29 research outputs found
Unveiling the Engines of Fast Radio Bursts, Super-Luminous Supernovae, and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Young, rapidly spinning magnetars are invoked as central engines behind a
diverse set of transient astrophysical phenomena, including gamma-ray bursts
(GRB), super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe), fast radio bursts (FRB), and binary
neutron star (NS) mergers. However, a barrier to direct confirmation of the
magnetar hypothesis is the challenge of directly observing non-thermal emission
from the central engine at early times (when it is most powerful and thus
detectable) due to the dense surrounding ejecta. We present CLOUDY calculations
of the time-dependent evolution of the temperature and ionization structure of
expanding supernova or merger ejecta due to photo-ionization by a magnetar
engine, in order to study the escape of X-rays (absorbed by neutral gas) and
radio waves (absorbed by ionized gas), as well as to assess the evolution of
the local dispersion measure due to photo-ionization. We find that ionization
breakout does not occur if the engine's ionizing luminosity decays rapidly, and
that X-rays typically escape the oxygen-rich ejecta of SLSNe only on timescales, consistent with current X-ray non-detections. We apply
these results to constrain engine-driven models for the binary NS merger
GW170817 and the luminous transient ASASSN-15lh. In terms of radio transparency
and dispersion measure constraints, the repeating FRB 121102 is consistent with
originating from a young, , magnetar similar to
those inferred to power SLSNe. We further show that its high rotation measure
can be produced within the same nebula that is proposed to power the quiescent
radio source observed co-located with FRB 121102. Our results strengthen
previous work suggesting that at least some FRBs may be produced by young
magnetars, and motivate further study of engine powered transients.Comment: submitted to MNRAS; comments welcom
Probabilistic Association of Transients to their Hosts (PATH)
We introduce a new method to estimate the probability that an extragalactic
transient source is associated with a candidate host galaxy. This approach
relies solely on simple observables: sky coordinates and their uncertainties,
galaxy fluxes and angular sizes. The formalism invokes Bayes' rule to calculate
the posterior probability P(O_i|x) from the galaxy prior P(O), observables x,
and an assumed model for the true distribution of transients in/around their
host galaxies. Using simulated transients placed in the well-studied COSMOS
field, we consider several agnostic and physically motivated priors and offset
distributions to explore the method sensitivity. We then apply the methodology
to the set of 13~fast radio bursts (FRBs) localized with an uncertainty of
several arcseconds. Our methodology finds nine of these are securely associated
to a single host galaxy, P(O_i|x)>0.95. We examine the observed and intrinsic
properties of these secure FRB hosts, recovering similar distributions as
previous works. Furthermore, we find a strong correlation between the apparent
magnitude of the securely identified host galaxies and the estimated cosmic
dispersion measures of the corresponding FRBs, which results from the Macquart
relation. Future work with FRBs will leverage this relation and other measures
from the secure hosts as priors for future associations. The methodology is
generic to transient type, localization error, and image quality. We encourage
its application to other transients where host galaxy associations are critical
to the science, e.g. gravitational wave events, gamma-ray bursts, and
supernovae. We have encoded the technique in Python on GitHub:
https://github.com/FRBs/astropath.Comment: In press, ApJ; comments still welcome; Visit
https://github.com/FRBs/astropath to use and build PAT
Constraints on the persistent radio source associated with FRB 20190520B using the European VLBI Network
We present very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of a
continuum radio source potentially associated with the fast radio burst source
FRB 20190520B. Using the European VLBI network (EVN), we find the source to be
compact on VLBI scales with an angular size of mas (). This
corresponds to a transverse physical size of pc (at the redshift
of the host galaxy), confirming it to be an FRB persistent radio source (PRS)
like that associated with the first-known repeater FRB 20121102A. The PRS has a
flux density of at 1.7 GHz and a spectral radio
luminosity of (also similar to the FRB 20121102A PRS). Comparing to previous
lower-resolution observations, we find that no flux is resolved out on
milliarcsecond scales. We have refined the PRS position, improving its
precision by an order of magnitude compared to previous results. We also report
the detection of a FRB 20190520B burst at 1.4 GHz and find the burst position
to be consistent with the PRS position, at mas. This strongly
supports their direct physical association and the hypothesis that a single
central engine powers both the bursts and the PRS. We discuss the model of a
magnetar in a wind nebula and present an allowed parameter space for its age
and the radius of the putative nebula powering the observed PRS emission.
Alternatively, we find that an accretion-powered 'hypernebula' model also fits
our observational constraints.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to ApJ
Millimeter Observations of the Type II SN2023ixf: Constraints on the Proximate Circumstellar Medium
We present 1.3 mm (230 GHz) observations of the recent and nearby Type II
supernova, SN2023ixf, obtained with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 2.6-18.6
days after explosion. The observations were obtained as part the SMA Large
Program POETS (Pursuit of Extragalactic Transients with the SMA). We do not
detect any emission at the location of SN2023ixf, with the deepest limits of
erg s Hz at 2.7
and 7.7 days, and erg
s Hz at 18.6 days. These limits are about a factor of 2 times
dimmer than the mm emission from SN2011dh (IIb), about an order of magnitude
dimmer compared to SN1993J (IIb) and SN2018ivc (IIL), and about 30 times dimmer
than the most luminous non-relativistic SNe in the mm-band (Type IIb/Ib/Ic).
