14 research outputs found


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    Nell’ambito del progetto RITMARE (www.ritmare.it), ISMAR ha percorso tutti i canali navigabili e le bocche di porto della laguna di Venezia, per un totale di 2.500 km con una copertura di 57 km2. L’area rappresenta poco più del 10% della superficie totale della laguna, ma è la più dinamica dal punto di vista della circolazione e del trasporto di sedimenti perchè vi risiede più del 50% della massa d’acqua lagunare.<br>Lo strumento utilizzato è il Multibeam EM2040 Kongsberg a doppia testa e multi-frequenza che garantisce la formazione di 200 fasci acustici di 1° x 1° con una sovrapposizione del 15% tra un fascio e l’altro. Si tratta di uno strumento leggero (46 kg in aria) che consente un facile montaggio su imbarcazioni di piccole dimensioni e quindi di limitato pescaggio. Per il rilievo l’EM2040 è stato montato a palo, a prua dell’imbarcazione Litus (10 m, 7.75 ton di stazza, 1.6 m di pescaggio) per minimizzare possibili disturbi legati al rumore del mezzo.<br>Il rilievo batimetrico è stato effettuato in circa 6 mesi, dall’estate all’autunno del 2013, coinvolgendo 27 tra ricercatori, tecnologi, personale in formazione (PhD, Post-Doc, Assegnisti e CoCoCo) e 3 marinai a bordo dell’imbarcazione LITUS del CNR. L’elaborazione dei dati è oggetto di collaborazioni in ambito RITMARE e in ambito internazionale (Uni Bath - UK, Uni Gdansk - Pl).<br>Molti cambiamenti in futuro potranno essere definiti grazie a rilievi batimetrici ripetuti a partire da questo riferimento iniziale


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    La guida è sato redatta in occasione dell’acquisizione da parte di ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine del CNR) dei dati batimetrici multibeam lungo i canali navigabili della laguna di Venezia. Data l’ingente mole di dati acquisiti e il numeroso gruppo di ricercatori coinvolti nell’elaborazione degli stessi è stato necessario istituire un protocollo di lavoro affinchè il risulto finale fosse omogeneo e standardizzato. L’elaborato descrive il flusso di lavoro e l’impiego dettagliato dei software utilizzati

    The reshaping of the South West Adriatic Margin by pervasive dense shelf water cascading

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    <p>The Southwest Adriatic Margin includes a steep and morphologically complex continental slope stretching about 400ì km from the Pelagosa sill to the Otranto strait. The area has been investigated through multibeam surveys accompanied by high-resolution seismic stratigraphic surveys investigating glacial and post-glacial deposits. The margin is dissected by submarine slides, with head scars up to 10 km along the shelf edge and run-out distances of tens of km, an active fault system (the Gondola deformation belt), Bari Canyon and a set of shallowly incised and relatively straight canyons located further south.</p

    Rappresentare il territorio - Viaggio virtuale dalle prime mappe al GIS

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    <p>La cartografia, importante tematica nell’ambito delle Scienze della Terra, mira alla descrizione del mondo che ci circonda. Il suo insegnamento a scuola consente di evidenziare lo stretto legame tra la conoscenza scientifica e la sua applicazione nella vita quotidiana attraverso un percorso che accompagna gli studenti verso la consapevolezza dell’importanza dello studio.<br>In questo contesto, alcuni ricercatori di ISMAR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), nell’ambito del Progetto Bandiera RITMARE (SP6 - WP2 - AZ1- UO2), hanno ideato un supporto multimediale dal titolo ”Rappresentare il territorio”.</p

    Bathymetry of the Adriatic Sea The legacy of the last eustatic cycle and the impact of modern sediment dispersal

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    The Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR-CNR) has conducted several research projects on the Italian side of the Adriatic Sea over more than 15 years, collecting bathymetric, geophysical and sediment core data to perform multidisciplinary studies of modern sediment dynamics and of past environmental changes during the last eustatic cycle. A crucial step in this direction was the construction of a detailed bathymetry, a time-consuming task due to the extensive shallow water portion of the basin. Given the setting of the Adriatic Sea and the long-lasting research effort, the bathymetric map is necessarily based on heterogeneous data with uneven spatial distribution of Single-Beam echo-soundings. The main objective of this work is to illustrate the methodology applied to compile the bathymetric map of the west side of the Adriatic Sea at basin scale (1:750,000) and to describe the main morphological units that characterise the seafloor and reflect its main geological features. This bathymetry can also be used in oceanographic modelling both at regional and local scale, focussing on the interaction between bottom currents and seafloor morphology.<br


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    <p>The Adriatic Sea is one of the key areas of Dense Shelf Water (DSW) formation in the Mediterranean Sea. The North Adriatic Dense Water (NAdDW) forms in the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea through winter cooling and flows southward driven by its excess density with respect to the ambient water, impacting the slope and the deep basin of the South Adriatic Margin (SAM) through a process of “cascading”.<br>Our finding complements previous views of the NAdDW impact, recognising that part of this water mass, due to its high kinetic energy imparted by the atmosphere during the formation phase, remains trapped on the shelf flowing as a contour-parallel bottom current.<br>Similar shallow-water contourite systems can be expected aside other areas of DSW cascading.</p

