26 research outputs found
Diversity of Zooplankton in the Kandis River Karya Indah Village, Tapung Sub-Regency, Kampar Regency, Riau Province
A study on the diversity of zooplankton in the Kandis River was conducted from January 2014. This research aims to understand the type and abundance of zooplankton in the Kandis River . There were three stations with 3 sampling points in each station. Samples were taken 3 times, once a week and they were analyzed in the marine productivity Riau University.Result shown that the phytoplankton obtained were consist of 6 species, they were belonged to of 2 classes, namely Rotifera (4species), Cilliata (2 species). The average of fitoplankton abundance was around 220-319 ind/l. General water quality parameters are as follow: temperature: 290C, brightness: 30-32,5 cm, current speed: 0,08-0,12 m/s, pH: 5, DO: 35β3,7 mg/l, CO2: 11,88β12,9 mg/l
Types and Density of Aquatic Plant in Lubuk Siam Lake Lubuk Siam Village Siak Hulu Sub-Regency Kampar Regency Riau Province
Lubuk Siam Lake is one of the oxbow lakes in the Lubuk Siam Village, SiakHulu Sub-regency, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This lake is overgrown by varioustypes of aquatic plants and almost cover the surface of the lake. This condition hampersthe fishing activities in the lake. This research aims to discover the types and density ofthe aquatic plant in Lubuk Siam Lake and it was conducted on February to March 2015.Field sampling was done 2 times, a month period. The plants were then identified basedon Van Steenis (1981).Results shown that there were 7 species of aquatic plants present in the LubukSiam Lake and they are belonged to 4 classes, 7 families. They are Eichhornia crassipes,Salvinia natans, Ipomoea aquatica, Cyperus sp., Paspalum sp., Pandanus sp., andNephrolepis sp. The most common plant is Salvinia natans (61-71 organisms/m2,relative density 55.94-57.13 %), while the rarest was Ipomoea aquatica (4.5-7organisms/m2, relative density 3.48-6.47 %). In general, the relative density of aquaticplants in the Lubuk Siam Lake can be categorized as rare to dense
Types and Density of Aquatic Plant in Rengas Lake, Buluh Cina Village, Siak Hulu Sub-Regency, Kampar Regency, Province of Riau.
This Research aims to discover the types and density of aquatic plant in RengasLake, Buluh Cina Village, Siak Hulu Sub-regency, Kampar Regency, Province of Riau.This research was conducted on January until April 2013. This research uses SurveyMethod with doing both observing and sampling. Samples were taken 3 times, once aweek and they were analyzed in the Picology Laboratory of the Fisheries and MarineScience Faculty, University of Riau.Result shown that there are 3 classes, 6 families and 6 species of aquatic plants.There are Eicchornia crassipes, Vetiveria zizaniodes, Salvinia natans, Ipomoeaaquatica, Myriophyllum Brasilliense, and Cyperus esculentus. From those aquaticplants, the species that has the most value of density is Eucchornia crassipes (54 - 82cells/m2) and the least value of density is Myriophyllum Brasilliense (20-66cells/m2)Based on data obatained, Eucchornia crassipes is relatively the most denseaquatic plant (16 - 28%) and Myriophyluum Brasillense is the least (7-19%)
Morphometric, Meristic, and Growth Patterns of the Strombus Turturella From the Dompak Island Coastal Area, Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau
Strombus turturella is a type of gastropods that live in the shallow coastal area of the Dompak Island. A research aims to understand the morphometrical, meristical characteristics and growth patterns of S. turturella from the Dompak Island was conducted in June-July 2018. The number of snail sampled was 400, with 46.98-83.07 TL mm and 13-46 grams BW. There were six morphological characteristics measured, there were total length, shell length, aperture length, shell width, shell depth and lip thickness, and there was one meristical characteristic count, namely the number of spire. Results shown that there are 5 morphometrical characteristic differences in males and females. Total length of male is longer than that of the female. While other characteristics, such as the shell length and aperture of the females were longer, the shell was wider, deeper and the lip was thicker than those of the males. The number of spire was 4-9 in males and 4-8 in females. The lenghweight relationship shown that the growth of males and females is allometric negative (b=0.503)
A Study on Fish Composition in the Air Hitam River, Pekanbaru, Riau Province
