78 research outputs found

    Imparando da Vico. Quarant’anni di riflessioni

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    Traducción del inglés por Pablo Badillo O’FarrellLa filosofía y la retórica (la retórica considerada éticamente, en un espíritu auto-crítico) no son antagonistas, sino aliadas y guías para la vida. La retórica es la corporeización en el lenguaje, y también en otros sistemas semióticos, de lo que motiva a la mayoría de la gente, lo que une lógica y pasión y ética. Una de las esperanzas de Vico es que filosofía y retórica, nuestros poderes racionales e imaginativos, se usen éticamente, para el bien vivir en sociedad. El Autor interpreta la valía del mensaje educacional y social de Vico, cuyo compromiso permanece como algo que ahora –en estos tiempos tecnológicos– necesitamos profundamente.According to the Author’s experience, philosophy and rhetoric (rhetoric considered ethically, in a selfcritical spirit) are not antagonists, but allies and guidelines for life. Rhetoric is the embodiment in language, and also in other semiotic systems, of what motivates most people, what unites logic and passion and ethics. One of Vico’s hopes is that philosophy and rhetoric, our rational and our imaginative powers, may be used ethically, for the improvement of life in society. The Author interprets the value of the educational and social message of Vico, whose commitments remain something that nowadays—in these technological times—we are in deep need of.Filosofia e retorica (retorica considerata eticamente, in uno spirito autocritico) non sono antagonisti, ma alleati e guide per la vita. La retorica è l’incarnazione nel linguaggio, così come in altri sistemi semiotici, di ciò che muove la maggior parte delle persone, di ciò che unisce logica, passione ed etica. Una delle speranze di Vico è che la filosofia e la retorica, i nostri poteri razionali e immaginativi, siano usati eticamente, per il miglioramento della vita in società. L’Autore interpreta il valore del messaggio educativo e sociale di Vico, il cui impegno resta come qualcosa di cui ora –in questi tempi tecnologici– abbiamo profondamente bisogno

    Henry David Thoreau and Health in Nature (Flyer)

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    As if he had always been looking to the future, Thoreau’s idea of health remains astonishingly relevant. He senses the danger of environmentally-linked and environmentally-caused illness. He promotes wellness of body, mind, and spirit together, which achieves harmony with nature through diet, exercise, sensory contact, and ethical self-reflection. The idea of human health in relation to nature informs all that he wrote and appears repeatedly for two decades throughout his Journal. Yet, he doesn’t devote a whole book, single chapter, or complete essay to it exclusively, perhaps because health and nature connect to so many other concerns. Instead, health linked to nature permeates his entire experience as a form of personal ecology
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