84 research outputs found

    Teacher Views on Organizational Support and Psychological Contract Violation

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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between secondary school teachers’ view regarding Organizational Support and Psychological Contract Violation. The study conducted with relational screening model included 230 secondary school teachers employed in Bolu central district in 2014-2015 academic year. Perceived Organizational Support Scale and Psychological Contract Violation Scale were used in the study as data collection tools. Means and standard deviation were analyzed and Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis and correlation analyses were used. According to research results, teachers “strongly agreed” to the views on organizational support and they had psychological contract violation perceptions. A medium level, negative and significant relationship was found between teacher views on organizational support and psychological contract violation. Keywords: Organizational support, Psychological contract violation, Teache


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    In recent decades, the number of theoretical studies and applications on electric power production from renewable sources such as wind, solar, sea and tidal flows, has been increasing rapidly. Marine Current Turbines (MCTs), among the power turbines, produce power from alternating flows and are a means of power production even at lower flow rates in oceans and seas. In this study, while maintaining functional requirements, an initial and detailed design (mechanic and hydrodynamic), of an MCT fixed on a sailing boat and at sail which extracts power from the flow around the boat, is undertaken. In the design stages, for analysis and optimization of the marine turbine blade design, the Momentum Blade Element Method is utilized. The Horizontal Axis Marine Turbine (HAMT), determined by the initial and mechanical design, is illustrated with its components included. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses, covering turbine pod geometry at required flow rates and turbine speeds are performed. These analyses are performed very close to real conditions, considering sailing with and without the turbine running (on and off states). The alternator is determined from the results, and the final design which meets the design requirements, is obtained. As a result, a user friendly and innovative turbine design for sail boats, offering more power and efficiency, which is longer lasting compared to solar and wind technologies, that also makes use of renewable sources, such as wind and/or solar, and in addition stores and uses accumulated energy when needed, is proposed

    A Practical Approach for Design of Marine Propellers with Systematic Propeller Series

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    Although there have been important developments in marine propellers since their fi rst use in 1850, the main concept has been conserved. Parallel to the developments in the computer technologies in the past 50 years, methods based on the circulation theory are often used for the design and analysis of propellers. Due to the ability to predict the propulsion performance with just a few design parameters, the use of systematic propeller series based on open water model experiments is still widespread. The design with standard propeller series is usually made with diagrams developed from model experiments. Reading errors during the use of these diagrams are inevitable. In the presented study a practical approach is developed for preventing reading errors and time loss during the design with standard propeller series. A practical approach based on empirical formulas for the design and performance prediction for four-bladed Wageningen B propeller series is presented, and design applications for three propellers with different loading conditions are realized. The results obtained from the presented method are compared with those of open water diagram data and a good agreement between the results is observed

    Investigation of middle school students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity

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    In this study, students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity were obtained through a letter writing exercise. Document analysis was used to analyse 163 letters by way of content analysis. The study group consisted of 163 students (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) from a middle school in a disadvantaged area of Ankara, Turkey. Analysis of the letters was grouped as what was learnt from the planetarium activity, feelings and thoughts about the planetarium environment, benefits of the activity, and other feelings and thoughts. The students stated that they were generally satisfied with the event, that they enjoyed the activity, were excited, and found it to be extremely fun. Moreover, their interests and curiosity increased due to the activity. The students’ thoughts about the out-of-class activity generated positive feedback and provided effective suggestions for the implementation of similar activities in the future.In this study, students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity were obtained through a letter writing exercise. Document analysis was used to analyse 163 letters by way of content analysis. The study group consisted of 163 students (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) from a middle school in a disadvantaged area of Ankara, Turkey. Analysis of the letters was grouped as what was learnt from the planetarium activity, feelings and thoughts about the planetarium environment, benefits of the activity, and other feelings and thoughts. The students stated that they were generally satisfied with the event, that they enjoyed the activity, were excited, and found it to be extremely fun. Moreover, their interests and curiosity increased due to the activity. The students’ thoughts about the out-of-class activity generated positive feedback and provided effective suggestions for the implementation of similar activities in the future.

