36 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perendaman Kapur Sirih Dan Garam Terhadap Mutu Tepung Biji Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the best treatment of the difference solution of slaked lime, salt (NaCl) and soaking time on the quality of flour of durian seed either from the physical, chemical and organic. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments, with each treatment using 5 grams of slaked lime and 5 grams of salt, 105 grams of durian seeds are used with soaking time of 1, 2, 3 hours in 300 ml of water and three replications. The treatment in this study was PK1 (1 hour long immersion in a solution of slaked lime 5%), PK2 (2 hour long immersion in a solution of slaked lime 5%), PK3 (1 hour long immersion in a solution of slaked lime 5%), PG1 (1 hour long immersion in a solution of salt 5%), PG2 (2 hour long immersion in a solution of salt 5%), PG3 (3 hour long immersion in a solution of salt 5%). The data obtained were analyzed used analysis of variance followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5%. The results showed that the difference in the solution and soaking time is not obvious effect on water content, ash content, starch and fiber content, but has evident influential toward the value of the immersion, pH and sensory assessment. The best treatment in this study was PG3 (3 hour long immersion in a solution of salt 5%) has value of 57.62%, moisture content 8.62%, ash content of 3.72%, starch content 42,35%, fiber content of 4.69%, pH 6.63% and Sensory be accepted by the panelis

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L) Dan Rumput Laut (Euchema Cottoni) Terhadap Mutu Permen Jelly

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    The study was purposed to get the best combination of rosella flower petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and seaweed (Euchema cottoni). The research used a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were rosella flower petals 90% : seaweed 10%, rosella flower petals 80% : seaweed 20%, rosella flower petals 70% : seaweed 30%, rosella flower petals 60% : seaweed 40%, and rosella flower petals 50% : seaweed 50%. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using Anova and DNMRT at 5%. The research showed that rosella flower petals and seaweed significant on water content, ash content, degree of acidity (pH), reducing sugar, and sensory evaluation for descriptif and hedonic test. The best treatment of jelly bean from this research was rosella flower petals 60% and seaweed 40% which have water content 16,59%, ash content 0,24%, degree of acidity (pH) 5,81, reducing sugar 23,14%, reddish orange color, a little bit rosella flavour, sweet little sour taste, the texture was little springy and overall assesment of jelly beans was rather preferred by the panelist's

    Penambahan Tepung Biji Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr) Dalam Pembuatan Roti Tawar

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain the best ratio of durian seed flour and wheat flour to produce a good quality white bread. This research was carried out experimentally by using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications in order to obtain tweenty experiments unit. Analysis of variance showed that the ratio of the addition of durian seed flour and wheat flour significantly effect on moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, bread improver, descriptive sensory assessment on the parameters of colour, aroma and texture as well as hedonic sensory assessment on parameters of colour and aroma. White bread best treatment according to chemical analysis and sensory assessment is descriptive and hedonic P2 treatment which has moisture content of 27.53%, ash content of 1.65%, protein content of 13.46%, fat content of 5.28%, carbohydrate content of 52.08%, and bread improver of 222.50%

    Penerimaan Panelis terhadap Teh Herbal dari Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) dengan Perlakuan Suhu Pengeringan

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    The processing of mangosteen rind is still less than optimal, so one of processing mangosteen rind is making herbal tea. The purpose of research is drying mangosteen rind with best quality and knowing the acceptance of panelists from herbal tea of mangosteen rind. Research conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Each treatment is using drying for 3 hours at different temperatures, namely 75°C, 80°C, 85°C and 90°C. Parameters measured were water content, ash content, crude fiber, antioxidants, toxicity and organoleptic. The result showed the drying temperature significantly affect the water content, crude fiber, organoleptic and not significantly to ash content. The best treatment is drying at 85 ° C with a water content value 7.98; 4,129 ash content; crude fiber 7863; antioxidant 3.95 × 10-34; toxicity of 34.67 and 0.92 overall acceptance

    Tingkat Penerimaan Panelis terhadap Sifat Organoleptik Sabun Transparan yang Diformulasi dari Minyak Sawit dengan Penambahan Pewarna dan Pewangi

