40 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje fitotoksičnosti i efikasnosti acetohlora sa dihlormidom u kukuruzu

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    The aim of this study was to determine the phytotoxicity and efficacy of the herbicide acetochlor with dichlormid (preparation ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC) and a possibility for its application in a foliar control of broadleaf weeds in corn crops. In 2012 there was conducted a serie of trials in accordance with the standard EPPO method, to examine the efficiency of this preparation, on the Zemun Polje locality. The experiment included four treatments: two for efficacy (ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC 2,0 l/ha and 2,5 l/ha), one for phytotoxicity (ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC 5,0 l/ha) and one as a standard (ACETOGAL PLUS 2,5 l/ha). The product was applied after planting and before germination of corn and weeds. Acetochlor as a selective herbicide from the chemical group of chloroacetamide did not show any phytotoxicity to corn, if applied in recommended quantities and on the recommended application time. Acetochlor with di­chlormid showed very high efficacy in the control of weeds such as Echinochloa crusgalli, Setariaglauca, Sorghum halepense (s), Bilderdykia convolvulus, Chenopodium polysper­mum, Datura stramonium, Solanum nigrum and Stachys annua.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi fitotoksičnost i efikasnost herbicida acetohlora sa dihlormidom (preparat ACETOHLOR 768 + DIHLORMID 128 EC) i mogućnost njihove primene za folijarno suzbijanje širokolisnih korova u usevu kukuruza. Tokom 2012. godine na lokalitetu Zemun Polje ispitivana je efikasnost ovog preparata izvođenjem poljskih ogleda u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom. U ogled je bilo uključeno 4 tretiranja: dva za efikasnost (ACETOHLOR 768 + DIHLORMID 128 EC 2,0 l/ha i 2,5 l/ha), jedan za fitotoksičnost (ACETOHLOR 768 + DIHLORMID 128 EC 5,0 l/ha) i jedan kao standard (ACETOGAL PLUS 2,5 l/ha). Preparat je primenjen posle setve, a pre nicanja kukuruza i korova. Acetohlor kao selektivni herbicid iz hemijske grupe hloracetamida, ne ispoljava fitotoksičnost prema kukuruzu, ako se primeni u preporučenim količinama i u preporučeno vreme primene. Acetohlor sa dihlormidom je pokazao veoma visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju korova kao što su: Echinochloa crusgalli, Setaria glauca, Sorghum halepense (s), Bilderdykia convolvulus, Chenopodium polyspermum, Datura stramonium, Solanum nigrum i Stachys annua

    Uticaj zemljišnog insekticida terbufos na selektivnost sulfonilurea herbicida prema kukuruzu

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    A three-year field trial was set up to study the effect of the soil insecticide terbufos on the selectivity of primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, and nicosulfuron towards three maize hybrids. The use of primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, and nicosulfuron after the application of the soil insecticide terbufos resulted in significant plant damage and a decrease of the above-ground plant weight and height, plant height and grain yield in three maize hybrids. The most susceptible hybrid was NS 420, while NS 375 and NS 640 exhibited approximately the same levels of tolerance towards the interaction between terbufos and the sulfonylureas. The highest levels of phytotoxicity resulting from the terbufos by sulfonylurea interaction were observed in the treatments with the most precipitation after the application of the insecticide and just before that of the herbicide.U trogodišnjim poljskim ogledima, ispitivan je uticaj zemljišnog insekticida terbufos na selektivnost primisulfuron-metila, rimsulfurona i nikosulfurona prema tri hibrida kukuruza. Primena primisulfuron-metila, rimsulfurona i nikosulfurona posle primene zemljišnog insekticida terbufos, prouzrokovala je jaču fitotoksičnost, smanjenje sveže mase nadzemnog dela biljaka, visine biljaka i prinos zrna tri hibrida kukuruza. Najosetljiviji hibrid bio je NS 420, dok su NS 375 i NS 640 ispoljili približan nivo tolerantnosti na interakciju ispitivanih sulfonilurea i terbufosa. Najveći intenzitet fitotoksičnosti usled interakcije bio je u ogledima sa više padavina posle primene insekticida, a neposredno pre primene herbicida

