4 research outputs found

    What do we know about creatine supplementation?

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    Creatine is one of the most often used supplements nowadays. Its popularity can be attributed to a wide variety of clinical implications. The intent of this paper was to evaluate and review the latest publications about the usage and potential clinical effects on the human body of creatine supplementation and to bring attention to new findings in this subject. Authors explored PubMed, CrossRef and Google Scholar using keywords: creatine, supplements, ergogenic aids, neuroprotection, bioenergetics. Furthermore, the references of selected articles were manually investigated for additional relevant articles. The bibliography focused mainly on systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and case reports. The selection of individual articles was carried out in accordance with the determinants of general medicine readership. There is still a lot to learn about creatine supplementation and its potentially beneficial effects. Further evidence-based studies are required, as the amount of reliable data and information is still not sufficient and lots of them have yet to be examined

    The importance of sleep in selected diseases

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    Introduction: There are specific differences in physiological and biochemical processes during sleep. Adenosine and melatonin are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms. During sleep, you can observe the secretion of growth hormone, a reduction in cortisol secretion, and a decrease in muscle tone and blood pressure. Sleep can have a major impact on the development of systemic diseases.Aim of the study: A review of the literature aimed at identifying selected negative factors influencing the quality of sleep and systemic diseases which are related to sleep disorders.State of knowledge: Factors that negatively affect sleep include stress, as well as excessive time spent in front of light-emitting screens. Long-term lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric diseases. Summary: Sleep plays an important role in the proper functioning of the body. Its quality is affected by many factors. Sleep disorders can be both the effect and cause of many diseases. Especially in diagnosing psychiatric diseases, attention should be paid to the occurrence of sleep disorders

    Oral diseases in patients infected with HIV

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    Introduction: In recent years, more and more people have become infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Of great importance in the course of HIV infection are symptoms and diseases, which often occurs in the oral cavity with a corresponding decrease in lymphocytes.Aim: The aim of the study was the study was to present the most common oral diseases in patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus like hairy leukoplakia, Candidas, angular cheilitis, Linear Gingival Erythema, Herpesviridae virus infections, ulcerative lesions or xerostomia.Description: Clinicians should pay attention to oral manifestation of HIV infections because it may speed up the diagnostics process and may allow better control of the course of the infection. Hairy leukoplakia related to EBV is a marker of HIV on the side border of the tongue and appears as a hyperkeratotic stripes. Candidiasis may occur in many forms as acute pseudomembranous candidiasis, acute erythematous candidiasis, hyperplastic candidiasis or Median Rhomboid Glossitis. The most common fungus is Candida albicans but there may also be Candida krusei, Candida glabrata or Candida tropicalis. Another disease is Angular Cheilitis which is an inflammatory process localized in the commissure of the labia and can be caused by vitamin B deficiency, Candida, Staphylococcus or Streptococcus infection. Linear Gingival Erythema is a red linear lesion on the gingival margin infiltrated by polynuclear leukocytes and plasma cells. Patients with HIV also present Herpesviridae infections symptoms, ulcerations. Summary: This review shows that HIV/AIDS patients should be monitored for oral manifestation of the HIV infection and weakened immune system. Diseases described in this study are reliable markers of the HIV infection and clinicians should pay attention to them to monitor the course of primary infection

    Frey syndrome

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    Frey syndrome is a condition of gustatory sweating and hyperemia related to damage of the auriculotemporal nerve. It affects around 80% of patients after parotidectomy. Syndrome may be easily diagnosed with an iodine-starch test, even in patients without symptoms, which are about 20% depending on studies. Authors searched PubMed and Google Scholar using searchterms Frey syndrome, auriculotemporal nerve, greater auricular nerve, tympanic nerve, parotidectomy. We manually searched the references of selected articles for additional relevant articles. We selected articles relevant to a general medicine readership and prioritized systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines and cases. The literature contains the latest reports on Frey syndrome. Symptoms of Frey syndrome are: redding of the skin due to vasodilatation, excessive sweating or tingling and burning sensation of the cheek skin. Clinicians should pay attention to frey syndrome in patients after parotid gland surgery. Treatment includes botulinum toxin type A most commonly, topical injection of alcohol, scopolamine, glycopyrrolate and less common surgical treatment including transection of auriculotemporal nerve. Frey syndrome is not such a rare disease and should be always considered by clinicians because it may worsen the quality of patients' life