    Seafloor instability and mass wasting processes along the eastern Gela Slope, Mediterranean Sea

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    <p>Integration of multibeam and seismic data shows that at least four different mass transport complexes (MTCs) developed since the Pliocene. Three large scale MTCs, are buried at a depth of up to 500 m below the seafloor. They are characterized by chaotic to discontinuous seismic facies and pinch out against the foreland ramp. The forth and most recent MTC is exposed at the sea floor and has been imaged with multibeam bathymetry and high resolution Chirp profiles. This MTC has a variety of seafloor textures, morphologies and internal deformational geometries. They represent the different elements of landslide movement:<br>exposed failure plane, extensional blocks, debris flows, and blocky debris flow lobes.<br>In the toe region of the landslide exists a confined compression zone indicated by the presence of pressure ridges.</p


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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Historically, a number of different key concepts and methods dealing with marine habitat classifications and mapping have been developed to date. The EU CoCoNET project provides a new attempt in establishing an integrated approach on the definition of habitats. This scheme combines multi-scale geological and biological data, in fact it consists of three levels (Geomorphological level, Substrate level and Biological level) which in turn are divided into several hierarchical sublevels. This system allows to identify, describe and map in a consistent way habitat distribution from shallow coastal to deep sea (Foglini et al, 2014). </p> <p>Starting from this idea, we have designed and developed a ESRI File Relational Geodatabase (GDB) dedicated to habitat mapping, focusing particularly on storage and management of groundtruthing data and products. In the GDB, the contents are organized in three major groups as follows: the SamplingFeatures dataset stores the elements related to the sampling, the ROVs dataset groups all the information about the ROV surveys and, the maps are located in the HabitatMaps dataset. According to the CoCoNET classification scheme, we have the Geomorphological layer, the Substrate Layer and the Biological layer, and from the sum of these levels we obtain the Habitat layer. The hierarchical structure allows building maps with several possibilities of combination between all the levels, so we can produce multi-scale outputs and legends. </p> <p>An innovative approach is adopted for processing ROV dives. The video tracks are analyzed with the Adelie software and are represented with: (i) the ROV navigation, (ii) the habitat description (also this Habitat layer is organized according to the CoCoNET classification levels), (iii) the heading of the ROV cameras, (iv) the georeferenced position of the images along the path and (v) the biological samples. While the images are stored in the GDB, the videos are linked through a hyperlink and can be visualized on the ROV navigation lines with the Adelie software. </p> <p>An organized system, such as the “Habitat Mapping” GDB, is crucial for a correct data management, since it allows to store, visualize, query and elaborate data to produce customized maps in an easy and efficient way. Moreover the use of the CoCoNET classification scheme gives to the system a multidisciplinary and multi-scale trait, essential while dealing with habitat mapping.</p> <p>The presentation was performed during the International Congress GeoSUB 2015, Trieste, 13-14 October, 2015.</p

    Origin of recurrent and widespread seafloor instability on the eastern slope of Gela basin (Sicily channel)

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    <p>The margins of Gela basin, a 1000-m-deep slope basin in the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean), show evidence of widespread and recurrent sediment failure during the late Quaternary.</p> <p>Quaternary mass transport features (including evacuation head scarps and accumulation zones) extend over 85 km, along this inherited basin margin and range between 200 and 900 m.</p

    Le mappe e i portolani dell'Istituto di Studi Adriatici: valorizzazione di un patrimonio storico per la ricerca e la divulgazione

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    <p>A collection of ancient maps was found in a Venice complex of buildings owned by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the CNR, now under restoration. These materials, collected between 1933 and 1945 by the former Istituto di Studi Adriatici, includes maps, perspective views, pilot books and valuable and unpublished manuscripts. A work plan has been set together with with the University IUAV of Venice, whose first result was an exhibition on the evolution of cartography titled "The map is not the territory", opened to the public in 2013, followed by the realization a portal web-gis via Geonode (now under construction) intended to accommodate in digital format the vast majority of historic maps that enable the interactive viewing of historical maps and their overlap to facilitate a comparison with recent maps, orthophotos, and satellite images. The multidisciplinary study initiated by ISMAR IUAV and has among its purposes is to offer to scholars and the public access to interactive maps and atlases, and the connection with external library resources. A selection of papers and pilot books about Venice, the lagoon and the Adriatic will be subjected to<br>georeferencing and incorporated within the framework of research on the evolution geomorphological, environmental and socio-economic area already underway at these institutions.<br>The disclosure of this material in the network through a digital catalog, a critical edition and the<br>organization of events and exhibitions will make available to a wider audience and institutions a<br>rich repertoire of information and curiosity, in particular on the ancient Gulf of Venice.</p