24 research outputs found

    The C-Numerical Range in Infinite Dimensions

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    In infinite dimensions and on the level of trace-class operators CC rather than matrices, we show that the closure of the CC-numerical range WC(T)W_C(T) is always star-shaped with respect to the set tr(C)We(T)\operatorname{tr}(C)W_e(T), where We(T)W_e(T) denotes the essential numerical range of the bounded operator TT. Moreover, the closure of WC(T)W_C(T) is convex if either CC is normal with collinear eigenvalues or if TT is essentially self-adjoint. In the case of compact normal operators, the CC-spectrum of TT is a subset of the CC-numerical range, which itself is a subset of the convex hull of the closure of the CC-spectrum. This convex hull coincides with the closure of the CC-numerical range if, in addition, the eigenvalues of CC or TT are collinear.Comment: 31 pages, no figures; to appear in Linear and Multilinear Algebr

    Quantum-Dynamical Semigroups and the Church of the Larger Hilbert Space

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    In this work we investigate Stinespring dilations of quantum-dynamical semigroups, which are known to exist by means of a constructive proof given by Davies in the early 70s. We show that if the semigroup describes an open system, that is, if it does not consist of only unitary channels, then the evolution of the dilated closed system has to be generated by an unbounded Hamiltonian; subsequently the environment has to correspond to an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, regardless of the original system. Moreover, we prove that the second derivative of Stinespring dilations with a bounded total Hamiltonian yields the dissipative part of some quantum-dynamical semigroup -- and vice versa. In particular this characterizes the generators of quantum-dynamical semigroups via Stinespring dilations.Comment: 9+9 page

    Progress on the Kretschmann-Schlingemann-Werner Conjecture

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    Given any pair of quantum channels Φ1,Φ2\Phi_1,\Phi_2 such that at least one of them has Kraus rank one, as well as any respective Stinespring isometries V1,V2V_1,V_2, we prove that there exists a unitary UU on the environment such that V1(1U)V22Φ1Φ2\|V_1-({\bf1}\otimes U)V_2\|_\infty\leq\sqrt{2\|\Phi_1-\Phi_2\|_\diamond}. Moreover, we provide a simple example which shows that the factor 2\sqrt2 on the right-hand side is optimal, and we conjecture that this inequality holds for every pair of channels.Comment: 8+2 pages, submitted to Quantum Inf. Compu

    Progress on the Kretschmann-Schlingemann-Werner Conjecture

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    Given any pair of quantum channels Φ1, Φ2 such that at least one of them has Kraus rank one, as well as any respective Stinespring isometries V1, V2, we prove that there exists a unitary U on the environment such that ∥V1 − (1 ⊗ U )V2∥∞ ≤ p2∥Φ1 − Φ2∥⋄. Moreover, we provide a simple example which shows that the factor √2 on the right-hand side is optimal, and we conjecture that this inequality holds for every pair of channels

    From Kraus Operators to the Stinespring Form of Quantum Maps: An Alternative Construction for Infinite Dimensions

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    We present an alternative (constructive) proof of the statement that for every completely positive, trace-preserving map Φ\Phi there exists an auxiliary Hilbert space K\mathcal K in a pure state ψψ|\psi\rangle\langle\psi| as well as a unitary operator UU on system plus environment such that Φ\Phi equals trK(U(()ψψ)U)\operatorname{tr}_{\mathcal K}(U((\cdot)\otimes|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|)U^*). The main tool of our proof is Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem applied to isometries defined on a subspace. In our construction, the environment consists of a system of dimension "Kraus rank of Φ\Phi" together with a qubit, the latter only acting as a catalyst. In contrast, the original proof of Hellwig & Kraus given in the 70s yields an auxiliary system of dimension "Kraus rank plus one". We conclude by providing an example which illustrates how the constructions differ from each other.Comment: 9 pages mai

    Finite-Dimensional Stinespring Curves Can Approximate Any Dynamics

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    We generalize the recent result that all analytic quantum dynamics can be represented exactly as the reduction of unitary dynamics generated by a time-dependent Hamiltonian. More precisely, we prove that the partial trace over analytic paths of unitaries can approximate any Lipschitz-continuous quantum dynamics arbitrarily well. We conclude by discussing potential improvements and generalizations of these results, their limitations, and the general challenges one has to overcome when trying to relate dynamics to quantities on the system-environment level.Comment: 12+7 pages, comments welcom

    Strict Positivity and DD-Majorization

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    Motivated by quantum thermodynamics we first investigate the notion of strict positivity, that is, linear maps which map positive definite states to something positive definite again. We show that strict positivity is decided by the action on any full-rank state, and that the image of non-strictly positive maps lives inside a lower-dimensional subalgebra. This implies that the distance of such maps to the identity channel is lower bounded by one. The notion of strict positivity comes in handy when generalizing the majorization ordering on real vectors with respect to a positive vector dd to majorization on square matrices with respect to a positive definite matrix DD. For the two-dimensional case we give a characterization of this ordering via finitely many trace norm inequalities and, moreover, investigate some of its order properties. In particular it admits a unique minimal and a maximal element. The latter is unique as well if and only if minimal eigenvalue of DD has multiplicity one.Comment: Supersedes arXiv:2003.0416

    Exploring the Limits of Open Quantum Dynamics II: Gibbs-Preserving Maps from the Perspective of Majorization

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    Motivated by reachability questions in coherently controlled open quantum systems coupled to a thermal bath, as well as recent progress in the field of thermo-/vector-dd-majorization we generalize classical majorization from unital quantum channels to channels with an arbitrary fixed point DD of full rank. Such channels preserve some Gibbs-state and thus play an important role in the resource theory of quantum thermodynamics, in particular in thermo-majorization. Based on this we investigate DD-majorization on matrices in terms of its topological and order properties, such as existence of unique maximal and minimal elements, etc. Moreover we characterize D-majorization in the qubit case via the trace norm and elaborate on why this is a challenging task when going beyond two dimensions.Comment: Extended abstract, accepted into MTNS 202