The Air Hitam River was inhabit by numerous fish species, information on these fishhowever is almost none. To understand the composition of fish in that river, a study hasbeen conducted from February to March 2014. There were 3 sampling sites, in theupstream (S1), middle (S2) and downstream (S3) of the river. The fish was sampledusing several net types (mesh size 0.1 β 1.0 inch), electrofoshing and line fishing. Datawere then analyzed to find out the diversity (H'), evenness (E) and dominance (C)index. The fish sampled were identified based on Kottelat (2013). The fish speciespresent were consisted of 34 species (15 families). There were Notopterus notopterus,Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Desmopuntius gemellus, D. hexazona, Esomus metallicus,Hampala macrolepidota, Labiobarbus leptocheilus, Osteochillus vittatus, Parachelaoxygastroides, Rasbora argyrotaenia, R. einthovenii, R trilineata, Tynnichthyspolylepis, Trigonopoma gracile, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Ompok rhadinurus,Pseudeutropius brachypopterus, P. moolenburghae, Mystus nigriceps,Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus, Poecilia reticulata, Monopterus javanensis,Pristolepis grooti, Oreochromis niloticus, Anabas testudineus, Helostoma temminckii,Belontia hasselti, Osphronemus goramy and Sphaerichthys osphromenoides,Trichopodus leerii, T. trichopterus, Trichopsis vittata, Channa lucius and C. striata.The most common fish was Pterygoplichthys pardalis that was present mainly in theS2. Trichopodus trichopterus and Trichopsis vittata were distributed evenly along theriver, as they were found in each sampling area (Fi 100%). In the Air Hitam River, thehighest H' value (3. 671) and the highest E value (0.880) were in the upstream, whilethe highest C (0.476) was in the middle stream
Re-inventarisation of Fish in the Sail River, Pekanbaru Regency, Riau Province
Sail River is one of the polluted rivers in Riau. A study on fish identification in that river has been conducted in 1981 (Hamidy and Alawi, 1991) and there were 54 species present. The environmental changing during these recent years, however, may affects the fish population in that river in general. To understand the fish type present in the Sail River nowadays, a study has been conducted in December 2014 - February 2015. The fish was sampled from 5 study sites, there were in the upstream of river, under the Imam Munandar bridge, under the Sail bridge, in the Lima Puluh District and in the river mouth of the river. The fish were caught using gill net, lure, and cash net. Fish species are identified based on Saanin (1986) and Kottelat et al. (1993). Results shown that the fish caught during the study were consisted of Cypriniformes (8 species), Osteoglosiformes (1 species), Siluiformes (2 species), Beloniformes (1 species), Cyprinodontiformes (1 species), and Perciformes (10 species). The most common genus was Cypriniformes and Perciformes, and they were captured mostly under the Imam Munandar bridge. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the fish species living in the Sail River has been significantly decreased during the last 25 years
The Association of Pistia Stratiotes and Fish in the Dam of the Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Riau University
The water surface of the dam of the Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Riau University is almost covered by Pistia stratiotes and this condition may affect the availability of fish in that area. To understand the types of fish associated with that aquatic plant, a research has been conducted February to March 2017. Based on plant density, there were 3 sampling sites, site 1 (46.19 plants/m2), site 2 (14.6 plants/m2) and site 3 (52.31 plants/m2). A modified quadrant (2 x 2 m, completed with fish trapping net attached) was placed for an hour in each site. Samplings were conducted 4 times, once/week. Results shown that there is a relationship between the plant density and the number of fish as well as the types of fish present. As the density of the plant increase, the number and type of fish present was also increase. The types of fish present are as follows: Trichogaster trichopterus, T. pectoralis, Trichopsis vittata, Rasbora einthovenii, Oreochromis nilloticus, Xenentodon canciloides, and Channa striata. In the lower surface of the plant, there were fish eggs attached. Data obtained indicate that there were 7 fish species associated with P. stratiotes and the community of the plant may serves as hatchery of the associated fish
Identification of Gastropod From the Air Hitam River Pekanbaru
The area around Air Hitam river has been used for settlements. Remains of domestic activities may enter and pollute the water. The pollutant may disturb the life of aquatic organism, especially gastropod. This research aims to identify gastropod that lives in the Air Hitam River. This research was conducted at the Air Hitam River Pekanbaru in April-June 2016. There were three sampling stations namely Stasion I (in the up-stream), Stasion II (middle), and Stasions III (downstream). Samplings were conducted 3 times, once/week. Results shown that there are six species of gastropod lived in the Air Hitam River, namely Bellamya sp., Pila globosa., Melanoides prashadi, Gyraulus sp., Thiara riqueti and Lymnaea persica. The water quality parameters are as follows: temperature 290C, turbidity 7.54-15.83 NTU, depth 17-24.5 cm, current speed 12.5-25 cm/s, pH 6, dissolved oxygen 2.02-5.05 mg/L, and free carbon dioxide 9.9-11.9 mg/L