11 research outputs found

    Systematic review of violence against women

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    Aim: Violence against women (VAW) all over the world threatens their physical, mental, and social status. This study attempts to systematically review VAW. Methods: First, a search strategy was designed based on keywords and Mesh system. Then, different search engines such as ScienceDirect, Pubmed, World Health Organization, Google Scholar, Iranmedex, Magiran, and SID were used to carry out an extensive search. Quality assessments were done on the results of the search and finally, articles in different groups were classified based on the analyzed subjects and result contents. Findings: After the quality of articles was analyzed, 270 articles were selected which were within the research framework. Of these articles, 125 articles were in English and 140 articles were in Persian. The articles were categorized into four groups. All these articles examined the issue of VAW. 172 articles were about VAW and its effect on health, 26 articles were in areas of VAW and juridical and legal aspects, 36 articles were about VAW and its cultural aspects and 31 articles were related to VAW and its economic repercussions. Conclusion: VAW was observed in all countries and nearly in all social, economic, racial, geographical classes and among all age groups. Although this issue has been examined in its different aspects and by different organizations, it is continuously occurring all over the world. The results of this study showed that these articles did not offer any appropriate strategy to deal with this predicament. Thus, national and international research about the present issue and interventional and practical studies are still required

    Effects of epidemiology learning software on nursing and midwifery students

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    Background: Being informed of new methods of teaching and comparing their outcome help teachers use more effective and efficient methods in developing and implementing new training courses. The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of epidemiology learning software on learning epidemiology courses. Methods: This quasi-experimental study included 101 nursing and midwifery students taking epidemiology course in two separate classes. One of the classes was selected as intervention group (taught via software) and another one as the control group. At the end of the semester, scores of the courses were analyzed using covariance analysis. Results: After adjusting the effect of grade point average, covariance analysis indicated a significant difference in epidemiology scores between the two groups (p<0.001). The students taught through the software obtained significantly higher scores compared to the students in traditional group. Conclusion: By means of this training software, teachers can use several strategies for presenting lessons and increasing training efficacy, leading to active learning in students

    The study of health, cultural and social conditions of the Chaharmahal va Bakhtiary province’s rural population in 2007

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    زمینه و هدف: شناخت مشکلات و سختی های خاص جمعیت روستایی، می تواند در برنامه ریزی های بعدی مفید و موثر باشد. از آنجا که شناخت وضعیت موجود اولین قدم در برنامه ریزی های توسعه اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی می باشد، لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی جنبه هایی از وضعیت بهداشتی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی ساکنین مناطق روستایی استان چهارمحال و بختیاری انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی - مقطعی، 1638 نفر از سرپرستان خانوارهای روستایی استان چهارمحال و بختیاری بوسیله نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند. روستاهای منتخب در این پژوهش حدوداً 90 روستا بود که اردوی طرح هجرت سال 1386 در آن مناطق برگزار شد. داده ها به کمک پرسشنامه چند قسمتی (آلفای کرونباخ 89) با 47 سوال شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک، وضعیت آموزش، اشتغال، توان اقتصادی، تنظیم خانواده، تغذیه، فشارخون، دخانیات و بهداشت فردی جمع آوری و توصیف گردید. یافته ها: بیکاری در مناطق روستایی استان 6/31 بود. 86 دارای منزل شخصی، 30 دارای خودرو شخصی و 87 دارای توالت و حمام بهداشتی در منزل بودند. 22/43 تمایل به مهاجرت داشتند. میزان آگاهی از مشکلات ناشی از عدم رعایت تنظیم خانواده 74/75 و بیشترین روش مورد استفاده قرص خوراکی (1/45) بود. بالاترین میزان استفاده از گوشت قرمز (09/46)، مرغ (23/36) و ماهی (56/62) 1 تا 5 مرتبه در ماه بود. میزان ابتلاء به پرفشاری خون، 25/26 بود. میزان آگاهی از مضرات دخانیات 81/91 و میانگین سنی فرد استفاده کننده، 51/14±81/57 سال بود. وجود فرد حادثه دیده زیر 10 سال در خانواده 65/16 و بیشترین جنسیت فرد حادثه دیده (70) مذکر بود. نتیجه گیری: وضعیت بهداشتی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی ساکنین مناطق روستایی استان در برخی زمینه ها در سطح مطلوبی قرار ندارد و ریشه یابی آن نیاز به مطالعات بیشتری دارد

    Characteristics of a good teacher in terms of students of health school in shahrekord university of medical sciences

