10 research outputs found

    Interface Friction of Smooth Geomembranes and Ottawa Sand

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    Geomembranes commonly used in civil engineering constructions are mostly in contact with soils. Some constructions failed due to slippage between geomembrane sheets and interfacing soils. This paper aims at presenting the interface strength of various geomembranes and Ottawa sand resulting from tests with the ring shear device. The interface strength is generally governed by the stiffness, the texture of geomembranes and the imposed stress level. It was found that residual friction angles, dresidual, for the interfaces varied from 10.5° to 28.1° or 0.34 to 0.97 in efficiency ratio. The lower value is for a smooth HDPE, the higher value is mobilised by a soft PVC at higher stresses

    Unsur Pralogis Dalam Syair Burung Simbangan (the Pralogical Elements in Burung Simbangan Poem)

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    Unsur Pralogis dalam Syair Burung Simbangan. Unsur pralogis adalah unsur yang selalu ada dalamsastra klasik. Unsur pralogis adalah hal-hal yang dianggap logis oleh pemilik cerita namun tidakdianggap logis oleh orang lain yang bukan pemilik cerita. Unsur pralogis berkaitan erat dengan sistemkepercayaan masyarakat. Unsur-unsur pralogis dalam syair burung simbangan terdapat pada diri tokohcerita dan pada latar cerita. Di antara unsur pralogis pada tokoh cerita adalah (i) dapat terbang, (ii)memiliki benda ajaib seperti panah, dan lain-lain (iii) mengubah diri menjadi rama-rama, dan lainlain.Unsur pralogis pada latar adalah tentang kemampuan berinteraksi di bumi, di udara, di dalambumi, dan di dalam air.Kata

    Cucupatian (Teka-teki) Banjar: Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, Dan Nilai Budaya

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    Results of an early observation show that cucupatian (riddles), one of the pillars of the Banjar culture has been ignored by the Banjar communities and is now in the brink of extinction. To confirm the findings, the research uses the qualitative approach where the researcher functions as a human instrument. The research uses the theory of transformation generative-grammar, a theory of folklore (a theory that pertains to the structure of folklore, and functions as well as cultural values), and a theory of pragmatics. The main location of the study is Kota Banjarmasin, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, and Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. The data collection was carried out by using a participant-observation method and in-depth interviews. The research commenced with four Banjarian culturalists. From two informants, information about other informants who knew cucupatian was gathered. To avoid qualms on the data that have been accumulated, the researcher tested the validity of the data by using triangulation. The analysis of the data was carried out with the methodology proposed by Miles and Huberman (1992) which begins with data reduction and continued with data presentation and the conclusion. Based on the analysis of data, this research has produced the followings: (1) Banjar's cucupatian is divided into tatangguhan dan mahalabiu. (2) Tatangguhan is rooted in the traditional community while mahalabiu is rooted in the current modern society. (3) Tatangguhan is rarely found, and it can be said that it is in the brink of extinction. Today's era is the era of mahalabiu, a variation of tatangguhan which stresses on the joke aspects by using words, phrases, or sentences which are ambiguous. (4) There are five 210 | Masyarakat Indonesia functions of tatangguhan, which are: the knowledge system, the mediation system, the participation system, the communication system, and the practice system. From these functions, knowledge and mediation systems are more dominant in tatangguhan. (6) Cultural values of tatangguhan revolve around social values, ethics, philosophies, religions, and aesthetics, and the values of mahalabiu in addition to being social values (especially social critics) are also having religious values. (7) The structure of tatangguhan inclines not to follow the inner structure method of the Banjar language and it has a surface structure (transformation of sentences) that has 11 forms of transformation of sentences; FN+FPrep; FN+FAdj; FN+FNum; FNum+FAdj; FV+FAdj; FAdj+FV; FV+FPrep; FAdj+FAdj; FV+FN; FPrep+FPrep; FAdj+FAdj. (8) The structure of mahalabiu tends to follow the sentence's inner structure of the Banjar language. Occasionally, to explain sentence information, mahalabiu is turned into a discourse. Cucupatian contains many cultural teachings. Hence, it is suggested that every societal member, in particular the local government and scholars need to strive in order to save cucupatian from extinction

    Cancer Stem Cells and Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in males, the second in females and is the second leading cause of cancer related death worldwide. Despite recent advances in chemotherapy, and targeted therapy for CRC, the prognosis for patients with advanced cancer has remained poor, due to drug resistance, metastasis and recurrence. A small fraction of cells possess tumor propagation abilities. These are termed “cancer stem cells (CSCs). A subset of colorectal cancer stem cells, may hold a key to controlling cancer. The cancer stem cell (CSC) model suggests that tumors are hierarchically organized, only CSCs possess cancer-promoting potential. The killing of CSCs is thought to be a critical component of effective antitumor therapies. A number of signaling pathways, most notably the Wingless related (Wnt), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), Notch and Hedgehog signaling and other mechanisms have been found to be associated with CSCs in CRC. They play important roles in maintaining the growth and functional integrity of CSC. Many new molecules are now being studied to block theses pathways. Some of the molecules block the self-renewal and induction of apoptosis in CSCs. The design of CSC-targeted interventions is a rational target, and reduce local recurrence and metastasis. This review aims to summarize the issue on CSCs and signaling pathway relevant for CRC, which may lead to more effective therapeutic strategies for CRC

