhaust Emissions Control (AFHB) of the Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH), the definitions of the special driving situations were proposed and the emissions of 7 passenger cars (gasoline & Diesel) were extracted from the present RDE data. Furthermore, some special driving situations, particularly the stop & go operation with varying share of idling were reproduced on chassis dynamometer. As expected, the emissions of CO, NOx and PN are in the cold start and in the first part of the warm-up phase (c.a. 25s) considerably higher than in the rest of the investigated urban phase. The singular emitting situations like “stop & go” or idling occur frequently in the warm-up phase, i.e. in the city operation when the engine and the exhaust system are still not warm enough. The emissions in the investigated particular driving situations scatter considerably for the different vehicles due to varying efficiencies and warm-up of the exhaust aftertreatment systems

    Transferring agricultural machines from field to the laboratory for emission check

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    Mobile machines are very versatile and different in their design and in the tasks they can handle. Tractors for example can be combined with different implements to work in agricultural processes. This variety must be considered during development, testing and inspection of exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. In this paper, one approach conducts In-Use measurements during field operation of a tractor with implement. While this takes environmental influences into account, In-Use measurements are barely reproducible, although tests on a chassis dynamometer are highly reproducible. Known road load simulation techniques for cars are not transferrable for mobile machines on chassis dynamometers due to different drivetrain topologies and changing parameters during field operation. To transfer field measurements to the roller test bench in the laboratory, a method is proposed to control the vehicle speed and motor torque to the same values recorded in the field

    Project “Line Traction 3” - Mechanical driveline with active wheel hubs

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    Im Projekt Line Traction 3 wurde das Ziel verfolgt ein neues Antriebskonzept zu entwickeln. Bei diesem Konzept werden alle Räder mechanisch angetrieben ohne die Verwendung von Differentialen. Um Antriebsverspannungen bei Kurvenfahrten des Fahrzeugs zu vermeiden besitzt jedes angetriebene Rad ein Planetengetriebe, um die Raddrehzahlen individuell anzupassen. Die notwendigen Drehzahlen werden für jedes Rad aus den geometrischen Daten des Fahrzeugs berechnet. Um die Funktionsfähigkeit nachzuweisen wurde ein Demonstrator ausgelegt und aufgebaut. Dieser Demonstrator wurde dann auf einen Prüfstand mit verschiedenen Tests und Manövern erprobt. Nach den erfolgreichen Tests wurde die Funktionsfähigkeit gezeigt. Am Ende sollen noch einige Ideen und ein kurzer Ausblick zeigen welche neuen Möglichkeiten durch dieses neue Antriebskonzept gegeben sind

    Non-legislated emissions and PN of two passenger cars with gasoline-butanol blends

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    Increasing the sustainability of individual transportation and replacing a part of fossil energy in traffic by renewable energy carriers are worldwide important objectives. Bioalcohols are generally recognized as one of very useful alternatives. The global share of bioethanol used for transportation is continuously increasing. Butanol, a four-carbon alcohol, is considered in the last years as an interesting alternative fuel, both for diesel and for gasoline application. Its advantages for engine operation are: good miscibility with gasoline and diesel fuels, higher calorific value than ethanol, lower hygroscopicity, lower corrosivity and possibility of replacing aviation fuels. In the present work, the emissions of two gasoline vehicles – with older and with newer technology – were investigated in dynamic-, stationary and cold start operation

    Validierung neuer Funktionen eines mechanischen Antriebsstrangs für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen mit radindividueller Steuerung

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    The drive train of mobile machines is subject to high demands. In order to implement these in the best possible way, the institute Mobile Machines at KIT is researching a torque splitter drive for mobile machines together with company partners. After successful validation of the component in the context of possible machine types, the validation of new mechatronic functions for the drive train now takes place. MOBiL, an XiL method adapted to mobile machines, is used for this purpose

    Grüner als gedacht Land- und Baumaschinen sind führend bei Emissionsreduktionen

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    Land- und Baumaschinen erfüllen heute die höchsten Ansprüche an eine Minimierung der Schadstoffemissionen. Dieser Vergleich zeigt, dass die gültigen Richtlinien für Dieselmotoren sogar strenger als die für Pkw sind

