31 research outputs found

    Multiplexed enrichment and genomic profiling of peripheral blood cells reveal subset-specific immune signatures

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    Specialized immune cell subsets are involved in autoimmune disease, cancer immunity, and infectious disease through a diverse range of functions mediated by overlapping pathways and signals. However, subset-specific responses may not be detectable in analyses of whole blood samples, and no efficient approach for profiling cell subsets at high throughput from small samples is available. We present a low-input microfluidic system for sorting immune cells into subsets and profiling their gene expression. We validate the system’s technical performance against standard subset isolation and library construction protocols and demonstrate the importance of subset-specific profiling through in vitro stimulation experiments. We show the ability of this integrated platform to identify subset-specific disease signatures by profiling four immune cell subsets in blood from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and matched control subjects. The platform has the potential to make multiplexed subset-specific analysis routine in many research laboratories and clinical settings.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.) (Grant U24 AI118668

    CRISPR-Cas9 Knockin Mice for Genome Editing and Cancer Modeling

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    CRISPR-Cas9 is a versatile genome editing technology for studying the functions of genetic elements. To broadly enable the application of Cas9 in vivo, we established a Cre-dependent Cas9 knockin mouse. We demonstrated in vivo as well as ex vivo genome editing using adeno-associated virus (AAV)-, lentivirus-, or particle-mediated delivery of guide RNA in neurons, immune cells, and endothelial cells. Using these mice, we simultaneously modeled the dynamics of KRAS, p53, and LKB1, the top three significantly mutated genes in lung adenocarcinoma. Delivery of a single AAV vector in the lung generated loss-of-function mutations in p53 and Lkb1, as well as homology-directed repair-mediated Kras[superscript G12D] mutations, leading to macroscopic tumors of adenocarcinoma pathology. Together, these results suggest that Cas9 mice empower a wide range of biological and disease modeling applications.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship (Grant 1122374)Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (Fellowship DRG-2117-12)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Simons Center for the Social Brain (Postdoctoral Fellowship)European Molecular Biology Organization (Fellowship)Foundation for Polish Science (Fellowship)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Presidential Graduate Fellowship)Human Frontier Science Program (Strasbourg, France) (Postdoctoral Fellowship)National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (CEGS P50 HG006193)Howard Hughes Medical InstituteKlarman Cell ObservatoryNational Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence Grant U54CA151884)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Controlled Release Grant EB000244)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology (PEN) Award Contract HHSN268201000045C)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Poitras Gift 1631119)Stanley CenterSimons Foundation (6927482)Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation (6928117)United States. Public Health Service (National Institutes of Health (U.S.) R01-CA133404)David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT (Marie D. and Pierre Casimir-Lambert Fund)MIT Skoltech InitiativeNational Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Koch Institute Support (Core) Grant P30-CA14051)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Director’s Pioneer Award DP1-MH100706)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) (Transformative R01 Grant R01-NS 07312401)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Waterman Award)W. M. Keck FoundationKinship Foundation. Searle Scholars ProgramKlingenstein FoundationVallee FoundationMerkin Foundatio

    Common Genetic Variants Modulate Pathogen-Sensing Responses in Human Dendritic Cells

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    Little is known about how human genetic variation affects the responses to environmental stimuli in the context of complex diseases. Experimental and computational approaches were applied to determine the effects of genetic variation on the induction of pathogen-responsive genes in human dendritic cells. We identified 121 common genetic variants associated in cis with variation in expression responses to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, influenza, or interferon-β (IFN-β). We localized and validated causal variants to binding sites of pathogen-activated STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) and IRF (IFN-regulatory factor) transcription factors. We also identified a common variant in IRF7 that is associated in trans with type I IFN induction in response to influenza infection. Our results reveal common alleles that explain interindividual variation in pathogen sensing and provide functional annotation for genetic variants that alter susceptibility to inflammatory diseases.National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (Grant P50 HG006193)National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Pioneer Award (DP1 CA174427)Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HG004037)National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Pioneer Award (DP1 MH100706)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Transformative R01 Grant R01 DK097768)W. M. Keck FoundationMcKnight FoundationMerkin, Richard N.Damon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationSearle Scholars ProgramSimons Foundatio

    Unbiased Reconstruction of a Mammalian Transcriptional Network Mediating Pathogen Responses

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    Models of mammalian regulatory networks controlling gene expression have been inferred from genomic data but have largely not been validated. We present an unbiased strategy to systematically perturb candidate regulators and monitor cellular transcriptional responses. We applied this approach to derive regulatory networks that control the transcriptional response of mouse primary dendritic cells to pathogens. Our approach revealed the regulatory functions of 125 transcription factors, chromatin modifiers, and RNA binding proteins, which enabled the construction of a network model consisting of 24 core regulators and 76 fine-tuners that help to explain how pathogen-sensing pathways achieve specificity. This study establishes a broadly applicable, comprehensive, and unbiased approach to reveal the wiring and functions of a regulatory network controlling a major transcriptional response in primary mammalian cells

    A large peptidome dataset improves HLA class I epitope prediction across most of the human population

