145 research outputs found


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    The paper systematically presents the most archaic features characteristic of the Rhodope dialects (in the area of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary) that make them the closest to the Old Bulgarian language of Cyril and Methodius. Based on phonetic features (presence of ô, ê, ы, akavism, terminal softness of consonants), grammar features (case forms of nouns, the three-tier article system revealing the names and pronouns and pronominal adverbs, word order syntactic features) and lexical features (preserved ancient words), the author concludes that the Rhodope dialects with their uniqueness and antiquity remain an inexhaustible source of valuable data about the history of Bulgarian and Slavic linguistics.The paper systematically presents the most archaic features characteristic of the Rhodope dialects (in the area of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary) that make them the closest to the Old Bulgarian language of Cyril and Methodius. Based on phonetic features (presence of ô, ê, ы, akavism, terminal softness of consonants), grammar features (case forms of nouns, the three-tier article system revealing the names and pronouns and pronominal adverbs, word order syntactic features) and lexical features (preserved ancient words), the author concludes that the Rhodope dialects with their uniqueness and antiquity remain an inexhaustible source of valuable data about the history of Bulgarian and Slavic linguistics

    Motivation Of Rehabilitation Students For Voluntary Work

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    Introduction: Volunteering in Bulgaria is becoming ever more popular. Youth participation in various volunteering initiatives concerning national campaigns, healthcare, environmental protection and providing care for people in need has been on the rise in recent years.Aim: This study aims to develop better understanding of the motivation for voluntary work of Rehabilitation students.Materials and Methods: An anonymous survey has been conducted among Rehabilitation students from the Medical College of the Medical University of Varna. The data collection took place over the course of October and November 2017, and the data collected by this study has been processed using statistical tools and methods.Results and Discussion: More than half of the participants undertake some kind of volunteering work. For most of the students the added incentives regarding their results are not the leading motive. The leading motives behind their volunteering activity are their desire to be of benefit to the society, the possibility to meet like-minded people and purposefully utilize their free time.Conclusion: Voluntary work has an important role in the personal development of the students. It further helps students to improve their social skills and confidence

    Children and female employment in Mongolia

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    Although a large body of literature has argued that motherhood has a profound and long-lasting negative effect on the employment and earnings of women, there is little evidence focusing on the post-communist region. This paper exploits the latest rounds of the EBRD-World Bank Life in Transition Survey (LiTS) and the Mongolian National Statistics Office Household Socio-Economic Survey (HSES) to examine the correlation between the presence of children of different age categories in a family and female employment in Mongolia in 2016. We examine the availability of childcare, social norms and attitudes towards women, as well as household decision-making as potential explanations. We find that small children decrease the probability of female employment relative to women with no small children. In particular, women with two children aged one to six years are 21.5 percentage points less likely to be employed. Our results also suggest that cultural biases against women may be at least partially responsible for the low female employment levels we uncovered. These results are unlikely to be driven by omitted variable bias

    Therapeutic Aspects of Iyengar Yoga

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    Yoga is popular all over the world, not only because of its efficacy in the treatment of certain diseases, but also for its abilities to overcome mental and emotional stress and provide a sense of well-being. Today, yoga is practiced as part of a healthy lifestyle throughout the world. The article discusses the Iyengar yoga method, which was developed on the basis of classical Hatha yoga and the name comes from its founder – B.K.S. Iyengar. He has guided and successfully demonstrated that it is possible to calm the mind by creating space in the body and properly stretching the various parts of the body. Thanks to his longstanding practice and personal experience in the therapeutic effect of yoga, Iyengar has created a good working system for the human physical development that was transferred to the West in the 1960s and is especially adapted for Europeans.Iyengar yoga can be performed by every person, regardless of age and health, and gives real results. This method employs aids that help complete relaxation and overcome pain. This yoga is recommended for those who have health problems, because the results of the activities have a beneficial therapeutic effect.Yoga has a holistic approach and if it is accepted as a way of life, this gift can change the lives of many people around the world

    Role of physical activity and social protection for improving the quality of life in healthy adults

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    In the human body from birth to death, occur different anatomical and physiological changes that affect vital human activity and quality of life. Problem of mmodern society it is deepening social exclusion and deterioration of health in the elderly due to reduced physical activity. Therefore we are look for different ways to affect their active and full life. The aim of this article is to examine and analyze the relationship between physical activity and quality of life in older people. The survey was administered analysis of scientific publications and documentary method. The study examined issues related to physical activity, increasing the functionality and improve the quality of life of older people engaged in physical exercise. Exercise are effective and safe method of improving physical activity and quality of life. Their use in adults will reduce funds for treatment and rehabilitation in health care

    Opinion survey among patients regarding the provided rehabilitation programmes in specialised rehabilitation hospitals

