649 research outputs found

    Therapeutic advances in the treatment of vasculitis

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    Considerable therapeutic advances for the treatment of vasculitis of the young have been made in the past 10 years, including the development of outcome measures that facilitate clinical trial design. Notably, these include: a recognition that some patients with Kawasaki Disease require corticosteroids as primary treatment combined with IVIG; implementation of rare disease trial design for polyarteritis nodosa to deliver the first randomised controlled trial for children; first clinical trials involving children for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis; and identification of monogenic forms of vasculitis that provide an understanding of pathogenesis, thus facilitating more targeted treatment. Robust randomised controlled trials for Henoch Schönlein Purpura nephritis and Takayasu arteritis are needed; there is also an over-arching need for trials examining new agents that facilitate corticosteroid sparing, of particular importance in the paediatric population since glucocorticoid toxicity is a major concern

    Takayasu arteritis in childhood: retrospective experience from a tertiary referral centre in the United Kingdom.

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    Takayasu arteritis (TA) is an idiopathic large-vessel vasculitis affecting the aorta and its major branches. Although the disease rarely affects children, it does occur, even in infants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical features, disease activity, treatment and outcome of childhood TA in a tertiary UK centre

    The lived experience of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in young people receiving etanercept

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    BACKGROUND: This study explores young people's daily experiences of living with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and their thoughts, beliefs and feelings related to the biological drug Etanercept, prescribed as part of their treatment. METHODS: An Interpretive Phenomenological approach was used to allow in-depth examinations of the young people's personal accounts of their lived experiences. Data were obtained from 6 young people between the ages of 10-13 years, from one tertiary institution's Paediatric Rheumatology department using audio-taped open-ended interviews. RESULTS: The transcripts yielded seven thousand words of data and two hundred significant statements, which were reduced to five themes; 1) Who understands me, 2) Medicines and injections, 3) Challenges of schooling and friendships, 4) Being different, and 5) Exclusion from sports. There were marked similarities between the young people's statements; however, there were also some striking differences. The theme 'Who understands me' yielded the biggest section of data, but also produced the biggest disparity between the young people. Two patients were very clear that they thought everyone 'understands', whilst two other patients held the belief that 'no one understood'. This paper explores these statements in further detail. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study can give healthcare professionals novel insight into the likely reactions to treatment for JIA and, through this, enable them to offer improved support, education and early intervention before these issues become a concern. This study also provides insight into the emotional resilience of young people with JIA

    Symplectic quaternion scheme for biophysical molecular dynamics

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    Massively parallel biophysical molecular dynamics simulations, coupled with efficient methods, promise to open biologically significant time scales for study. In order to promote efficient fine-grained parallel algorithms with low communication overhead, the fast degrees of freedom in these complex systems can be divided into sets of rigid bodies. Here, a novel Hamiltonian form of a minimal, nonsingular representation of rigid body rotations, the unit quaternion, is derived, and a corresponding reversible, symplectic integrator is presented. The novel technique performs very well on both model and biophysical problems in accord with a formal theoretical analysis given within, which gives an explicit condition for an integrator to possess a conserved quantity, an explicit expression for the conserved quantity of a symplectic integrator, the latter following and in accord with Calvo and Sanz-Sarna, Numerical Hamiltonian Problems (1994), and extension of the explicit expression to general systems with a flat phase space