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    Introduction: Although different characteristics of a good teacher have been presented by numerous Studies, efforts continue to determine common characteristic. In this study characteristics of a good Teacher regarding Viewpoints of students are evaluated. Method: In this descriptive, analytical and cross-Sectional study 140 health faculty students were selected through census sampling. Data gathering tool consists of a questionnaire with 24 options. Validity and reliability was confirmed by content validity and alpha kronbakh (0.87) respectively. Data was analysed by using Statistical t-Test, chi square, ANOVA, Kroskal valise and analysed variance (P<0.05) through SPSS software. Results: Findings show that, (%39) of participants were male , (%69). 1 Female, (%42.4) associates degree and (%57.6) Bachelors degree. Based on students View points, teachers proficiency with (%96.4) and general knowledge about specified lesson (%94.3) identified as the most important characteristics of a good teacher. The lowest importance belongs to hard-teacher (%61.9). There was significant difference between student's age and their viewpoints about presenting attractive materials, speaking eloquently, friendly relationship between teacher and students and Suitable eyecontact. Conclusion: different studies based on student's viewpoints identified some criteria for a good teacher in different domains, so attracting teacher's attention to these domains, Leads to attracting students trust, improving of educational function and effective teaching. Also, based on current research result and emphasizing on teachers proficiency in teaching specified material as the most important criteria for a good teacher, teachers should consider these characteristics in educational activities and try to motivate students and promote knowledge efficac

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Birth Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects in Iran: A Systematic Review

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    Context: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are one of the most common birth defects with a high rate of mortality. Several studies have shown the reduction of the rate of NTD due to preconceptional usage and flour fortification with folic acid. Objectives: The aim of this systematic literature review was to assess the appropriate information about the prevalence of Neural Tube Defects among the Iranian population, geographic areas of Iran. Data Sources:  We searched PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and data banks in Iran, such as the scientific information database (SID), Magiran, and Barekat knowledge network system from January 1969 to February 2017. The following keywords were used to search all fields in the above databases (“Neural Tube Defects” OR “NTD” AND “Iran”). Study Selection:  NTDs were classified as given by Moore to include anencephaly, spina bifida, encephalocele, iniencephaly, and craniorachischisis. Primary outcomes of interest for estimating the prevalences were the total number of births (including live and stillbirths if available separately) and the total number of NTD affected births (including live and stillbirths if available separately). Data Extraction: Data extracted from selected studies, included: first author, study design, city, sample size, duration of studies, and the prevalence of NTDs and subtypes of neural tube defects. Results: A total of 429 studies were initially identified in the databases. After excluding duplicate studies, 244 articles were retrieved and reviewed based on their titles and abstracts; 221 articles were excluded. Twenty-three articles were selected for a more detailed review. There were some publications of the same study, data were extracted from the most complete and up-to-date publication. Four articles were added by reference searching and one forthcoming article was added. Finally, 21 articles have been included in the study. Conclusions: The surveillance of NTD in Iran is currently limited due to the fact that provinces have established systems to report national and local NTD prevalence. However, when data are available, reported NTD prevalence, which varies by geographic region from 1.01 to 8.29 per 1000 live births, is in some areas of Iran

    Maternal Risk Factors for Oral Clefts: A Case-Control Study

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    Introduction: A cleft lip with or without a cleft palate is one of the major congenital anomalies observed in newborns. This study explored the risk factors for oral clefts in Gorgan, Northern Iran.  Materials and Methods: This hospital-based case-control study was performed in three hospitals in Gorgan, Northern Iran between April 2006 and December 2009. The case group contained 33 newborns with oral clefts and the control group contained 63 healthy newborns. Clinical and demographic factors, including date of birth, gender of the newborns, type of oral cleft, consanguinity of the parents, parental ethnicity, and the mother's parity, age, education and intake of folic acid were recorded for analysis.  Results: A significant association was found between parity higher than 2 and the risk of an oral cleft (OR= 3.33, CI 95% [1.20, 9.19], P> 0.02). According to ethnicity, the odds ratio for oral clefts was 0.87 in Turkmens compared with Sistani people (CI 95% [0.25, 2.96]) and 1.11 in native Fars people compared with Sistani people (CI 95% [0.38, 3.20]). A lack of folic acid consumption was associated with an increased risk of oral clefts but this was not statistically significant (OR = 1.42, CI 95% [0.58, 3.49]). There were no significant associations between sex (OR boy/girl = 0.96, CI 95% [0.41, 2.23]), parent familial relations (OR = 1.07, CI 95% [0.43, 2.63]), mother's age and oral clefts.  Conclusions:  The results of this study indicate that higher parity is significantly associated with an increased risk of an oral cleft, while Fars ethnicity and a low intake of folic acid increased the incidence of oral clefts but not significantly