    Uticaj zemljišnog insekticida terbufos na selektivnost sulfonilurea herbicida prema kukuruzu

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    A three-year field trial was set up to study the effect of the soil insecticide terbufos on the selectivity of primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, and nicosulfuron towards three maize hybrids. The use of primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, and nicosulfuron after the application of the soil insecticide terbufos resulted in significant plant damage and a decrease of the above-ground plant weight and height, plant height and grain yield in three maize hybrids. The most susceptible hybrid was NS 420, while NS 375 and NS 640 exhibited approximately the same levels of tolerance towards the interaction between terbufos and the sulfonylureas. The highest levels of phytotoxicity resulting from the terbufos by sulfonylurea interaction were observed in the treatments with the most precipitation after the application of the insecticide and just before that of the herbicide.U trogodišnjim poljskim ogledima, ispitivan je uticaj zemljišnog insekticida terbufos na selektivnost primisulfuron-metila, rimsulfurona i nikosulfurona prema tri hibrida kukuruza. Primena primisulfuron-metila, rimsulfurona i nikosulfurona posle primene zemljišnog insekticida terbufos, prouzrokovala je jaču fitotoksičnost, smanjenje sveže mase nadzemnog dela biljaka, visine biljaka i prinos zrna tri hibrida kukuruza. Najosetljiviji hibrid bio je NS 420, dok su NS 375 i NS 640 ispoljili približan nivo tolerantnosti na interakciju ispitivanih sulfonilurea i terbufosa. Najveći intenzitet fitotoksičnosti usled interakcije bio je u ogledima sa više padavina posle primene insekticida, a neposredno pre primene herbicida

    Reakcije populacija Xanthium strumarium L. i Helianthus annuus L. na nikosulfuron

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    Responses of two populations of Xanthium strumarium L. (XS1 i XS2) and three populations of Helianthus annuus L. (HA1, HA2, HA3) to nicosulfuron were studied in controlled environment. Nicosulfuron applied at five different rates (0, 40, 60, 80 and 120 g ha-1) when plants developed two pairs of leaves and control plants were not treated. Plant responses to growing rates of nicosulfuron were determined based on the next parameters: leaf area, fresh and dry weight, 7 days after herbicide application. Responses of populations of X. strumarium and H. annuus to nicosulfuron were different depend on population, herbicide rate and studied parameters. Resistance was not confirmed for any population. Namely, only reduced susceptibility of populations XS2 i HA2 to this herbicide were determined in comparison with referent susceptible populations.Reakcije 2 populacije Xanthium strumarium L. (XS1 i XS2) i 3 populacije Helianthus annuus L. (HA1, HA2, HA3) na nikosulfuron su ispitivane u kontrolisanim uslovima. Nikosulfuron je primenjen u 5 različitih količina (20, 40 , 60, 80 i 120 g ha-1) kada su biljke bile u fazi dva para razvijenih listova, a kontrolne biljke nisu tretirane. Za procenu reakcije biljaka na primenu rastućih količina nikosulfurona mereni su i analizirani sledeći parametri: površina listova, sveža i suva masa biljaka sedam dana nakon primene herbicida. Reakcije populacija X. strumarium i H. annuus na nikosulfuron su bile različite u zavisnosti od populacije, količine primene herbicida i ispitivanog parametra. Ni za jednu od populacija, za koje se sumnjalo da su razvile rezistentnost na nikosulfuron, nije potvrđena rezistentnost. Naime, konstatovana je samo smanjena osetljivost populacija XS2 i HA2 na nikosulfuron u poređenju sa referentnim osetljivim populacijama

    Osetljivost kukuruza na interakciju sulfonilurea herbicida i zemljišnih insekticida

