477 research outputs found

    Bisection auctions

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    Inefficiency of equilibria in digital mechanisms with continuous valuations.

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    A digital mechanism is defined as an iterative procedure in which bidders select an action, from a finite set, in each iteration. When bidders have continuous valuations and make strategic reports, we show that any ex post implementation of the vickrey choice rule via such a mechanism needs infinitely many iterations for almost all realizations of the bidders’ valuations. Thus, when valuations are drawn from a continuous probability distribution, the vickrey choice rule can only be used at the expense of a running time that is infinite with probability one. This infeasibility result even holds in the case of two bidders and the vickrey choice rule only being required to be established with probability one. Establishing the efficient allocation when the nn bidders’ report truthfully contrasts starkly to the previous setting: a bisection procedure has a finite running time almost always, and an expected number of reports are equal to 2n2n. Using a groves payment scheme rather than vickrey’s second price payment scheme somewhat mitigates the problem. We provide an example mechanism with a groves payment scheme, in which the running time of the mechanism in equilibrium is finite with probability 1212

    Compositional materials with controllable vibration damping parameters

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    The paper proposes laminated sandwich-elements containing electrorheological composite as a structural element, which enable designing novel thin-wall structures with a locally varying rigidity and vibrostability for aerospace engineering, ship-building, high-speed devices in mechanical engineering (machine tools, robots), in transport means (controlled springs), in instrument fabrication, et

    Fraction auctions : the tradeoff between efficiency and running time

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    This paper studies the sales of a single indivisible object where bidders have continuous valuations. In grigorieva et al. [14] it was shown that, in this setting, query auctions necessarily allocate inefficiently in equilibrium. In this paper we propose a new sequential auction, called the c-fraction auction. We show the existence of an ex-post equilibrium, called bluff equilibrium, in which bidders behave truthfully except for particular constellations of observed bids at which it is optimal to pretend a slightly higher valuation. We show c-fraction auctions guarantee approximate efficiency at any desired level of accuracy, independent of the number of bidders, when bidders choose to play the bluff equilibrium. We discuss the running time and the efficiency in the bluff equilibrium. We show that by changing the parameter c of the auction we can trade off efficiency against running time

    PanDA Workload Management System Meta-data Segmentation

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    AbstractThe PanDA (Production and Distributed Analysis) workload management system (WMS) was developed to meet the scale and complexity of LHC distributed computing for the ATLAS experiment. PanDA currently distributes jobs among more than 100,000 cores at well over 120 Grid sites, supercomputing centers, commercial and academic clouds. ATLAS physicists submit more than 1.5M data processing, simulation and analysis PanDA jobs per day, and the system keeps all meta-information about job submissions and execution events in Oracle RDBMS. The above information is used for monitoring and accounting purposes. One of the most challenging monitoring issues is tracking errors that has occurred during the execution of the jobs. Current meta-data storage technology doesn’t support inner tools for data aggregation, needed to build error summary tables, charts and graphs. Delegating these tasks to the monitor slows down the execution of requests.We will describe a project aimed at optimizing interaction between PanDA front-end and back-end, by meta-data storage segmentation into two parts – operational and archived. Active meta-data are remained in Oracle database (operational part), due to the high requirements for data integrity. Historical (read-only) meta-data used for the system analysis and accounting are exported to NoSQL storage (archived part). New data model based on usage of Cassandra as the NoSQL backend has been designed as a set of query-specific data structures. This allowed to remove most of data preparation workload from PanDA Monitor and improve its scalability and performance. Segmentation and synchronization between operational and archived parts of jobs meta-data is provided by a Hybrid Meta-data Storage Framework (HMSF). PanDA monitor was partly adopted to interact with HMSF. The operational data queries are forwarded to the primary SQL-based repository and the analytic data requests are processed by NoSQL database. The results of performance and scalability tests of HMSF-adopted part of PanDA Monitor shows that presented method of optimization, in conjunction with a properly configured NoSQL database and reasonable data model, provides performance improvements and scalability

    Instabilities in the Flux Line Lattice of Anisotropic Superconductors

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    The stability of the flux line lattice has been investigated within anisotropic London theory. This is the first full-scale investigation of instabilities in the `chain' state. It has been found that the lattice is stable at large fields, but that instabilities occur as the field is reduced. The field at which these instabilities first arise, b∗(ϵ,θ)b^*(\epsilon,\theta), depends on the anisotropy ϵ\epsilon and the angle θ\theta at which the lattice is tilted away from the cc-axis. These instabilities initially occur at wavevector k∗(ϵ,θ)k^*(\epsilon,\theta), and the component of k∗k^* along the average direction of the flux lines, kzk_z, is always finite. As the instability occurs at finite kzk_z the dependence of the cutoff on kzk_z is important, and we have used a cutoff suggested by Sudb\ospace and Brandt. The instabilities only occur for values of the anisotropy ϵ\epsilon appropriate to a material like BSCCO, and not for anisotropies more appropriate to YBCO. The lower critical field Hc1(ϕ)H_{c_1}(\phi) is calculated as a function of the angle ϕ\phi at which the applied field is tilted away from the crystal axis. The presence of kinks in Hc1(ϕ)H_{c_1}(\phi) is seen to be related to instabilities in the equilibrium flux line structure.Comment: Extensively revised paper, with modified analysis of elastic instabilities. Calculation of the lower critical field is included, and the presence of kinks in Hc1H_{c_1} is seen to be related to the elastic instabilities. 29 pages including 16 figures, LaTeX with epsf styl

    Gender peculiarities of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    We studied gender-specific clinical manifestations and risk factors for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the urban population of Ulan-Ude. The study included 352 patients with GERD. It was found that in both sexes prevailed not erosive reflux disease. It was detected in 64,2% of men and in 88% of women (p = 0,005). Men significantly more often had severe forms of the disease: erosive esophagitis - 19,8% more often than in women (p = 0,04), in 2,9% of men we revealed esophageal ulcers, in 1,1% - Barrett esophagus, while the in women didn't have these forms of the disease. Daily repeated heartburn was found in women twice more often than in men. Average grade of GERD-Q questionnaire for women was also significantly higher than for men by 19% (p = 0,04). Women had higher levels of anxiety and depression (average grade on BDI was higher by 29% than in men). Men had significantly more frequently such risk factors as smoking, alcohol intake and women more often had diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease

    Recombinant Retroviral Particles: Technology of Poduction and Application as Positive Controls for PCR Diagnostics of Dangerous Viral Infections

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    Objective. Construction of positive control samples based on recombinant retroviral particles and their application in RT-PCR diagnostic assays for RNA detection of agents of dangerous and particularly dangerous viral infections.Materials and methods. Molecular biological, genetic engineering, and immunological methods were used: polymerase chain reaction, restriction, ligation, cloning, transformation, transfection, flow cytometry.Results and discussion. Technology of positive control samples producing based on recombinant virions has been developed and tested. It includes construction of retroviral vector with cloned diagnostic sequence of the viral genome; obtaining a packaging cell line producing chimeric retroviral particles; determination of recombinant virions titer by flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction; application of the obtained preparation as a control sample for PCR diagnostics of infectious agents. Positive controls based on retroviral vectors as carriers of genomic RNA fragments of pathogenic viruses were used in the development of PCR diagnostic kits for dangerous and particularly dangerous viral infections. Their application increased the kits quality and made it possible to exclude the work with concentrated hazardous infectious agents (Lassa virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Puumala virus)
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