4 research outputs found

    Исследование влияния высокотемпературной термической обработки на фазовый и химический состав сплава ВКНА-1В

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    The paper dwells on the features of the chemical composition and structure of alloys based on Ni3Al. It examines the effect of heat treatment on the structure and phase parameters and on the short-term strength of the intermetallic VKNA-1B alloy.Smelting bar stock was made by technique of vacuum induction. A directional solidification method was used to provide heat treatment of samples on the UVNS-4 installation.The heat treatment was performed in the following modes: heating to a temperature of 1200, 1290, 1300 ° C, holding for 100, 4, 4 hours, respectively, furnace cooling to 800 ° C, then air-cooling. For heating was used the batch furnace VEBK S 400/100 with a maximum operating temperature of 1350 ° C. Samples were loaded in the furnace at 800 0C.The phase composition of the VKNA-1B alloy was examined through physicochemical analysis based on electrochemical insulating phases in different electrolytes. The composition and quantity of the isolated phases were determined by the results of X-ray and chemical analysis methods.To analyse the microstructure was used a scanning electron microscope JSM-840. In original cast state the VKNA-1B alloy has a cellular-dendritic structure. In the axes of the dendrites there is a γ'-phase (~ 75-80% vol.) surrounded by a viscous γ-phase in the form of thin layers; in the inter-dendritic regions there are large particles of γ'-phase. The increasing temperature of heat treatment comes with coarsening γ'-phase particles in inter-dendritic regions and, essentially, has no effect on the phase composition of the alloy. Results of mechanical tensile tests have shown that the alloy retains high strength values after long-term exposure and the increasing cell size of γ'-phase in the axes of the dendrites when raising the temperature leads to an increase in short-term strength of the alloy.Проведено исследование фазового и химического состава интерметаллидного сплава ВКНА-1В в исходном литом состоянии (вакуумная индукционная выплавка и вакуумный индукционный переплав) и после различных режимов высокотемпературной термической обработки. Определены пределы кратковременной прочности и текучести на образцах сплава ВКНА-1В и проведена корреляция значений механических свойств с фазово-химическим составом. Установлено, что высокотемпературная термообработка, изменяя соотношение γʹ/γ-фаз, практически не влияет на стабильность карбидной фазы, что и отражается на стабильности кратковременных свойств интерметаллидного сплава на основе соединения Ni3Al при комнатной температуре. DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0615.082965

    Research of High-Heat Treatment Effect on Phase and Chemical Composition of the VKNA-1V Alloy

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    The paper dwells on the features of the chemical composition and structure of alloys based on Ni3Al. It examines the effect of heat treatment on the structure and phase parameters and on the short-term strength of the intermetallic VKNA-1B alloy.Smelting bar stock was made by technique of vacuum induction. A directional solidification method was used to provide heat treatment of samples on the UVNS-4 installation.The heat treatment was performed in the following modes: heating to a temperature of 1200, 1290, 1300 ° C, holding for 100, 4, 4 hours, respectively, furnace cooling to 800 ° C, then air-cooling. For heating was used the batch furnace VEBK S 400/100 with a maximum operating temperature of 1350 ° C. Samples were loaded in the furnace at 800 0C.The phase composition of the VKNA-1B alloy was examined through physicochemical analysis based on electrochemical insulating phases in different electrolytes. The composition and quantity of the isolated phases were determined by the results of X-ray and chemical analysis methods.To analyse the microstructure was used a scanning electron microscope JSM-840. In original cast state the VKNA-1B alloy has a cellular-dendritic structure. In the axes of the dendrites there is a γ'-phase (~ 75-80% vol.) surrounded by a viscous γ-phase in the form of thin layers; in the inter-dendritic regions there are large particles of γ'-phase. The increasing temperature of heat treatment comes with coarsening γ'-phase particles in inter-dendritic regions and, essentially, has no effect on the phase composition of the alloy. Results of mechanical tensile tests have shown that the alloy retains high strength values after long-term exposure and the increasing cell size of γ'-phase in the axes of the dendrites when raising the temperature leads to an increase in short-term strength of the alloy

    Sources of Metaphilosophy: Philosophy at Different Stages of Ancient Culture

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    The concept of “metaphilosophy” appeared in the 40s XX century, though it is based on the positions of antique philosophy. Understanding of this phenomenon of culture can be found in philosophy from the early stages of its existence. The authors considered the philosophical discourse from the position of historical-philosophical and metaphilosophical methods combined. The research was aimed at studying the transformation of understanding and functioning of philosophy of the ancient philosophical tradition and its peculiarities at all stages of development. It was found that in the pre-classical period of ancient Greek culture, philosophy functioned primarily as intelligence about nature and later became a striving for wisdom and knowledge. A philosopher was perceived as a practitioner of what he taught, wrote and researched. The further development of metaphilosophy was influenced by a two-vector understanding of ancient philosophy – theoretical and practical