    Teachers’ Views on Cyberloafing and Impression Management Tactics

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    The aim of this study is to identify secondary school teachers’ employed in Nevşehir central district views on impression management tactics and cyberloafing.  It also aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between their views.  The study was conducted in relational screening model.  On the other hand, the universe of the study consisted of 316 secondary school teachers employed in Nevşehir central district during 2015-2016 academic year.  Of the participants 55,4 % were females and 44.6 % were males.  40.5 % of them had 1-10 years experience, 50 % of them had 11-20 years experience and 9.5 % had 21 and more years experience.  18 % of the participants aged between 20-30; 62.3 % of them aged between 31-40; 17.1 % aged between 41-50 and finally 2.2% were 51 and over.  Considering their graduation 94.3 % had undergraduate while only 5.7 % of them had graduate degree.  Data were collected through Impression Management Tactics Scale and Cyberloafing Scale.  In the analysis of the data, means and standard deviations were calculated; Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H and Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis were conducted.  According to results of the study, teachers apply to impression management tactics but not very frequently and the level of cyberloafing behavior was “occasionally”.  A positive low level significant relationship was found between teachers’ views on impression management and cyberloafing. Keywords: Impression management, cyberloafing, teacher

    Effect of gallic acid on liver injury during obstructive cholestasis after bile duct ligation in rat

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    Aim: To investigate the hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of gallic acid (GA) against obstructive cholestasis (OC) -induced liver damage in rats. Methods: Thirty female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups. Group 1 (n=10) was the sham-operated group. In group 2 and group 3, hepatoduodenal ligament dissection was performed after laparotomy. Once the common bile duct was made apparent, it was ligated with 4/0 silk surgical suture and cut between both sutures. Group 2 (n=10) was the control group. Group 3 (n=10) was the GA group. GA (50 mg/kg) was administered by oral gavage daily for 10 days. At the end of the experiment on day 10, the rats were anesthetized. Fibrosis, inflammation, ductal proliferation and necrosis were evaluated histopathologically. Serum levels of AST, ALT, TBIL, DBIL, LDH and GGT levels were determined. In the serum and liver, TAS, TOS, MDA, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, and IL 10 levels were evaluated.         Results:  When group 2 and group 3 were compared histopathologically, fibrosis and inflammation were significantly lower in group 3. In group 3, all LFTs (except DBIL), liver and serum IL-6, IL-1, TOS, MDA, and TNF-α levels were significantly lower than group 2, whereas IL-10 and TAS values were increased. Conclusion: Findings of this research indicate that GA may be effective against OC-induced liver damage in a rat model. We presume that the beneficial effects of GA are closely associated with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, we think that using GA   can save us time before resorting to the surgical method

    Current Concepts of Prolotherapy in Orthopedic Surgery

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    Context Prolotherapy is a popular injection-based complementary treatment, which has shown promising results in the treatment of sprained and degenerated ligaments, and damaged dense connective tissues structures. More research was conducted in this area and many authors declared successful results for different indications. Evidence Acquisition The purpose of this study was to present a literature review regarding the current concepts of prolotherapy injections and improvements in the orthopedic clinical care practice. The Medline and PubMed databases were searched for the articles related to prolotherapy injections in the field of orthopedic surgery and additionally the reference list of each article was also included to provide a comprehensive evaluation. Results Numerous studies have been conducted on prolotherapy injections for different indications for orthopedics clinical care practice. Prolotherapy injections have successfully used for major orthopedic procedures in terms of rotator cuff lesions, knee ligamentous lesions, osteoarthritis-cartilage defects, and ligament-tendon injuries. Most of the studies showed that prolotherapy provided faster and better healing of tissues. Conclusions There is a great interest to prolotherapy in orthopedic clinics, especially to manage musculoskeletal lesions. More research conducted in this area and many authors declared successful results in their studies. In spite of this increasing trend for prolotherapy injections, there were only one or two clinical studies investigated prolotherapy injections for different indications and most of them have limited participants, short-term follow-up or poor quality studies. There is still need for further high-quality studies investigated optimal strategy of the injections of prolotherapy

