24 research outputs found

    Predicted annual disease cases from the final model (M5) together with the observed/reported number of cases.

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    <p>Predicted annual disease cases from the final model (M5) together with the observed/reported number of cases.</p

    Relative risks and associated risk fractions (%) associated with each driver associated with the trend change in that specific variables over the study period.

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    <p>Relative risks and associated risk fractions (%) associated with each driver associated with the trend change in that specific variables over the study period.</p

    Model comparison.

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    <p>Note: M1- model complete with all variables expressed with their original values; M2 –variables maxT, minT, meanT and premise replaced by the scores in PCA1 and PCA2; M3 –same as M1 but dropping the autoregressive component; M4 –same as M1 but dropping the cyclic component; M5 –same as M1 but removing the variables that did not achieve significance (maxT); <i>β</i>pop, S.E., Wald Z and p-values refer to the estimates of <i>β</i> for variable “Total Population” under the various models.</p><p>Model comparison.</p

    Independent Variables of the Poisson Regression Model with the respective coefficients and incidence ratios.

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    <p>Independent Variables of the Poisson Regression Model with the respective coefficients and incidence ratios.</p