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    Published in final edited form as: Nat Biotechnol. 2020 February ; 38(2): 199–209. doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0322-9.Prediction of HLA epitopes is important for the development of cancer immunotherapies and vaccines. However, current prediction algorithms have limited predictive power, in part because they were not trained on high-quality epitope datasets covering a broad range of HLA alleles. To enable prediction of endogenous HLA class I-associated peptides across a large fraction of the human population, we used mass spectrometry to profile >185,000 peptides eluted from 95 HLA-A, -B, -C and -G mono-allelic cell lines. We identified canonical peptide motifs per HLA allele, unique and shared binding submotifs across alleles and distinct motifs associated with different peptide lengths. By integrating these data with transcript abundance and peptide processing, we developed HLAthena, providing allele-and-length-specific and pan-allele-pan-length prediction models for endogenous peptide presentation. These models predicted endogenous HLA class I-associated ligands with 1.5-fold improvement in positive predictive value compared with existing tools and correctly identified >75% of HLA-bound peptides that were observed experimentally in 11 patient-derived tumor cell lines.P01 CA229092 - NCI NIH HHS; P50 CA101942 - NCI NIH HHS; T32 HG002295 - NHGRI NIH HHS; T32 CA009172 - NCI NIH HHS; U24 CA224331 - NCI NIH HHS; R21 CA216772 - NCI NIH HHS; R01 CA155010 - NCI NIH HHS; U01 CA214125 - NCI NIH HHS; T32 CA207021 - NCI NIH HHS; R01 HL103532 - NHLBI NIH HHS; U24 CA210986 - NCI NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    Safety of procuring research tissue during a clinically indicated kidney biopsy from patients with lupus: data from the Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network

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    Objectives In lupus nephritis the pathological diagnosis from tissue retrieved during kidney biopsy drives treatment and management. Despite recent approval of new drugs, complete remission rates remain well under aspirational levels, necessitating identification of new therapeutic targets by greater dissection of the pathways to tissue inflammation and injury. This study assessed the safety of kidney biopsies in patients with SLE enrolled in the Accelerating Medicines Partnership, a consortium formed to molecularly deconstruct nephritis.Methods 475 patients with SLE across 15 clinical sites in the USA consented to obtain tissue for research purposes during a clinically indicated kidney biopsy. Adverse events (AEs) were documented for 30 days following the procedure and were determined to be related or unrelated by all site investigators. Serious AEs were defined according to the National Institutes of Health reporting guidelines.Results 34 patients (7.2%) experienced a procedure-related AE: 30 with haematoma, 2 with jets, 1 with pain and 1 with an arteriovenous fistula. Eighteen (3.8%) experienced a serious AE requiring hospitalisation; four patients (0.8%) required a blood transfusion related to the kidney biopsy. At one site where the number of cores retrieved during the biopsy was recorded, the mean was 3.4 for those who experienced a related AE (n=9) and 3.07 for those who did not experience any AE (n=140). All related AEs resolved.Conclusions Procurement of research tissue should be considered feasible, accompanied by a complication risk likely no greater than that incurred for standard clinical purposes. In the quest for targeted treatments personalised based on molecular findings, enhanced diagnostics beyond histology will likely be required

    Methods for high-dimensonal analysis of cells dissociated from cyropreserved synovial tissue

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    Abstract Background Detailed molecular analyses of cells from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium hold promise in identifying cellular phenotypes that drive tissue pathology and joint damage. The Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network aims to deconstruct autoimmune pathology by examining cells within target tissues through multiple high-dimensional assays. Robust standardized protocols need to be developed before cellular phenotypes at a single cell level can be effectively compared across patient samples. Methods Multiple clinical sites collected cryopreserved synovial tissue fragments from arthroplasty and synovial biopsy in a 10% DMSO solution. Mechanical and enzymatic dissociation parameters were optimized for viable cell extraction and surface protein preservation for cell sorting and mass cytometry, as well as for reproducibility in RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Cryopreserved synovial samples were collectively analyzed at a central processing site by a custom-designed and validated 35-marker mass cytometry panel. In parallel, each sample was flow sorted into fibroblast, T-cell, B-cell, and macrophage suspensions for bulk population RNA-seq and plate-based single-cell CEL-Seq2 RNA-seq. Results Upon dissociation, cryopreserved synovial tissue fragments yielded a high frequency of viable cells, comparable to samples undergoing immediate processing. Optimization of synovial tissue dissociation across six clinical collection sites with ~ 30 arthroplasty and ~ 20 biopsy samples yielded a consensus digestion protocol using 100 μg/ml of Liberase™ TL enzyme preparation. This protocol yielded immune and stromal cell lineages with preserved surface markers and minimized variability across replicate RNA-seq transcriptomes. Mass cytometry analysis of cells from cryopreserved synovium distinguished diverse fibroblast phenotypes, distinct populations of memory B cells and antibody-secreting cells, and multiple CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell activation states. Bulk RNA-seq of sorted cell populations demonstrated robust separation of synovial lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and macrophages. Single-cell RNA-seq produced transcriptomes of over 1000 genes/cell, including transcripts encoding characteristic lineage markers identified. Conclusions We have established a robust protocol to acquire viable cells from cryopreserved synovial tissue with intact transcriptomes and cell surface phenotypes. A centralized pipeline to generate multiple high-dimensional analyses of synovial tissue samples collected across a collaborative network was developed. Integrated analysis of such datasets from large patient cohorts may help define molecular heterogeneity within RA pathology and identify new therapeutic targets and biomarkers