113 research outputs found

    Pump-Probe X-ray Holographic Imaging of Dynamic Magnetization Processes Down to the Femtosecond Timescale

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    The UE49 SGM RICXS beamline at BESSY II

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    Beamline UE49-SGM is a dedicated high-flux soft x-ray beamline, spanning the energy range of 95 eV to 1400 eV. Its micrometer focus makes it ideally suitable for investigation of small or inhomogeneous samples both with spectroscopic methods and coherent scattering as well as imaging techniques with full polarization control

    Accurate calculation of the transverse anisotropy in perpendicularly magnetized multilayers

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    The transverse anisotropy constant and the related D\"oring mass density are key parameters of the one-dimensional model to describe the motion of magnetic domain walls. So far, no general framework is available to determine these quantities from static characterizations such as magnetometry measurements. Here, we derive a universal analytical expression to calculate the transverse anisotropy constant for the important class of perpendicular magnetic multilayers. All the required input parameters of the model, such as the number of repeats, the thickness of a single magnetic layer, and the layer periodicity, as well as the effective perpendicular anisotropy, the saturation magnetization, and the static domain wall width are accessible by static sample characterizations. We apply our model to a widely used multilayer system and find that the effective transverse anisotropy constant is a factor 7 different from the when using the conventional approximations, showing the importance of using our analysis scheme

    Nonlocal ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of Co/Pt multilayers by optical field enhancement

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    The influence on ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of metallic nano-structured gratings deposited on thin films of magnetic Co/Pt multilayers is investigated by the time-resolved optical Kerr effect. Depending on the polarization of the pump pulse, a pronounced enhancement of the demagnetization amplitude is found. Calculation of the inhomogeneous optical field distribution due to plasmon interaction and time-dependent solutions of the coupled electron, lattice, and spin temperatures in two dimensions show good agreement with the experimental data, as well as giving evidence of non-local demagnetization dynamics due to electron diffusion.BMBF, 05K10KTB, Verbundprojekt: FSP 301 - FLASH: Nanoskopische Systeme. Teilprojekt 1.1: Universelle Experimentierkammer für Streuexperimente mit kohärenten Femtosekunden-Röntgenpulsen Multi Purpose Coherent Scattering Chamber for FLASH and XFEL 'MPscatt

    Thermally induced magnetic switching in bit-patterned media

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 122, 043907 (2017) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4992808.We have studied the thermal variation of the switching field of magnetic islands at room temperature. A model bit-pattern media composed of an assembly of islands with 80 nm width was fabricated by sputter deposition onto a pre-patterned substrate. Using direct magnetic-contrast imaging of the islands under applied field, we extract the switching probabilities of individual islands. Based on an analytical model for the thermally activated switching of the islands, we are able to determine the intrinsic magnetic anisotropy of each island and, consequentially, a distribution of anisotropies for the island ensemble investigated. In the distribution, we identify a separated group of islands with a particularly small anisotropy. We attribute this group to islands containing misaligned grains triggering the magnetic reversal. At room temperature and slow field sweep rates, the observed thermal broadening of the switching-field distribution is small compared to the intrinsic broadening. However, we illustrate that thermal fluctuations play a crucial role at high sweep rates by extrapolating our results to technological relevant regimes

    CXS: Coherent X-ray scattering at the UE49-SGM at BESSY II

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    The coherent soft-x-ray scattering experiment CXS has been developed to study nano-structured magnetic and nonmagnetic thin film samples in transmission or reflection geometry. A nanometer precision movable sample stage in a 1 Tesla magnet vector field together with a movable CCD detector, variable in sample – CCD distance, allows both XMCD and XMLD experiments in transmission and reflection as well as imaging techniques such as Fourier transform holography and ptychography

    Mechanical Design of the MID Split-and-Delay Line at the European XFEL

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    A new split-and-delay line (SDL) is under development for the Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) end station at the European XFEL.* The device utilises Bragg reflection to provide pairs of X-ray pulses with an energy of (5 - 10) keV and a continuously tunable time delay of (-10 - 800) ps - thus allowing zero-crossing of the time delay. The mechanical concept features separate positioning stages for each optical element. Those are based on a serial combination of coarse motion axes and a fine alignment 6 DoF Cartesian parallel kinematics**. That allows to meet the contradictory demands of a fast long-range travel of up to 1000 mm and in the same time a precise alignment with a resolution in the nanometer range. Multiple laser interferometers monitor the position of the optical elements and allow an active control of their alignment. All optical elements and mechanics will be installed inside an UHV chamber, including the interferometer and about 100 stepper motors. With this paper we present the mechanical design for the SDL. It will additionally show the design of a prototype of a positioning stage which allows extensive testing of the implemented concepts and techniques
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