1 research outputs found

    Relative Effects of Problem-Solving and Concept Mapping Instructional Strategies on Student's Achievement in Economics

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    This paper examines the relative effects of problem-solving and concepts mapping instructional strategies on students' achievement in economics. The definition of economics as a concept was discussed. The reasons for acceptance of Economics as a subject in secondary school were also looked into. The paper discussed various types of teaching strategies and they can aid the academic achievement of students in Economics. Also problem-solving and concept mapping strategies are also discussed and their significance and importance to students. The research design employed a 3x2 pre test, post test, control group, quasi experimental. The result of the analysis showed that there was no significant main effect of the treatment on students' achievement in Economics. (F(2.50) = 1.517, P >.05). It is obtained that the main effect of gender on students' achievement in Economics is not significant. (F(1,50) = .502; P>.05).However the two way interaction effect of treatment and gender is not significant (F(1.50 = .585, P>.05). It was however recommended that teachers should be trained in the used of learner centered instructional strategies such as problem solving. The periodic use of such and other innovative strategies will promote high-level learning. Teachers should pay attention to the training of their students in the development of problem solving skills before the end of SSCE Programmebr> African Research Review Vol. 2 (1) 2008: pp. 109-12