    Endothelial injury and repair in childhood arterial ischaemic stroke

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    Abnormalities of the cervical or intracranial circulation, termed arteriopathies are the leading mechanism of both cause and recurrence of childhood arterial ischaemic stroke (AIS). Approximately 20% of children with AIS will have stroke recurrence but there are currently no robust biomarkers to identify this high risk group, and hence identification of patients who may be amenable to secondary preventative strategies has not been possible. This thesis attempts to address this unmet need by studying novel biomarkers to distinguish patients at risk of stroke recurrence. Indices of endothelial injury, repair and hypercoagulability were compared between patients with recurrent clinical disease course and children with a single event. Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) were higher in children with recurrent AIS, compared to those with no recurrence and controls. Further evidence of endothelial injury and cellular activation was derived by examining circulating microparticles (MP) profiles. Plasma from patients with AIS recurrence contained increased numbers of endothelial, platelet and neutrophil derived MP compared to those with no recurrence. These MPs were highly prothrombotic due to phosphatidylserine exposure providing a platform for the assembly and activation of coagulation factors; and also expression of tissue factor on some MP. An efficient in vitro assay to assess MP-related hypercoagulability by quantifying MP-mediated thrombin generation was established. Children with recurrent AIS were shown to have an enhanced MP-mediated thrombin generation. Lastly, a disturbance in endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in children with AIS recurrence was observed suggesting that there could be impairment of endothelial repair in these patients. In conclusion, despite the wide spectrum of clinical and radiological presentation of childhood AIS, the studies undertaken in this thesis suggest that there is an unfavourable imbalance between endothelial injury and repair, and excess hypecoagulability in children with recurrent AIS. These novel observations provide unique insights into the pathophysiology of paediatric AIS

    Impaired function of endothelial progenitor cells in children with primary systemic vasculitis

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    INTRODUCTION: Previously, we demonstrated that children with active systemic vasculitis (SV) have higher circulating CD34 + CD133 + KDR+ endothelial progenitor cells (EPC); the function of these EPCs, and their relationship with disease activity in vasculitis remains largely unexplored. We hypothesized that although EPC numbers are higher, EPC function is impaired in active SV of the young. The aims of this study were therefore to: 1. investigate the relationship between disease activity and EPC function in children with SV; and 2. study the influence of systemic inflammation on EPC function by investigating the effects of hyperthermia and TNF-α on EPC function. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study of unselected children with SV with different levels of disease activity attending a single center (Great Ormond Street Hospital, London) between October 2008 and December 2014. EPCs were isolated from peripheral blood of children with SV, and healthy child controls. EPC function was assessed by their potential to form colonies (EPC-CFU), and ability to form clusters and incorporate into human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) vascular structures in matrigel. The effects of hyperthermia and TNF-α on EPC function were also studied. RESULTS: Twenty children, median age 12-years (5-16.5; nine males) were studied. EPC-CFU and the number of EPC clusters formed on matrigel were significantly reduced in children with active vasculitis compared with healthy controls (p = 0.02 for EPC-CFU; p = 0.01 for EPC cluster formation). Those with active vasculitis had lower EPC-CFU and EPC cluster formation than those with inactive disease, although non-significantly so. In addition, EPC incorporation into matrigel HUVEC networks was lower in children with SV compared with healthy children, irrespective of disease activity. Ex-vivo pre-treatment of EPC with hyperthermia impaired EPC function; TNF-α down-regulated EPC expression of CD18/CD11b and resulted in decreased incorporation into HUVEC networks. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst our previous work showed that circulating CD34 + EPC numbers are well preserved, this study revealed that EPC function is significantly impaired in children with vasculitis. It is possible that the chronic inflammatory milieu associated with vasculitis may impair EPC function, and thus contribute to an unfavourable balance between endothelial injury and repair. The mechanism of this remains to be established, however

    Vasculitis in a patient with mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD): a case report