    Evaluation of Some Plasma Coagulation Factors in Women with Spontaneous Miscarriage

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    Background: It has been reported that 15-20% of parous female have experienced at least one miscarriage, while 3% of them have experienced two miscarriages. The goal of this study was to evaluate the plasma level of coagulation factors in women with a history of spontaneous abortions. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 82 women with a history of two or more abortions referred to the six private gynecologic clinics in Gorgan city without any structural abnormality were recruited during 2011-2012. Plasma levels of antithrombin III (ATIII) using colorimetric assay, protein C, protein S, factor V Leiden and lupus anticoagulant (LAC) using coagulation method were measured. The control group was women with a history of normal delivery and no abortions. Those under anti-coagulant therapy were excluded from the study. Data were entered into the computer using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 16 and analyzed by Chi-square, t test and non-parametric tests. Results: At least one abnormality was reported in 35 cases (42.7%). Among them, protein C deficiency was the most prevalent (30.5%). ATIII was abnormal in 17.1% and lupus anti-coagulant was abnormal in 8.5%. Factor V Leiden was normal in all cases and protein S deficiency was only seen in one case. Conclusion: We suggest to perform these tests in regards to the thrombophilia in cases with spontaneous abortions in order to find an early cure for this treatable disorder

    Hepatitis B virus in cervicovaginal lavage samples of pregnant women in Gorgan city, north of Iran

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    Background: The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major public health problem worldwide. Vertical and horizontal transmission of HBV could affect neonates and partners. This transmission can vary in populations. Also, high-risk behaviors and clinical records affect the transmission of this virus. Due to the lack of information on vaginal discharge related to HBV in the north of Iran, we aimed to assess the presence of HBV in pregnant women's vaginal secretion referred to Sayyad Shirazi Hospital in Gorgan City, north of Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 315 cervicovaginal lavages from pregnant women. Viral DNA was extracted, and the gene fragments of the virus were checked by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Clinical, demographic, and behavioral data were entered into SPSS version 16. The chi-square tests were used to determine any association between categorical data. Results: Hepatitis B virus DNA was detected in 2.2% (7/315) of samples. The age range of patients was from 14 to 43 years. Anal sex (P = 0.043) and not using a condom (P = 0.047) were significantly associated with HBV-positive cases. Abortion, unusual discharge, and some other clinical and demographic information showed no related statistical correlation. Conclusion: The results showed a similar rate of infection in the general Iranian population. In pregnant women, the risk of HBV transmission and chronic HBV can be critical in newborns; therefore, it is strongly recommended to conduct screening and provide management for women during pregnancy

    Relationship between body mass index of third trimester of pregnancy and type of delivery

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    Background: Maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered as one of most effective determinant of delivery rout, by increase in this index, risk factor of cesarean section enhanced. Based on high prevalence of obesity in women, this study designed to assess the relationship between admission BMI and type of delivery. Methods: Five hundred and forty pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy (≥37weeks) were studied within 1 year (from June 2012 to June 2013), at Sayad Shirazi Referral Hospital, Gorgan, Iran, through a analytic cross-sectional study. BMI was calculated for each mother at the time of labor admission. Height and weight were measured, and were categorized into 3 groups according to their BMI which included of underweight and normal (BMI<25), overweight (BMI=25-29.9) and obese (BMI≥30). And in each group route of delivery (cesarean or natural delivery) were assessed. Pregnant women with the previous cesarean delivery, history of diabetes type 1, 2 or gestational diabetes, hypertension, twin pregnancy and unwilling to participate in study were excluded from study. Results: Mean of age and mean of gestational age were 25.8±5.4 years and 38.2±2.6 week, respectively. 50.6% of mothers were undergone cesarean delivery and there was a significant relationship between BMI and type of delivery (P<0.0001). For each unit increase in BMI, risk of cesarean section rose 1.08 times (CI95%=1.04-1.13, P<0.0001) and the risk of cesarean delivery in obese pregnant women was 2.8 (CI95%=1.7-4.4, P<0.0001) times higher than those with underweight and normal weight. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between maternal BMI at the time of labor admission and type of delivery and increasing of BMI is associated with increasing of cesarean section rate. Thus, keeping the BMI in normal range during pregnancy is suggested to pregnant women to reduce the pregnancy complications