4 research outputs found

    Современные подходы к разработке проектов общих фармакопейных статей и фармакопейных статей на препараты крови человека

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    Blood products were first represented in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR IX and X editions (1961 and 1968) by a single monograph "Gamma globulin for the prevention of measles". During the next 50 years there were no general monographs (GM) or individual monographs (IM) in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation that laid down regulatory requirements for the quality of human blood products. In this regard, there came a need to develop GMs and IMs on human blood products taking into account modern approaches, specific features of a complex multi-level production technology and modern harmonized requirements for blood products, ensuring their quality, efficacy and safety in humans. The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the adoption of general monographs and individual monographs” No. 768 of 21.11.2014 brought into effect 32 GMs and IMs on blood products, including 11 GMs and 5 IMs that have been introduced into the national pharmacopoeial texts for the first time. The monographs were developed with due regard to modern pharmacopoeial methods of analysis that account for a high level of quality control of this type of products.Впервые препараты крови были представлены одной фармакопейной статьей в Государственных фармакопеях СССР IX и Х изданий (1961 г. и 1968 г.) под названием «Гамма-глобулин для профилактики кори». В дальнейшем, на протяжении 50 лет ОФС и ФС, регламентирующие требования к качеству препаратов крови человека не были представлены в Государственных фармакопеях РФ. В связи с этим, назрела необходимость разработки ОФС и ФС на препараты крови человека с учетом современных подходов, особенностей сложной многоуровневой технологии производственного процесса и современных гармонизированных требований к препаратам крови, обеспечивающих гарантированность их качества, эффективность и безопасность для человека. Приказом МЗ РФ «Об утверждении общих фармакопейных статей и фармакопейных статей от 21.11.2014 г. № 768. утверждены 32 ОФС и ФС по препаратам крови, из них 11 ОФС и 5 ФС впервые введены в практику отечественного фармакопейного анализа. Статьи составлены с учетом с использования современных методов фармакопейного анализа, обуславливающих соответствующий уровень оценки качества данной группы препаратов

    Modern approaches to drafting general and individual monographs on human blood products

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    Blood products were first represented in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR IX and X editions (1961 and 1968) by a single monograph "Gamma globulin for the prevention of measles". During the next 50 years there were no general monographs (GM) or individual monographs (IM) in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation that laid down regulatory requirements for the quality of human blood products. In this regard, there came a need to develop GMs and IMs on human blood products taking into account modern approaches, specific features of a complex multi-level production technology and modern harmonized requirements for blood products, ensuring their quality, efficacy and safety in humans. The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the adoption of general monographs and individual monographs” No. 768 of 21.11.2014 brought into effect 32 GMs and IMs on blood products, including 11 GMs and 5 IMs that have been introduced into the national pharmacopoeial texts for the first time. The monographs were developed with due regard to modern pharmacopoeial methods of analysis that account for a high level of quality control of this type of products