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    Background: Mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD) is a rare autoinflammatory condition caused by biallelic loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in mevalonate kinase (MVK) gene encoding the enzyme mevalonate kinase. Patients with MKD display a variety of non-specific clinical manifestations, which can lead to diagnostic delay. We report the case of a child presenting with vasculitis that was found by genetic testing to be caused by MKD, and now add this autoinflammatory disease to the ever-expanding list of causes of monogenic vasculitides. Case presentation: A 2-year-old male presented with an acute 7-day history of high-grade fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, rectal bleeding and extensive purpuric and necrotic lesions, predominantly affecting the lower limbs. He had been suffering from recurrent episodes of fever from early in infancy, associated with maculopapular/petechial rashes triggered by intercurrent infection, and after vaccines. Extensive infection screen was negative. Skin biopsy revealed small vessel vasculitis. Visceral digital subtraction arteriography was normal. With a diagnosis of severe idiopathic cutaneous vasculitis, he was treated with corticosteroids and mycophenolate mofetil. Despite that his acute phase reactants remained elevated, fever persisted and the vasculitic lesions progressed. Next-generation sequencing revealed compound heterozygous mutation in MVK c.928G > A (p.V310M) and c.1129G > A (p.V377I) while reduced mevalonate enzyme activity was confirmed suggesting a diagnosis of MKD as a cause of the severe vasculitis. Prompt targeted treatment with IL-1 blockade was initiated preventing escalation to more toxic vasculitis therapies and reducing unnecessary exposure to cytotoxic treatment. Conclusions: Our report highlights the broad clinical phenotype of MKD that includes severe cutaneous vasculitis and emphasizes the need to consider early genetic screening for young children presenting with vasculitis to exclude a monogenic vasculitis which may be amenable to targeted treatment

    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis mimicking infective endocarditis in an adolescent male

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a rare but serious small vessel vasculitis with heterogeneous clinical presentation ranging from mainly localised disease with a chronic course, to a florid, acute small vessel vasculitic form characterised by severe pulmonary haemorrhage and/or rapidly progressive vasculitis or other severe systemic vasculitic manifestations. Cardiac involvement is, however, uncommon in the paediatric population. We report a case of a 16-year-old male who presented with peripheral gangrene and vegetation with unusual location on the supporting apparatus of the tricuspid valve, initially considered to have infective endocarditis but ultimately diagnosed with GPA. We provide an overview of the limited literature relating to cardiac involvement in GPA, and the diagnostic challenge relating to infective endocarditis in this context, especially focusing on the interpretation of the antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) and the characteristic clinical features to identify in order to promptly recognise GPA, since timely diagnosis and treatment are essential for this potentially life-threatening condition

    Theory of a mode-locked atom laser with toroidal geometry

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    We consider a possible technique for mode locking an atom laser, based on the generation of a dark soliton in a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate, with repulsive atomic interactions. The soliton is a kink, with angular momentum per particle equal to (h) over bar /2. It emerges naturally when the condensate is stirred at the soliton velocity and cleansed with a periodic out coupler. The result is a replicating coherent field inside the atom laser, stabilized by topology. We give a numerical demonstration of the generation and stabilization of the soliton

    Management of Kawasaki disease

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute self-limiting inflammatory disorder, associated with vasculitis, affecting predominantly medium-sized arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. In developed countries KD is the commonest cause of acquired heart disease in childhood. The aetiology of KD remains unknown, and it is currently believed that one or more as yet unidentified infectious agents induce an intense inflammatory host response in genetically susceptible individuals. Genetic studies have identified several susceptibility genes for KD and its sequelae in different ethnic populations, including FCGR2A, CD40, ITPKC, FAM167A-BLK and CASP3, as well as genes influencing response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and aneurysm formation such as FCGR3B, and transforming growth factor (TGF) β pathway genes. IVIG and aspirin are effective therapeutically, but recent clinical trials and meta-analyses have demonstrated that the addition of corticosteroids to IVIG is beneficial for the prevention of coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) in severe cases with highest risk of IVIG resistance. Outside of Japan, however, clinical scores to predict IVIG resistance perform suboptimally. Furthermore, the evidence base does not provide clear guidance on which corticosteroid regimen is most effective. Other therapies, including anti-TNFα, could also have a role for IVIG-resistant KD. Irrespective of these caveats, it is clear that therapy that reduces inflammation in acute KD, improves outcome. This paper summarises recent advances in the understanding of KD pathogenesis and therapeutics, and provides an approach for managing KD patients in the UK in the light of these advances