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    Медицинската рехабилитация е процес, насочен към цялостното лечение на пациента и към превенция на инвалидността. Колкото по-рано се приложи тя, толкова по-бързо и качествено е възстановяването. Липсата на навременна и дългосрочна рехабилитация води до влошаване качеството на живот и социална изолация. Настоящата статия има за цел да проучи мнението на пациентите за предлаганите ре-хабилитационни програми чрез пряка индивидуална анкета. В съвременните условия на живот те имат възможност търсят и получават информация за заболяването, диагнозата и възможностите за лечение. Необходимо е качеството на рехабилитационните процедури да отговаря на очакванията на пациента и неговите потребности. Медицинската рехабилитация е с голямо медико-социално и икономическо значение. Мнението, оценката и удовлетвореността на пациентите са важен показател за качеството и ефективността на здравното обслужване.Rehabilitation is a process aiming at the comprehensive treatment of patients and the prevention of physical disability. The earlier this process starts, the quicker and more satisfactory the recovery is. The lack of prompt and long-term rehabilitation leads to patients` social isolation and deterioration of their quality of life. The purpose of this article is to analyse the patients` opinion regarding the provided rehabilitation programmes through a personal survey. Nowadays, patients have an access to information about the disease they suffer from, the diagnosis and the treatment options. It is necessary that the rehabilitation procedures meet the patients` expectations and needs. The opinion, assessment and satisfaction of the patients are key quality and effectiveness indicators of the health services provided

    The effects of economic austerity on pro-sociality: Evidence from Greece

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    The European sovereign debt crisis resulted in policies of fiscal austerity and economic downturn in Greece, marked by a prolonged period of recession and high unemployment. This article explores the social impact of the economic crisis, focusing on its effects on altruism using new household-level survey data and quasi-behavioral outcomes. We focus on the effects of joblessness, the most severe form of economic hardship imposed as a result of the crisis. Our findings reveal a strong relationship between job loss in the household and decreased altruism. We provide experimental evidence of these effects and of in-group bias in charitable giving as a result of joblessness. Our results show that joblessness intensifies survey respondents’ preferences for national as opposed to foreign charities

    Advantages and opportunities of Fitball for prevention and treatment in kinesitherapy

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    Fitball or Swiss Ball is a large inflatable ball, used to perform gymnastic exercises. It was first introduced in Switzerland for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Today Fitball finds large application in kinesitherapy, fitness and sport .The aim of this review is to present the possibilities of using Fitball for prevention and treatment in kinesitherapy.As purpose of the present study, a brief historical overview, analysis of scientific publications and sociological research have been done.The exercises with fitball have complex effects on the whole organism. They contribute to improving the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, to normalize blood pressure. The work of the digestive system, kidneys and liver is affected too. It increases muscle strength, improves coordination, balance, posture, reduces weight. Fitball has a beneficial effect during pregnancy and the postnatal period. And last but not least, fitball affects the psycho-emotional tone of the patient by reducing tension and stress.The fitball exercises quickly found popularity throughout the world. This method of exercising has a number of advantages. It is suitable for people of all ages - can be applied in both children and adults over 70 years. Fitball can be practiced in healthcare facilities, gyms, at home, outdoors. Classes can be conducted both individually and in a group

    Eastern health systems - therapeutic aspects and their application in forming a healthy lifestyle

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    В последните години се увеличава делът на социално значимите заболявания и най-често причината за тяхното възникване е нездравословното хранене, статичният начин на живот и ежедневният стрес и напрежение. Сериозни проблеми се срещат по отношение на оптималната двигателна активност при различните възрастови групи. Във връзка с това е необходимо в ежедневието да се включат в занимания, които дават добри и дълготрайни резултати. Източните системите от упражнения са ефективни при хора от широк възрастов диапазон, включително и при тези с много ниски нива на физическа подготовка. Тяхното въздействие върху здравето се основава на холистичния подход по отношение на човешкия организъм, което включва единството на физическо, умствено-емоционално и духовно ниво и връзката между съзнанието и волята. Целта на статията е да се разгледат възможностите на Източните оздравителни системи и тяхното приложение в съвременните условия на живот.With this topic we are covering the possibilities of Eastern health systems and their application in modern living conditions. Through the last years the part of the socially significant diseases and the main reason for their occurrence is unhealthy eating, static way of life and daily stress and pressure. Serious issues can be found in regard to optimal physical activity at different ages. In relation to this we need to introduce daily activities which are showing good and long-lasting results. The Eastern system of exercises is effective for people in a wide range of age, including those with very low levels of physical training. Their impact on health is based on a holistic approach to the human organism which includes the unity of the physical, mentally-emotional and spiritual level and the relationship between consciousness and will

    Assessment of the practical application of the students’ knowledge and skills as part of the training in the Rehabilitation Therapist program

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    Introduction: The training of students in the Rehabilitation Therapis program is multidisciplinary and conditionally divided into theoretical and clinical parts. The three-year training period provides an opportunity to form the necessary knowledge, skills and habits to build and improve the professionally significant competences of the future rehabilitators.Aim: The purpose of the scientific study is to evaluate the possibilities for applying the knowledge and skills of the students from the Rehabilitation Therapis program at the training and practical facilities of the Medical University of Varna.Materials and Methods: An anonymous blind survey was conducted from February to April 2019. Forty-two students from 2nd and 3rd year at the Medical College of Varna were interviewed.Results: According to the surveyed students, the highest rating of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills as part of the education at the Medical College of Varna was at the St. Marina Medical Center, which was indicated by 53.6% of the second-year students and 46.4% of the third-year students. In the study of the mentors' attitude towards the students, the mentors from the Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology, St. Marina University Hospital, had the highest score - 73.8%.Conclusion: Students are aware of the importance of a high level of practical training for their future professional career and appreciate the role of mentors in the process of their training as future rehabilitators