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    Transparent soap is produced by reaction between natrium or potassium with oil vegetarian or oil animals, transparent soap manufacturing in Indonesia have not optimals and still difficult to find in the market. Addition of colour and deodorant aim to to more upgrade esthetics and assess to sell of society. One of reason of election of the deodorant and colour because more interesting and impress by experience. Existence soap in the middle of society of vital importance in assessment by organoleptik, cause of assessment of organoleptik can improve, repair product , looking after quality and know level of panelist identification. Intention of this research is acceptance of panelist to nature of organoleptik of transparent soap which formulation between palm oil with addition of colourant and deodorant. The studies were conducted with organoleptic test. This research used completely randomized design with six treatments and twenty replications. Data obtained were treated by the analysis of variance followed by duncan test. The test hedonik, addition colours and perfumes of transparent soap give real influence to colour and perfume, but give influence is not real to a lot of spume, tekstur, and assessment is overall. Colour which prefer that is red colour with trawberry perfume, perfume which prefer that is treatment blue colour green tea perfume

    Lama Fermentasi terhadap Mutu Teh Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata L.)

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    The purposes of this study was to obtain the effect of fermentation on the quality of soursop leaf tea by fermentation. Soursop leaf tea processing using the method of processing black tea. The method used in this study was completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment used were F1(1 hour fermentation), F2 (2 hours fermentation), F3 (3 hours fermentation), F4 (4 hours fermentation). The results showed that the long of fermentation of tea leaves of the soursop significant effect on water content, levels of tannins, antioxidant activity, assessment of sensory descriptive and hedonic well as colour, aroma, taste and acceptance as a whole tea leaves of the soursop, but did not significantly affect the ash content. The best treatment was F4 (4 hours fermentation) based on water content of 1.31%, ash content of 5.82%, tannin content of 0.51%, the antioxidant levels of 28.733 ppm, descriptive sensory assessment and hedonic soursop leaf tea which has a brown colour and preferred by the panelist's. Soursop leaf tea flavor is slightly tart and flavorful leaves of the soursop so preferred by the panelist's. While the overall assessment of soursop leaf tea is also preferred by the panelist's

    Kombinasi Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) dengan Ikan Patin dalam Pembuatan Bakso Ikan

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    The study aimed to obtain the proper formulation in the manufacture of white oyster mushroom meatballs. The research was carried out experimentally using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments, namely : JP1 (95% White Oyster Mushroom : 5% Catfish), JP2 (90% White Oyster Mushrooms : 10% Catfish), JP3 (85% White Oyster Mushroom : 15% catfish), JP4 (80% White Oyster mushrooms : 20% catfish), JP5 (75% White Oyster mushrooms : 25% catfish). The results showed that the combination of oyster mushroom with catfish significantly effect on the moisture content, ash content, fat content, flavor and texture, on organoleptic but did not significantly affect the color, flavor and overall acceptance. The best combination was JP4 (80% White Oyster Mushroom : Catfish 20%) which content 75,61% water, 2,01% ash, 0.65% fat, grayish white color, the aroma of fish,distinctive flavor fish balls, chewy texture and overall assessment by panelists preferred meatball

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pektin Terhadap Mutu Selai Jagung Manis (Zeamays.l).

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    The purpose of this study was todetermine the effect of pection addition on quality of sweet corn jam. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment were jam without and with addition of pection 0,5%, 1%, and 1,5%, Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of varianca (ANOVA) and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5% level. The results showed that the addition of pectin significantly effected water content, ash content, total soluble solids and organoleptic assessment. The best treatment from this results was 0,5% pectionaddtion with water content of 31.74%, ash content of 0.71%, , total soluble solids 72.67 brix, crude fiber content of 0.66%, with description of jam from the best treatment was taste of sweet corn, flavorful sweet corn, yellow and overall assesment showed that the jam

    Pemanfaatan Kitosan sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Edible Film dari Pati Ubi Jalar Kuning

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    The purpose of this research was to obtained the best chitosanconcentration in making edible film from sweet potato starch. This research usedCompletely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and threereplications. Data were obtained using analysis of variance (Anova) continued byDuncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) test at 5%. The treatments in thisresearch was K (chitosan 2%), K2 (chitosan 3%), K3 (chitosan 4%), K4 (chitosan5%) and K5 (chitosan 6%). The results of analysis of variance showed that theused different concentration of chitosan was significantly affected on the degreeon thickness, resistance of water, transparency of the value, and water vaportransmission rate. The best treatment in this research was treatment of K5(chitosan 6%) with degree of thickness 0,20 mm, resistance of water 21,77%,transparency of the value 2,12, and water vapor transmission rate 0,02 g/m2/h