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    A field experiment was carried out to determine the presence of interaction between the insecticides terbufos, phorate, malathion + fenitrothion, carbofuran, and carbosulfan and the sulfonylurea herbicides primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, nicosulfuron, thifensulfuron-methyl and prosulfuron. The highest levels of phytotoxicity resulting from the terbufos by sulfonylurea interaction were observed in the treatments with the most precipitation after the application of the insecticide and just before that of the herbicide. No interaction or plant damage were recorded with the application of the soil insecticides carbosulfan, carbofuran, and malathion + fenitrothion at planting and the application of the herbicides primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, nicosulfuron, thifensulfuron-methyl and prosulfuron after the emergence of maize. However, the use of the soil insecticides terbufos and phorate and the herbicides primisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, nicosulfuron, thifensulfuron-methyl resulted in significant phytotoxicity being found on maize plants. Prosulfuron was the only sulfonylurea that did not cause significant phytotoxicity when used in conjunction with terbufos or phorate.U poljskim uslovima ispitivana je interakcija između sulfonilurea herbicida primisulfuron-metila, rimsulfurona, nikosulfurona, tifensulfuron-metila i prosulfurona sa zemljišnim insekticidima terbufos, forat, malation + fenitrotion, karbofuran i karbosulfan. Najveći intenzitet fitotoksičnosti usled interakcije bio je u ogledima sa više padavina posle primene insekticida, a neposredno pre primene herbicida. Interakcija nije potvrđena u slučajevima primene zemljišnih insekticida karbosulfan, karbofuran, kombinacije malation + fenitrotion sa setvom i herbicida primisulfuron-metil, rimsulfuron, nikosulfuron, tifensulfuron-metil i prosulfuron posle nicanja kukuruza. Međutim, značajna fitotoksičnost na biljkama kukuruza bila je u slučajevima primene insekticida terbufos i forat sa herbicidima primisulfuron-metil, rimsulfuron, nikosulfuron i tifensulfuron-metil. Prosulfuron je bio jedini predstavnik ispitivanih sulfonilurea koji nije izazavao značajnu fitotoksičnost prema kukuruzu u slučajevima zajedničke primene sa terbufosom i foratom

    Zaštita uskladištenog žita od štetnih glodara primenom hlorofacinona

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    Apart from some preventive measures advisably taken during construction of storage facilities or at the time of product storage, treatments with chemical rodenticides are the most widely practiced method of controlling commensal rodents. Their control in storage facilities is normally carried out after animal presence has been observed, and treatments from early autumn onwards throughout the season provide the best effect. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of rodent control using baits with less content am chlorofacinon than recommended, to the protection of stored plant products. The experiments were set up using the relevant OEPP/EPPO method. A ready for use (RB) paste bait formulation was used with different contents (0.005% and 0.0075%) of the active ingredient chlorophacinone. Baits were laid in boxes along rodent routes, underneath pallets with sacs and in places where major damage had been observed. Baits for house mouse were placed at a rate of 10-20 g per 1-3 m, while 30-50 g of bait for brown rats were laid at specific points. Daily bait intake was monitored over a period of ten days and the portions were replaced with new ones as needed. Placebo baits were laid in identical boxes for four days before the experiment began. The abundance of house mouse was estimated based on the highest and lowest daily intake of bait divided by the species' daily requirement. Mice presence was monitored over the next 20 days. Rodenticide efficacy was calculated using Abbott's formula. The data in this experiment show that chorophacinone contents of 0.005% and 0.0075% in RB baits had no effect on the palatability and bait efficacy in controlling house mouse and brown rat indoors. The average efficacy of chorophacinone was 87-93% against house mouse and 90-100% against brown rat.Pored preventivnih mera koje treba primeniti prilikom izgradnje objekata i skladištenja žitarica (zrna pšenice, kukuruza, ječma) u njima, primena rodenticida predstavlja najzastupljeniju meru suzbijanja komensalnih vrsta glodara. Suzbijanje se izvodi kada se primeti njihovo prisustvo, pri čemu se najbolji efekti postižu početkom i tokom jeseni. Koriste se mamci sa različitim sadržajem hlorofacinona za suzbijanje glodara u različitim sredinama. Zbog toga smo hteli da ispitamo i uporedimo efikasnost mamaka sa sadržajem 0,005% i 0,075% hlorofacinona u skladištima u kojima se žitarice čuvaju u vrećama. Eksperimenti su izvedeni prema metodi OEPP/EPPO. Upotrebljeni su mamci u obliku paste - meki mamak, RB - spreman za upotrebu formulacije. Postavljani su u kutije, na staze, ispod paleta sa vrećama i na mestima gde su primećena najveća oštećenja. Na rastojanju 1-3 m postavljano je 10-20 g mamka za suzbijanje domaćeg miša, odnosno na izabranim mestima 30-50 g mamka za suzbijanje sivog pacova. Tokom deset dana posmatranja, svakodnevno je beležena količina pojedenog mamka i prema potrebi dodavana nova. Neotrovni (placebo) mamci prethodno su izlagani u identičnim kutijama, četiri dana pre početka eksperimenta. Brojnost glodara procenjena je na osnovu najveće i najmanje dnevno pojedene količine mamka podeljene sa dnevnim potrebama za hranom. Prisustvo glodara je praćeno i narednih 20 dana. Efikasnost rodenticida izračunata je prema Abotovoj formuli. Utvrđeno je da sadržaj aktivne supstance hlorofacinona od 0,005% i 0,0075% u mamcima RB formulacije nije značajan za prihvatljivost i efikasnost mamaka primenjenih za suzbijanje domaćeg miša i sivog pacova u skladištima žitarica. Prosečna efikasnost hlorofacinona bila je 87-93% u suzbijanju domaćeg miša i 90-100% u suzbijanju sivog pacova