    Development of tractor engines in the past twenty years

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    Since 1990 years, EU legislation has also been applicable to non-road vehicles, including tractors used in the agricultural sector. As a result of the stepwise introduction of exhaust gas EU emission Stages I to IV, emissions of particle mass and nitrogen oxides, the main pollutants of diesel engines, in the middle and upper power classes have been reduced by about 95 %. This could only be achieved by the intensive further development of both engine and exhaust gas technologies. HAFL and KIT explain the development and some underlying technical relationships in this sector, with a classical tractor diesel engine being used as an example

    Non-Regulated Emissions and PN of Two Passenger Cars with Diesel-Butanol Blends

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    Biofuels represent one of the alternatives to obtain the CO2-neutral propulsion of IC-engines. Butanol, which can be produced from biomass, is considered and was investigated in the last years due to the very advantageous characteristics of this alternative fuel. Butanol can be easily and irreversibly blended both with light (gasoline) and heavier (Diesel) fuels. Comparing with ethanol it has the advantages of: higher calorific value, lower hygroscopicity and lower corrosivity. It can replace the aviation fuels. This paper presents the emission results obtained on two Diesel passenger cars with different technology (Euro2 and Euro6c) and with addition of Butanol to Diesel fuel, as a part of the research project DiBut (Diesel and Butanol). Interesting results are given about some non-legislated (non-regulated) components, Acetaldehyde (MeCHO) and Formaldehyde (HCHO) and about the PN-emissions with/without DPF

    Influences of special driving situations on emissions of passenger cars

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    Emission factors and emission inventories are an im-portant source of data for compiling and modelling the emissions of traffic in different situations. There is in EU a continuous work and development of emission data inventories, [1–6]. Since the introduction (in 2017) of the road-testing (RDE – real driving emissions) as an obligatory element of the legal testing procedures, the increased amount of RDE-data can be used for different objectives, such as: further development of emission inventories, compliance with “In-Service Conformity” (ISC, EU regulation 2018/1832) and market surveillance activities (EU regulation 2018/858). Extensive activities of testing RDE by means of PEMS (portable emissions measuring systems) have been per-formed in the last years, aiming not only the emissions but also the improvements of instrumentation, of testing procedures and of evaluation [5–17]. A well-known fact is that the emissions at cold start, during the warm-up and at the low speed phases of urban operation, both in the laboratory and on the road, tend to be higher for all pollutants [13, 18–24]. This fact supports even the idea for future introduction of urban emission limits for the short trips, which are very frequent in Europe [5]. In order to enable an automatic co-evaluation of emissions from the special (non)driving situations, the necessary definitions were proposed in the present work. With these definitions, the RDE data of 7 vehicles were processed and the emissions in special driving situations were obtained (part 1). Additionally, some special situations like cold start, warm-up and stop&go were reproduced on the chassis dynamometer with cars of different ages and different tech-nology (part 2). This paper gives some new insights in the topic of emissions from special driving situations

    Flüssigerdgas (LNG) als alternativer Energieträger für Landmaschinen- Geschlossener CO2 Kreislauf mit synthetischem Methan

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    In diesem Beitrag wird zunächst die Dringlichkeit klimafreundliche Arbeitsmaschinen zu entwickeln aufgezeigt. Eine mögliche Lösung ist der Einsatz von nachhaltigen alternativen Kraftstoffen. Die Anforderungen an den Energieträger werden kurz erläutert und nachhaltiges flüssiges Methan wird als mögliche Lösung identifiziert. Anschließend wird ein Maschinenkonzept mit Methanantrieb für einen CO2-neutralen Betrieb von mobilen Maschinen erarbeitet. Dabei werden in der technischen Bewertung, neben z.B. Energieinhalten, Verfügbarkeit, Einsatzprofile und Speicherung auf der Maschine, auch die möglichen Einflüsse auf und durch die umgebende Infrastruktur berücksichtigt. Ein Konzept auf Methan-Basis erweist sich schon jetzt als praktikable Alternative zu den heutigen fossilen Kraftstoffen, wenn es nachhaltig erzeugt wird. Das erarbeitete Konzept wird im Zusammenhang zu der Benutzung in der Landwirtschaft vorgestellt