17 research outputs found

    Four new species and new records of Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iranian mangroves with a key to the species known from Iran

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    Four new long-legged fly species, Thinophilus albihirtus sp. n., Thinophilus albisetosus sp. n., Thinophilus nigrihirtus sp. n., and Thinophilus qeshmensis sp. n., from southern Iran, all collected in or near the mangrove forests, are described and illustrated. Four more species of the genus are collected from the same localities. Polyzonal T. indigenus Becker, 1902 is found in the Fars Province. Three known species are firstly recorded from Iran (T. deemingi Grichanov, 2023, T. gallagheri Grichanov, 2023 and T. ochripalpis Becker, 1910). The Iranian species are considered members of one Oriental (T. murphy group), two Afrotropical species groups (T. gallagheri and T. calopus groups) and T. indigenus lineage distributed widely in the Old World. A check-list and identification key to males of 12 species known from Iran are provided.ZooBank Article LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BB31A71D-585E-4E0C-9C06-4022A7444DD

    Review of tribe Syrphini (Dip.: Syrphidae) in Iran

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    The specimens of the tribe Syrphini, deposited at the Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum, were examined and 30 species identified, of which one genus and three species are newly recorded from Iran and marked by an asterisk (*). Keys to the genera and species, as well as their distribution in Iran, are provided. The species are as follows:Dasysyrphus albostriatus (Fallen), D. eggeri (Schiner), Dideoides annandalei (Brunetti), Epistrophe eligans (Harris)*, E. euchroma (Kowarz), Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer), Ischiodon aegyptius (Wiedemann), I. scutellaris (Fabricius), Melangyna* cincta (Fallen)*, Meliscaeva cinctella (Zetterstedt), M. auricollis (Meigen), Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius), E. latifasciatus (Macquart), E. lunigar (Meigen), E. nuba (Wiedemann), Scaeva albomaculata (Macquart), S. dignota (Rondani), S. latimaculata (Brunetti), S. pyrastri (Linnaeus), S. rossica Kuznetsov, S. selenitica (Meigen), Sphaerophoria bengalensis Macquart, Sph. rueppelli (Wiedemann), Sph. scripta (Linnaeus), Syrphus ribesii (Linnaeus), S. torvus Osten Sacken, S. vitripennis Meigen, Xanthogramma laetum (Fabricius)*, X. maculipenne Mik and X. pedissequum (Harris)

    The first report of one genus and two species of Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Iran

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    طی بررسی نمونه‌های موجود در موزه‌ی حشرات هایک میرزایانس، دو گونه‌ی Eusapromyza martineki Shatalkin و Eusapromyza multipunctata (Fallen)از خانواده‌ی Lauxaniidae شناسایی گردید که جنس و گونه‌ها برای اولین بار از ایران گزارش می‌شود

    New Records of One Genus and Six Species of Syrphidae (Diptera) from Iran

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    A new species of Neurigona Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to species from Iran and adjacent countries

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    A new long-legged fly species, Neurigona parchamii sp. n., from the southwestern Iranian province of Khuzestan is described and illustrated. The new species appears to be closely related to N. euchroma Negrobov, 1987 known from Uzbekistan, differing from this species by the following characters states: body somewhat longer; fore coxa with yellow bristles apically; mid femur with posteroventral row of mainly yellow bristles, mostly longer than femur height, and the shape of the hypopygium and its appendages. Neurigona euchroma has a fore coxa with black bristles at apex; mid femur with ventral row of mainly black bristles, shorter than femur height, and 1–2 light setae at base. A check list and key to 17 species of the genus Neurigona Rondani, 1856 of Iran and neighbouring countries are compile

    The first report of three genera and fifteen species of Tephritidae (Diptera) from Iran

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    طی بررسی نمونه‌های موجود در موزه‌ی حشرات هایک میرزایانس، پانزده گونه مگس متعلق به نه جنس و شش قبیله از خانواده‌ی Tephritidae شناسایی گردید که همه‌ی گونه‌ها و سه جنس Euleia Walker، Hypenidium Loew و Metasfenisca Hendel برای اولین بار از ایران گزارش می‌شوند

    The first report of six tachinid flies from Iran (Diptera: Tachinidae)

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    During a faunal survey on the family Tachinidae in Fars province, six tachinid parasitoids belonging to the subfamilies Tachininae and Phasiinae were collected and identified. They are reported for the first time from Iran. The species are as follows: Linnaemya neavei Curran, Microcerophina planifacies Kugler, Phasia mesnili (Draber-Monko), Catharosia flavicornis (Zetterstedt), Leucostoma engeddense Kugler and Cylindromyia rufipes (Meigen)

    A taxonomic study of the genus Phasia (Dip.: Tachinidae) in Iran, with two new records

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    A review of the genus Phasia Latreille in Iran is given. An identification key to the six Iranian species of Phasia and illustrations of their male and female terminalia are presented. The species Phasia obesa (Fabricius) and P. pusilla Meigen are recorded for the first time from Iran

    Taxonomic study of the tribe Leucostomatini (Dip.: Tachinidae: Phasiinae) in Iran

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    In the course of the study of the tribe Leucostomatini (Dip.: Tachinidae: Phasiinae) in Iran, 11 species were collected and identified. The four genera Dionaea Robineau-Desvoidy, Eulabidogaster Belanovsky, Labigastera Macquart and Weberia Robineau-Desvoidy, as well as the eight species Dionaea aurifrons (Meigen), Eulabidogaster setifacies (Rondani), Labigastera pauciseta (Rondani), Leucostoma abbreviatum Herting, Leucostoma anthracinum (Meigen), Leucostoma simplex (Fallén), Leucostoma turonicum Dupuis and Weberia digramma (Meigen) are newly recorded from Iran. An identification key to the genera and species of Leucostomatini of Iran in addition to illustrations of the male and female postabdomens are given

    Report of Ectophasia leucoptera (Dip.: Tachinidae) from Iran

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    One species of Tachinidae collected on Lepidium draba in Dasht-e Barm, Dasht-e Arjan, Fars Province in April 2006 were identified as Ectophasia leucoptera (Rondani, 1865). E. leucoptera is a rare species belonging to the subfamily Phasiinae and has been reported as a parasitoid of pentatomid bugs. This tachinid species, which is newly recorded from Iran, has previously been reported from Bulgaria, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Central Asia and Turkey