    Efikasnost različitih formulacija rodenticida na bazi Bromadiolona u suzbijanju štetnih glodara u lucerki

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    In order to compare the efficacy of different formulations of Bromodiolone-based rodenticides against mixed populations of common vole (Microtus arvalis Pall) and striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) in alfalfa, the testing was conducted using the standard EPPO method at the locations of Belegiš and Putinci, in summer of 2010. The experimental design consisted of a completely randomized block with four replicates and with the main plot area of 400 m2. The abundance and distribution of small rodents populations at the experimental plots were determined on the basis of appearance and spatial distribution of active holes. The efficacy of different rodenticide formulations was evaluated according to the number of active holes 7, 14, and 28 days after treatment (DAT), using the Henderson- Tilton's formula. The testing was done with the commercially available rodenticide formulations: AB (grain-based baits), RB (ready-to-use baits - pouches) and PT (pellets), containing 0.005% of active ingredient Bromodiolone. The monofactoral analysing of variance did not result in any statistically significant difference in efficacy of rodenticide formulations 7 DAT at the Belegiš locality and 7 and 14 DAT at the Putinci locality. But, the statistically significant difference in efficacy of rodenticide formulations was observed at Belegiš locality on the 14th day of the experiment. Also, at the end of experiment, the efficacy of rodenticide formulations significantly varied at both locations. Nominally, the lowest efficacy of 72.5% was exhibited by AB formulation, while the average efficacy of RB and PT formulations against mixed populations of common vole and striped field mouse in alfalfa was 88.3% and 77.7%, respectively. It is concluded that the use of RB formulation of Bromodiolone-based rodenticides can improve the control of rodent pests in alfalfa.Radi poređenja efikasnosti različitih formulacija rodenticida na bazi bromadiolona u suzbijanju mešanih populacija poljske voluharice i poljskog miša u usevu lucerke, prema standardnoj metodi EPPO izvedeni su eksperimenti u proleće 2010. godine na lokalitetima Belegiš i Putinci. Eksperiment je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu, sa četiri ponavljanja i veličinom osnovne parcele od 400 m2. Na osnovu izgleda i prostornog rasporeda aktivnih rupa utvrđena je zastupljenost vrsta sitnih glodara i njihova brojnost na eksperimentalnim parcelama. Efikasnost formulacija rodenticida je ocenjivana prema formuli Henderson & Tilton, na osnovu broja aktivnih rupa, sedam, 14 i 28 dana posle tretmana. Ispitivane su komercijalno dostupne formulacije rodenticida: AB (zrnasti mamak), RB (gotov mamak za upotrebu - kesice) i PT (pelete), sa sadržajem 0,005% aktivne materije bromadiolona. Jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između efikasnosti formulacija rodenticida posle sedam dana na lokalitetu Belegiš i posle sedam i 14 dana na lokalitetu Putinci. Na lokalitetu Belegiš, 14-og dana od početka eksperimenta postojala je statistički značajna razlika između efikasnosti formulacija rodenticida. Takođe, i na kraju eksperimenta, efikasnost formulacija rodenticida se statistički značajno razlikovala na oba lokaliteta. AB formulacija rodenticida imala je nominalno najnižu prosečnu efikasnost od 72,5%, dok je prosečna efikasnost RB i PT formulacije bila viša, 88,3%, odnosno 77,7% u suzbijanju mešanih populacija poljske voluharice i poljskog miša u lucerki. Upotrebom RB formulacije rodenticida na bazi bromadiolona moguće je unaprediti program zaštite lucerke od štetnih glodara

