21,988 research outputs found

    Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Prevention of Isotopic Fractionation

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    Chondrules are considered to have much information on dust particles and processes in the solar nebula. It is naturally expected that protoplanetary disks observed in present star forming regions have similar dust particles and processes, so study of chondrule formation may provide us great information on the formation of the planetary systems. Evaporation during chondrule melting may have resulted in depletion of volatile elements in chondrules. However, no evidence for a large degree of heavy-isotope enrichment has been reported in chondrules. In order to meet this observed constraint, the rapid heating rate at temperatures below the silicate solidus is required to suppress the isotopic fractionation. We have developed a new shock-wave heating model taking into account the radiative transfer of the dust thermal continuum emission and the line emission of gas molecules and calculated the thermal history of chondrules. We have found that optically-thin shock waves for the thermal continuum emission from dust particles can meet the rapid heating constraint, because the dust thermal emission does not keep the dust particles high temperature for a long time in the pre-shock region and dust particles are abruptly heated by the gas drag heating in the post-shock region. We have also derived the upper limit of optical depth of the pre-shock region using the radiative diffusion approximation, above which the rapid heating constraint is not satisfied. It is about 1 - 10.Comment: 58 pages, including 5 tables and 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Origin of mesosiderites as a natural consequence of planet formation

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    The mineral composition of mesosiderites is described and a theory of the origin and evolution of these meteorites is presented. It is suggested that the asteroid parent body of the mesosiderites also formed in the inner solar system, perhaps just within the orbit of Mars. As a result of close planetary encounters, some bodies that formed near Earth or Venus were gravitationally perturbed into non-circular orbits; a few such bodies passed through the mesosiderite region at high relative velocities, colliding with and destroying a few of the native asteroids. Olivine-rich silicate mantles shattered into small pieces, but the stronger metal cores remained as large fragments. Much of the debris remained in circular orbits and accreted to the basaltic regoliths of intact native asteroids at low relative velocities. The large core fragments that collided with the crust greatly enriched restricted regions of the surface in metal. These localized regions were the mesosiderite progenitors; they accounted for only about 1% of the surface area of the parent bodies

    Two-dimensional manifold with point-like defects

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    We study a class of two-dimensional compact extra spaces isomorphic to the sphere S2S^2 in the framework of multidimensional gravitation. We show that there exists a family of stationary metrics that depend on the initial (boundary) conditions. All these geometries have a singular point. We also discuss the possibility for these deformed extra spaces to be considered as dark matter candidates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; Proceedings of the Conference of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics, 18-20 February 2015, Moscow, Russian Federatio

    The Stellar and Gas Kinematics of Several Irregular Galaxies

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    We present long-slit spectra of three irregular galaxies from which we determinethe stellar kinematics in two of the galaxies (NGC 1156 and NGC 4449) and ionized-gas kinematics in all three (including NGC 2366). We compare this to the optical morphology and to the HI kinematics of the galaxies. In the ionized gas, we see a linear velocity gradient in all three galaxies. In NGC 1156 we also detect a weak linear velocity gradient in the stars of (5+/-1/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.6 kpc. The stars and gas are rotating about the same axis, but this is different from the major axis of the stellar bar which dominates the optical light of the galaxy. In NGC 4449 we do not detect organized rotation of the stars and place an upper limit of (3/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.2 kpc. For NGC 4449, which has signs of a past interaction with another galaxy, we develop a model to fit the observed kinematics of the stars and gas. In this model the stellar component is in a rotating disk seen nearly face-on while the gas is in a tilted disk with orbits whose planes precess in the gravitational potential. This model reproduces the apparent counter-rotation of the inner gas of the galaxy. The peculiar orbits of the gas are presumed due to acquisition of gas in the past interaction.Comment: To be published in ApJ, November 20, 200

    Polar orbit electrostatic charging of objects in shuttle wake

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    A survey of DMSP data has uncovered several cases where precipitating auroral electron fluxes are both sufficiently intense and energetic to charge spacecraft materials such as teflon to very large potentials in the absence of ambient ion currents. Analytical bounds are provided which show that these measured environments can cause surface potentials in excess of several hundred volts to develop on objects in the orbiter wake for particular vehicle orientations

    On the galactic rotation curves problem within an axisymmetric approach

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    In U. Nucamendi et al. Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 125016 and K. Lake, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 051101 it has been shown that galactic potentials can be kinematically linked to the observed red/blue shifts of the corresponding galactic rotation curves under a minimal set of assumptions: the emitted photons come from stable timelike circular geodesic orbits of stars in a static spherically symmetric gravitational field, and propagate to us along null geodesics. It is remarkable that this relation can be established without appealing at all to a concrete theory of gravitational interaction. Here we generalize this kinematical spherically symmetric approach to the galactic rotation curves problem to the stationary axisymmetric realm since this is precisely the symmetry that spiral galaxies possess. Thus, by making use of the most general stationary axisymmetric metric, we also consider stable circular orbits of stars that emit signals which travel to a distant observer along null geodesics and express the galactic red/blue shifts in terms of three arbitrary metric functions, clarifying the contribution of the rotation as well as the dragging of the gravitational field. This stationary axisymmetric approach distinguishes between red and blue shifts emitted by circularly orbiting receding and approaching stars, respectively, even when they are considered with respect to the center of a spiral galaxy, indicating the need of precise measurements in order to confront predictions with observations. We also point out the difficulties one encounters in the attempt of determining the metric functions from observations and list some possible strategies to overcome them.Comment: 7 pages in latex (MNRAS format), no figures, discussion and references adde

    Bar imprints on the inner gas kinematics of M33

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    We present measurements of the stellar and gaseous velocities in the central 5' of the Local Group spiral M33. The data were obtained with the ARC 3.5m telescope. Blue and red spectra with resolutions from 2 to 4\AA covering the principal gaseous emission and stellar absorption lines were obtained along the major and minor axes and six other position angles. The observed radial velocities of the ionized gas along the photometric major axis of M33 remain flat at ~22 km s^{-1} all the way into the center, while the stellar velocities show a gradual rise from zero to 22 km s^{-1} over that same region. The central star cluster is at or very close to the dynamical center, with a velocity that is in accordance with M33's systemic velocity to within our uncertainties. Velocities on the minor axis are non-zero out to about 1' from the center in both the stars and gas. Together with the major axis velocities, they point at significant deviations from circular rotation. The most likely explanation for the bulk of the velocity patterns are streaming motions along a weak inner bar with a PA close to that of the minor axis, as suggested by previously published IR photometric images. The presence of bar imprints in M33 implies that all major Local Group galaxies are barred. The non-circular motions over the inner 200 pc make it difficult to constrain the shape of M33's inner dark matter halo profile. If the non-circular motions we find in this nearby Sc galaxy are present in other more distant late-type galaxies, they might be difficult to recognize.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in pres