10 research outputs found

    Study 2 Video of Procedures

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    In this component you'll find a video of someone completing our Qualtrics survey for Study 2. The version shown involves compensation in the form of entry into a drawing. Experimenters will not be present when participants complete the study, thus none are shown in the video

    Ethics Approval

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    In this component, we uploaded our approval notice from the Tufts University Social, Behavioral, & Educational Research Institutional Review Board. They determined that the study is exempt

    Study 2 Auxiliary Hypotheses

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    In this component, lab groups will document their survey item and hypothesis for the extension part of our direct replication-plus-extension of the De Neys et al. (2013) study

    Group 2 Preregistration

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    Study 1

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    Study 2

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    Completion Pledge

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    We have completed all required steps for CREP review and uploaded our completion pledge


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    In this component, you'll find a pdf version of our Qualtrics surveys

    Data and Results

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    In this component, we have uploaded our deidentified data, analysis code, and results

    Study 1 Video of Procedures

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    In this component you'll find a video of someone completing our Qualtrics survey for Study 1. Experimenters will not be present when participants complete the study, thus none are shown in the video