    Reakcije populacija Sorghum halepense L. (Pers.) na nikosulfuron, rimsulfuron i prosulfuron+primisulfuron-metil

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    The effects of herbicides nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron and prosulfuron+primsulfuronmethyl on eight populations of Sorghum halepense L. (Pers.) under controlled conditions were investigated. The herbicides were applied at different rates (0x; 0,5x; 1x; 1,5x; 2x; 3x recommended application rate for field use) when plants reached the height of 20-25 cm. The parameters measured seven days after treatment were leaf surface and fresh and dry mass of plants; the obtained results were then used for ED50 calculations. The response of Sorghum halepense populations to nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron and prosulfuron+primsulfuron-methyl varied from population to population, and depending on the applied rate and the measured parameter. Resistance development was not observed in any of the populations that survived herbicide treatment before seed collecting. Only the population P2 showed somewhat decreased susceptibility to nicosulfuron, which can be regarded as an early stage of resistance development.Ispitivane su reakcije 8 populacija vrste Sorghum halepense L. (Pers.) na herbicide nikosulfuron, rimsulfuron i prosulfuron+primisulfuron-metil u kontrolisanim uslovima. Primena različitih količina (0x; 0,5x; 1x; 1,5x; 2x; 3x od količine koja je preporučena za primenu u poljskim uslovima) ovih herbicida izvedena je kada su biljke bile visine 20-25 cm. Sedam dana nakon primene herbicida mereni su sledeći parametri: površina listova, sveža i suva masa biljaka, a na osnovu dobijenih rezultata su određene ED50 vrednosti. Reakcije populacija S. halepense na nikosulfuron, rimsulfuron i prosulfuron+primisulfuronmetil su bile različite u zavisnosti od populacije, količine primene herbicida i ispitivanog parametra. Nijedna od populacija koja je pre sakupljanja semena preživela primenu navedenih herbicida nije razvila rezistentnost. Samo je kod populacije P2 potvrđena smanjena osetljivost na nikosulfuron, koja se može smatrati početkom razvoja rezistentnosti

    Distribucija nekih ekonomski štetnih, invazivnih i karantinskih korovskih vrsta na području Srbije, II deo - prostorna distribucija i zastupljenost devet korovskih vrsta