    Argument Based Inquiry in Modern Physics Teaching: A Case Study

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    In this study focusing on technology-supported modern physics teaching based on the Argument Based Inquiry (ABI) approach, the purpose was threefold: (i) to investigate the development of pre-service physics teachers’ cognitive structures about the modern physics concepts, (ii) to reveal the development of the their written argument skills, and (iii) to explore their views on the implementation of the ABI approach in high school physics courses. In this qualitative study, case study was used as a research methodology. The participants were 12 pre-service physics teachers enrolled in an undergraduate physics education program at a state university in Ankara, Turkey. The data comprised of pre-service physics teachers’ drawn concept maps, the written argument reports, and their responses to the semi-structured interview questions. The analyses results have shown that technology-supported modern physics teaching based on the ABI approach helped the pre-service physics teachers to integrate many different modern physics concepts into their cognitive structures. However, there were differences in the participants’ understanding of modern physics concepts. In another perspective, the results have shown that the participants’ written argument skills did not continuously developed over time. Finally, the analyses of semi-structured interviews have revealed that the pre-service teachers focused more on the obstacles they might encounter during the implementation of the ABI approach in their classes in the future.Bu çalışmanın üç temel amacı bulunmaktadır: Argümantasyona Dayalı Sorgulama (ADS) yaklaşımını temel alan teknoloji destekli modern fizik öğretimi sürecinde fizik öğretmen adaylarının (i) modern fizik kavramlarına yönelik bilişsel yapılarındaki değişimleri incelemek, (ii) yazılı argüman becerilerine yönelik değişimleri belirlemek ve (iii) lise düzeyindeki fizik derslerinde ADS yaklaşımının kullanımına ilişkin görüşlerini tespit etmektir. Nitel bir yaklaşımın benimsendiği bu araştırmada durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın katılımcılarını Ankara’daki bir devlet üniversitesinde fizik öğretmenliği lisans programında öğrenim gören 12 fizik öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verilerini öğretmen adaylarının uygulama sürecinde oluşturdukları kavram haritaları, etkinlik raporları ve bireysel yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin analizinden elde edilen sonuçlar, ADS yaklaşımını temel alan teknoloji destekli modern fizik öğretiminin fizik öğretmen adaylarının birçok modern fizik kavramını bilişsel yapılarına entegre etmelerine olanak tanıdığını göstermektedir. Öte yandan, analiz sonuçları katılımcıların modern fizik kavramlarını anlamalarında farklılıklar olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, katılımcıların yazılı argüman becerilerinin sürekli bir gelişim göstermediği tespit edilmiştir. Görüşme verilerinin analizi, öğretmen adaylarının gelecekte sınıflarında ADS yaklaşımını kullanırken daha çok karşılaşabilecekleri engeller üzerinde durduklarını göstermektedir

    A Practical Approach for Design of Marine Propellers with Systematic Propeller Series

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    Although there have been important developments in marine propellers since their fi rst use in 1850, the main concept has been conserved. Parallel to the developments in the computer technologies in the past 50 years, methods based on the circulation theory are often used for the design and analysis of propellers. Due to the ability to predict the propulsion performance with just a few design parameters, the use of systematic propeller series based on open water model experiments is still widespread. The design with standard propeller series is usually made with diagrams developed from model experiments. Reading errors during the use of these diagrams are inevitable. In the presented study a practical approach is developed for preventing reading errors and time loss during the design with standard propeller series. A practical approach based on empirical formulas for the design and performance prediction for four-bladed Wageningen B propeller series is presented, and design applications for three propellers with different loading conditions are realized. The results obtained from the presented method are compared with those of open water diagram data and a good agreement between the results is observed