    Probabilitas Pulih Pada Balita Kurus Dan Kurus Sekali Menurut Kepatuhan Mengikuti Pemulihan Secara Rawat Jalan Di Klinik Gizi Bogor

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    THE PROBABILITY OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS IMPROVEMENT AMONG WASTING CHILDREN ACCORDING TO ROUTINE VISITS TO KLINIK GIZI BOGOR.Background: Prevalence of malnutrition on todler in Indonesia still high. It's an indication that nutrition prevention is not yet safisfiying. SKRT 2004 data shows that 9.3% todler in the cities and 11.1% In the village include in category at thin and very thin. Data from departement of health of RI 2005, Prevalence of malnutrition on todler is still on 19.2% and severe malnutrition is 8.8%. Bogor nutritional clinic is already develop severe malnutrition treament by out patient.Aims: To analize data of nutritional clinic visitors on 2001-2005. To now the probability of cured until Z_skore ≥ -2.5 SD dan Z_skore ≥ -2.0 SD, by using weight for height index on thin todlers and very thin todlers after six months of treatment. Methods: 294 todlers are devided in to two categories, which are 192 thin subject (≥-3SD s/d <-2 SD) and 102 very thin (<-3 SD) or thin with clinical indication. Inclution criteria in this anallsis, that the subject doesn't have such as down syndrome, heart disorder, thalasemia, hydrocephalus and microcephalus. Results: The study revealed that father education, mother age, todler age and compliance of treatment were correlated with probability of cured until Z_skore ≥ -2.5 SD dan Z_skore ≥ -2.0 SD, on thin todlers and very thin todlers after six months of treatment

    Level of Gastrin Serum and Ulcer Size on Gastric Ulcer Correlated to Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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    Background: Previously has been defined that peptic ulcer has strongly correlated to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. But it hasn\u27t determined about correlation of gastrin serum level to the ulcer severity on H. pylori infection. The aims of this study were to find the percentage of H. pylori infection on peptic ulcer cases and its correlation to the gastrin serum level. Method: This is analytic cross sectional study in 50 patients with gastric ulcer who came to Adam Malik hospital from February to October 2007. The correlation between gastrin serum level and the size of ulcer with positive and negative Urea Breath Test (UBT) group was analyzed by unpaired student t- test. The correlation between gastrin serum level and ulcer size were investigated with Pearson correlation test and linier regression. Result: Fifty eligible patients, 33 (66%) had positive UBT and 17 (34%) were negative. There were statistically significant difference on gastrin serum level in positive UBT and negative respectively (p = 0.017). There were also significant difference between mean of ulcer size in positive UBT and negative respectively (p = 0.025). There were correlation between gastrin serum level and ulcer size (r = 0.315; p = 0.026). It can predict the increasing ulcer size in 0.012 mm every 1 pg/mL of gastrin serum elevated. Conclusion: Patients with positive UBT has greater ulcer size and higher gastrin level as compared to the negative group. There were positive correlation between gastrin serum level to the size of ulcer in peptic ulcer patients and increase of ulcer size followed with elevated of gastrin serum level

    Profile of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Endoscopic Unit at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital - Medan

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most prevalent cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide every year. Rates of this Malignancy vary by country. In Indonesia, the prevalence is estimated to have an increased tendency. The objectives of this sudy was to examine the prevalence and profile of colorectal cancer, which are diagnosed by endoscopic examination. Method: The study was conducted retrospectively, by examining the Result of endoscopic findings of patients with rectal bleeding, altered bowel habit, chronic diarrhea, unexplain abdominal pain, and other signs and symptoms at The Endoscopic Unit Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Pirngadi hospital from January 2004 to June 2008. Results: We found 197 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) from 760 patients examined by colonoscopy (25.9%). One hundred and one patients (51.3%) out of 197 CRC patients were female. Most were in the group of age 51-60 years (28.9%). The most frequent ethnic of the patients were Bataknese (46.2%). The most common symptom was rectal bleeding (70.6%). The most common location of CRC was in the rectum (74.6%). Histopathologic Result was adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: The prevalence of colorectal cancer in this study were twenty six percents. Rectal bleeding appeared to be the most common sign in this study. Rectum was the most common site of the cancer. Most of patients were Bataknese. Patients were at advanced stage and most of them were having well-differentiated adenocarcinoma