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    This paper reviews the distribution and frequency of several species from a group of economically harmful, invasive and quarantine weeds (Cannabis sativa, Chenopodium album, Ch. hybridum, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Cuscuta campestris, Cynodon dactylon, Datura stramonium and Erigreon canadensis) on the territory of Serbia, using a 10x10 km UTM map. The assessment included all categories of land, fields under small grains, row crops, perennial forage crops, long-term plantations, fallow land and non-agricultural land.U radu je prikazana distribucija i zastupljenost nekih ekonomski štetnih, invazivnih i karantinskih korovskih vrsta (Cannabis sativa, Chenopodium album, Ch. hybridum, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Cuscuta campestris, Cynodon dactylon, Datura stramonium i Erigreon canadensis), na području Srbije, na UTM mapi, razmera 10x10 km. Snimanjima su obuhvaćene sve kategorije obradivih površina: strna žita, okopavine, višegodišnje krmne biljke, višegodišnji zasadi, strništa i nepoljoprivredne površine. Ocena zastupljenosti kartiranih vrsta rađena je po skali 1-4 (1 - vrsta se sreće pojedinačno i zauzima do 5% površine; 2 - sreće se i zauzima 5-25% površine; 3 - sreće se često i zauzima 25-50% površine; 4 - vrsta preovladava nad gajenom biljkom i zauzima preko 50% površine)

    Fitotoksicno delovanje imazetapira na hibride kukuruza (Zea mays L.) i njegova perzistentnost

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the suspectibility of three different types of hybrid maize to carryover potential of imazethapyr. Herbicide toxicity was analyzed using the bioassay, by determining the inhibition of root and shoot lenght and fresh weight. In addition, using the bioassay imazethapyr persistence in the leached chernozem soil type was studied. The aim was to determine the residues of imazethapyr based on the most sensitive parameter tested with regard to rate and time of application. Herbicide degradation was monitored over a period of one year following application during two trial years. The hybrids tested showed a significant susceptibility to herbicide tested. The doses analyzed inhibited root lenght and fresh weight to a greater extent. Regression analysis was used to determine I50 values for the parameter tested, thus proving root fresh weight reduction to be the most susceptible and accuretly computed parameter. Hybrid ZPTC 125 was the most susceptible (with regard to the parameters tested) Higher herbicide doses and post-em treatment provoked slower degradation of imazethapyr as confirmed by calculated DT-50 values. Imazethapyr residues (applied at the rate of 80 and 120 g a.i./ha pre-emergence) provoked no damage to ground parts (in both trial years). Shoot growth and fresh weight were reduced by 10 % in the post-emergence treatment (which was more prominent in the first trial year). Root lenght and fresh weight inhibition was more prominent, especially with the application of higher doses even in post-emergence treatments (for the most susceptible hybrid a little bit less than 20 % and aprox. 30 % in the first and second trial year, respectively).U radu je ispitivana osetljivost tri hibrida kukuruza na imazetapir. Metodom biotesta utvrđivana je inhibicija dužine i sveže mase korena i izdanka, kao pokazatelj fitotoksičnosti herbicida. Osim navedenog, biotest metodom je praćena i degradacija imazetapira u zemljištu tipa degradirani černozem, da bi se, na osnovu prethodno određenog najosetljivijeg merenog paramétra utvrdio nivo ostataka godinu dana nakon primene, a u zavisnosti od količine i vremena primene. Ova ispitivanja vršena su tokom dve uzastopne godine. Ispitivani hibridi ispoljili su značajnu osetljivost, pri čemu je inhibicija dužine i sveže mase korena bila mnogo izraženija za sve ispitivane koncentracije. Regresionom analizom utvrđene su I5o vrednosti za sve merene parametre, koje su potvrdile da je redukcija sveže mase korena najosetljiviji i najprecizniji mereni parametar. Najveću osetljivost ispoljio je hibrid ZPTC 125. Ispitivanja perzistentnosti pokazala su da veća količina i kasnije vreme primene herbicida uslovljavaju nešto sporiju degradaciju, a što je potvrđeno izračunatim DT-50 vrednostima. Godinu dana nakon primene ostaci imazetapira (primenjenog u količini od 80 i 120 g a.m./ha, nisu izazvali oštećenja nadzemnog dela (u obe godine ispitivanja). U post-em tretmanu redukcije rasta i sveže mase izdanka bile su do 10% (i izraženije u prvoj godini). Inhibicije dužine i sveže mase korena bile su izraženije, i uvek veće pri većoj količini primene i u post-em tretmanu, tako da su za najosetljiviji hibrid iznosile nešto manje od 20 % u prvoj, odnosno približno 30 % u drugoj godini ispitivanja