Using these limits in the context of analytical models that include synchrotron
self-absorption and free-free absorption we place constraints on the proximate
circumstellar medium around the progenitor star, to a scale of cm, excluding the range
M yr (for a wind velocity, km s, and ejecta
velocity, km s). These results are
consistent with an inference of the mass loss rate based on optical
spectroscopy ( M yr for km
s), but are in tension with the inference from hard X-rays ( M yr for km s). This tension
may be alleviated by a non-homogeneous and confined CSM, consistent with
results from high-resolution optical spectroscopy.Comment: Submitte
AT 2018cow VLBI: No Long-Lived Relativistic Outflow
Abstract We report on VLBI observations of the fast and blue optical transient (FBOT), AT 2018cow. At ∼62 Mpc, AT 2018cow is the first relatively nearby FBOT. The nature of AT 2018cow is not clear, although various hypotheses from a tidal disruption event to different kinds of supernovae have been suggested. It had a very fast rise time (3.5 d) and an almost featureless blue spectrum although high photospheric velocities (40,000 km s−1) were suggested early on. The X-ray luminosity was very high, ∼1.4 × 1043 erg s−1, larger than those of ordinary SNe, and more consistent with those of SNe associated with gamma-ray bursts. Variable hard X-ray emission hints at a long-lived “central engine.” It was also fairly radio luminous, with a peak 8.4-GHz spectral luminosity of ∼4 × 1028 erg s−1 Hz−1, allowing us to make VLBI observations at ages between 22 and 287 d. We do not resolve AT 2018cow. Assuming a circularly symmetric source, our observations constrain the average apparent expansion velocity to be <0.49 c by t = 98 d (3σ limit). We also constrain the proper motion of AT 2018cow to be <0.51 c. Since the radio emission generally traces the fastest ejecta, our observations make the presence of a long-lived relativistic jet with a lifetime of more than one month very unlikely
A Fast Radio Burst in a Compact Galaxy Group at ~1
FRB 20220610A is a high-redshift Fast Radio Burst (FRB) that has not been
observed to repeat. Here, we present rest-frame UV and optical observations of the field of FRB 20220610A. The imaging
reveals seven extended sources, one of which we identify as the most likely
host galaxy with a spectroscopic redshift of =1.017. We spectroscopically
confirm at least three additional sources to be at the same redshift, and
identify the system as a compact galaxy group with possible signs of
interaction among group members. We determine the host of FRB 20220610A to be a
star-forming galaxy with stellar mass of ,
mass-weighted age of ~Gyr, and star formation rate (integrated over
the last 100 Myr) of ~M~yr. These host properties
are commensurate with the star-forming field galaxy population at z~1 and trace
their properties analogously to the population of low- FRB hosts. Based on
estimates of the total stellar mass of the galaxy group, we calculate a
fiducial contribution to the observed Dispersion Measure (DM) from the
intragroup medium of (rest-frame). This
leaves a significant excess of (in the
observer frame), with additional sources of DM possibly originating from the
circumburst environment, host galaxy interstellar medium, and/or foreground
structures along the line of sight. Given the low occurrence rates of galaxies
in compact groups, the discovery of an FRB in such a group demonstrates a rare
and novel environment in which FRBs can occur.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitte
A non-repeating fast radio burst in a dwarf host galaxy
We present the discovery of as-of-yet non-repeating Fast Radio Burst (FRB),
FRB 20210117A, with the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) as
a part of the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) Survey. The
sub-arcsecond localization of the burst led to the identification of its host
galaxy at a . This redshift is much lower than what would be
expected for a source dispersion measure (DM) of 729 pc cm, given
typical contributions from the intergalactic medium and the host galaxy.
Optical observations reveal the host to be a dwarf galaxy with little on-going
star formation, very different to the dwarf host galaxies of known repeating
FRBs 20121102A, and 20190520B. We find an excess DM contribution from the host
and attribute it to the FRB's local environment. We do not find any radio
emission from the FRB site or host galaxy. The low magnetized environment and
lack of a persistent radio source (PRS) indicate that the FRB source is older
than those found in other dwarf host galaxies, and establish the diversity of
FRB sources in dwarf galaxy environments. We find our observations to be fully
consistent with the hypernebula model, where the FRB is powered by
accretion-jet from a hyper-accreting black hole. Finally, our high-time
resolution analysis reveals burst characteristics similar to those seen in
repeating FRBs. We encourage follow-up observations of FRB 20210117A to
establish any repeating nature.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 Table
The Tidal Disruption Event AT 2018hyz II: Light Curve Modeling of a Partially Disrupted Star
AT 2018hyz (=ASASSN-18zj) is a tidal disruption event (TDE) located in the
nucleus of a quiescent E+A galaxy at a redshift of , first
detected by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We present
optical+UV photometry of the transient, as well as an X-ray spectrum and radio
upper limits. The bolometric light curve of AT 2018hyz is comparable to other
known TDEs and declines at a rate consistent with a at early times,
emitting a total radiated energy of erg. An excess bump
appears in the UV light curve about 50 days after bolometric peak, followed by
a flattening beyond 250 days. The light curve shows an excess bump in the UV
about 50 days after bolometric peak lasting for at least 100 days, which may be
related to an outflow. We detect a constant X-ray source present for at least
86 days. The X-ray spectrum shows a total unabsorbed flux of erg cm s and is best fit by a blackbody plus
power-law model with a photon index of . A thermal X-ray model is
unable to account for photons keV, while the radio non-detection favors
inverse-Compton scattering rather than a jet for the non-thermal component. We
model the optical and UV light curves using the Modular Open-Source Fitter for
Transients (MOSFiT) and find a best fit for a black hole of
M partially disrupting a M star (stripping a mass of
M for the inferred impact parameter, ). The low
optical depth implied by the small debris mass may explain how we are able to
see hydrogen emission with disk-like line profiles in the spectra of AT 2018hyz
(see our companion paper, Short et al.~2020).Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, published in MNRA