4,738 research outputs found

    Avoided level crossing spectroscopy with dressed matter waves

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    We devise a method for probing resonances of macroscopic matter waves in shaken optical lattices by monitoring their response to slow parameter changes, and show that such resonances can be disabled by particular choices of the driving amplitude. The theoretical analysis of this scheme reveals far-reaching analogies between dressed atoms and time-periodically forced matter waves.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Describing many-body localized systems in thermal environments

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    In this work we formulate an efficient method for the description of fully many-body localized systems in weak contact with thermal environments at temperature T. The key idea is to exploit the representation of the system in terms of quasi-local integrals of motion (l-bits) to efficiently derive the generator for the quantum master equation in Born-Markov approximation. We, moreover, show how to compute the steady state of this equation efficiently by using quantum-jump Monte-Carlo techniques as well as by deriving approximate kinetic equations of motion. As an example, we consider a one-dimensional disordered extended Hubbard model for spinless fermions, for which we derive the l-bit representation approximately by employing a recently proposed method valid in the limit of strong disorder and weak interactions. Coupling the system to a global thermal bath, we study the transport between two leads with different chemical potentials at both of its ends. We find that the temperature-dependent current is captured by an interaction-dependent version of Mott's law for variable range hopping, where transport is enhanced/lowered depending on whether the interactions are attractive or repulsive, respectively. We interpret these results in terms of spatio-energetic correlations between the l-bits

    Development of a Computationally Efficient Fabric Model for Optimization of Gripper Trajectories in Automated Composite Draping

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    An automated prepreg fabric draping system is being developed which consists of an array of actuated grippers. It has the ability to pick up a fabric ply and place it onto a double-curved mold surface. A previous research effort based on a nonlinear Finite Element model showed that the movements of the grippers should be chosen carefully to avoid misplacement and induce of wrinkles in the draped configuration. Thus, the present study seeks to develop a computationally efficient model of the mechanical behavior of a fabric based on 2D catenaries which can be used for optimization of the gripper trajectories. The model includes bending stiffness, large deflections, large ply shear and a simple contact formulation. The model is found to be quick to evaluate and gives very reasonable predictions of the displacement field

    Bose-Hubbard model on two-dimensional line graphs

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    We construct a basis for the many-particle ground states of the positive hopping Bose-Hubbard model on line graphs of finite 2-connected planar bipartite graphs at sufficiently low filling factors. The particles in these states are localized on non-intersecting vertex-disjoint cycles of the line graph which correspond to non-intersecting edge-disjoint cycles of the original graph. The construction works up to a critical filling factor at which the cycles are close-packed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, figures and conclusions update

    Dressed matter waves

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    We suggest to view ultracold atoms in a time-periodically shifted optical lattice as a "dressed matter wave", analogous to a dressed atom in an electromagnetic field. A possible effect lending support to this concept is a transition of ultracold bosonic atoms from a superfluid to a Mott-insulating state in response to appropriate "dressing" achieved through time-periodic lattice modulation. In order to observe this effect in a laboratory experiment, one has to identify conditions allowing for effectively adiabatic motion of a many-body Floquet state.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to be published in: J. Phys.: Conference Serie

    Quantum simulation of frustrated magnetism in triangular optical lattices

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    Magnetism plays a key role in modern technology as essential building block of many devices used in daily life. Rich future prospects connected to spintronics, next generation storage devices or superconductivity make it a highly dynamical field of research. Despite those ongoing efforts, the many-body dynamics of complex magnetism is far from being well understood on a fundamental level. Especially the study of geometrically frustrated configurations is challenging both theoretically and experimentally. Here we present the first realization of a large scale quantum simulator for magnetism including frustration. We use the motional degrees of freedom of atoms to comprehensively simulate a magnetic system in a triangular lattice. Via a specific modulation of the optical lattice, we can tune the couplings in different directions independently, even from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic. A major advantage of our approach is that standard Bose-Einstein-condensate temperatures are sufficient to observe magnetic phenomena like N\'eel order and spin frustration. We are able to study a very rich phase diagram and even to observe spontaneous symmetry breaking caused by frustration. In addition, the quantum states realized in our spin simulator are yet unobserved superfluid phases with non-trivial long-range order and staggered circulating plaquette currents, which break time reversal symmetry. These findings open the route towards highly debated phases like spin-liquids and the study of the dynamics of quantum phase transitions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    F-Box Proteins Take Center Stage

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    Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction: Function of G Protein–Coupled Receptor 1 in Arabidopsis

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    Journey to the Center of the Genome: Complete Sequence of the Rice Chromosome 8 Centromere

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    Tunneling control and localization for Bose-Einstein condensates in a frequency modulated optical lattice

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    The similarity between matter waves in periodic potential and solid-state physics processes has triggered the interest in quantum simulation using Bose-Fermi ultracold gases in optical lattices. The present work evidences the similarity between electrons moving under the application of oscillating electromagnetic fields and matter waves experiencing an optical lattice modulated by a frequency difference, equivalent to a spatially shaken periodic potential. We demonstrate that the tunneling properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in shaken periodic potentials can be precisely controlled. We take additional crucial steps towards future applications of this method by proving that the strong shaking of the optical lattice preserves the coherence of the matter wavefunction and that the shaking parameters can be changed adiabatically, even in the presence of interactions. We induce reversibly the quantum phase transition to the Mott insulator in a driven periodic potential.Comment: Laser Physics (in press