86 research outputs found

    Groundwater studies in arid areas in Egypt using LANDSAT satellite images

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    Various features are interpreted which have strong bearing on groundwater in the arid environment. These include the nature of geological and lithologic units, structural lineaments, present and old drainage systems, distribution and form of water pools, geomorphologic units, weathering surfaces and other weathering phenomena, desert soils, sand dunes and dune sand accumulations, growths of natural vegetation and agriculture, and salt crusts and other expressions of salinization. There are many impressive examples which illustrate the significance of satellite image interpretation on the regional conditions of groundwater which could be traced and interconnected over several tens or even several hundreds of kilometers. This is especially true in the northern Western Desert of Egypt where ground water issuing from deep strata comes to the surface along ENE-WSW and ESE-WNW fault lines and fracture systems. Another striking example is illustrated by the occurrence of fresh to brackish groundwater on the Mediterranean Sea Coastal Zone of the Western Desert where the groundwater is found in the form of lenses floating on the saline sea water

    Groundwater studies in arid areas in Egypt using LANDSAT satellite images

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    Geologic interpretation of LANDSAT satellite images for the Qattara Depression area, Egypt

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    The author has identified the following significant results. For the first time the regional geological units are given. Faults, fractures, and folds are included, as well as drainage lines which help to visualize the environmental impact of the Qattara project for electric power generation and to assess the regional questions involved in its implementation

    LANDSAT satellite mapping in Egypt and its possible applications in petroleum and natural gas exploration

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    Application of LANDSAT satellite imagery for iron ore prospecting in the Western Desert of Egypt

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    Prospecting for iron ore occurrences was conducted by the Remote Sensing Center in Bahariya Oasis-El Faiyum area covering some 100,000 km squared in the Western Desert of Egypt. LANDSAT-1 satellite images were utilized as the main tool in the regional prospecting of the iron ores. The delineation of the geological units and geological structure through the interpretation of the images corroborated by field observations and structural analysis led to the discovery of new iron ore occurrences in the area of investigation

    Application of LANDSAT satellite imagery for iron ore prospecting in the western desert of Egypt

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The delineation of the geological units and geological structures through image interpretation, corroborated by field observations and structural analysis, led to the discovery of new iron ore deposits. A new locality for iron ore deposition, namely Gebel Qalamun, was discovered, as well as new occurrences within the already known iron ore region of Bahariya Oasis

    Geologic interpretation of ERTS-1 satellite images for West Aswan Area, Egypt

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    ERTS-1 images of West Aswan area were interpreted in terms of geology, drainage, and structure. Twenty-two geological units were distinguished on ERTS-1 images in West Aswan area covering geological formations and erosional levels within some formations ranging from the Precambrian to the Quaternary. Apart from the distinction of Aswan monumental granite the investigated area shows very interesting exposures of sedimentary rocks ranging from the Cretaceous to the Quaternary. Of special interest is the delineation of the iron-ore member of the Nubian Sandstone and the phosphate-bearing formation. The tracing of the geological formations from south to north and the distinction of the varied geological units within the Pliocene and Quaternary, and the discussion on the origin of tufa are of particular significance. Also, the tracing on these images of major fractures and faults intercepting Aswan Dam Reservoir and their significance on the seepage and possible future development of diversion channels from reservoir is emphasized

    Soil resources and potential for agricultural development in Bahr El Jebel in southern Sudan, Jonglei Canal project area

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Fourteen LANDSAT scenes were used to produce mosaics of the 167, 474 sq km study area. These were black and white MSS 7 images and false color composite images. Five major soil-landscape units were delineated on the mosaics, and these were subdivided into a total of 40 soil mapping units. Aerial reconnaissance was useful in defining boundaries between mapping units and in estimating the proportion of the various soils which composed each mapping unit. Ground surveying permitted first-hand observation of major soils and sampling for quantitative laboratory analysis. Soil interpretations were made, including properties, potentials, and limitations

    Interpretation of multispectral and infrared thermal surveys of the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt

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    Remote sensing airborne surveys were conducted, as part of the plan of rehabilitation, of the Suez Canal Zone using I2S multispectral camera and Bendix LN-3 infrared passive scanner. The multispectral camera gives four separate photographs for the same scene in the blue, green, red, and near infrared bands. The scanner was operated in the microwave bands of 8 to 14 microns and the thermal surveying was carried out both at night and in the day time. The surveys, coupled with intensive ground investigations, were utilized in the construction of new geological, structural lineation and drainage maps for the Suez Canal Zone on a scale of approximately 1:20,000, which are superior to the maps made by normal aerial photography. A considerable number of anomalies belonging to various types were revealed through the interpretation of the executed multispectral and infrared thermal surveys
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