68 research outputs found

    Epidemiological and sociological aspects of occupational bronchial asthma

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    Opisani su glavni problemi s kojima se susrećemo u epidemioloÅ”kim ispitivanjima profesionalne bronhalne astme, kao sto su nedostatak definicije bolesti, potreba za standardnim upitnikom za simptome bolesti i neujednačenost funkcionalnog ispitivanja pluća, Razmatrani su najčeŔći upitnici za respiratorne simptome, najpogodniji testovi za ispitivanje ventilacijske funkcije pluća i njihova interpretacija te problem utvrđivanja osoba u kojih je povećana opasnost od pojave profesionalne bronhalne astme.The main problems confronted in epidemiological investigations of occupational bronchial asthma are described, such as the absence of a definition of the disease, the need for a standardized questionnaire for the symptoms of the disease and the heterogeneity of the functional lung tests. The questionnaires most frequently used for respiratory symptoms and the most suitable tests for mea-suring and evaluating ventilatory lung function are discussed. The problem of identifying the persons who are at risk of developing occupational bronchial asthma is also dealt with

    Health and ergonomics aspects of working with video display terminals

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    U članku je iznesen prikaz dosad opaženih zdravstvenih učinaka pri radu s videoterminalima. Zdravstveni .rizici su grupirani u ove kategorije: Å”tetno i neugodno djelovanje na vid, preopterećenost i smetnje rniÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog sustava, psihičke smetnje vezane uz stres i umor, utjecaj zračenja na fertilitet, promjene na koži i utjecaj titranja ekranske slike na epilepsiju. Kako bi se uklonile subjektivne smetnje operatera te prevenirala oÅ”tećenja vida, rniÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog sustava i psihički zamor, navedene su neke od ergonomskih preporuka za izbor opreme, uređenje radnih mjesta i poboljÅ”anje radne okoline.An overview of health effects among operators of video display terminals (VDTs) is presented. Health risks are classified into the categories: eye strain, musculo-skeletal discomfort, mental disorders, radiation emission and pregnancy, skin rashes and epilepsy induced by the flickering of the image on the screen. In order to reduce subjective complaints to a minimum, and to prevent ocular, rnusculo-skeletal and mental disorders, some ergonomic recommendations are given for choosing and installing VDTs and for introducing adjustments to workplaces

    Evaluation of the results of lung function tests in occupational medicine

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    Prikazani su biosomatski faktori koji utječu na plućnu funkciju i metode evaluacije rezultata testova ventilacijske funkcije pluća za potrebe medicine rada. Posebno su opisani testovi ventilacijske funkcije pluća koji se najčeŔće upotrebljavaju za utvrđivanje Å”tetnog djelovanja faktora radne okoline. Navedene su normalne vrijednosti testova ventilacijske funkcije pluća raznih autora i prikazana usporedba s vrijednostima rezultata preliminarnih ispitivanja naÅ”e populacije. Prikazani su i neki rezultati vlastitih ispitivanja ventilacijske funkcije pluća u tekstilnih radnika, radnika u preradi cementa, rudara i u kontrolnim neeksponiranim skupinama.Biosomatic factors influencing lung function and methods for evaluating ventilatory lung function tests as used in occupational medicine are presented. Special attention is paid to the tests most frequently used for the assessment of adverse environmental effects. Normal values reported by various investigators are reviewed and compared with the results of ventilatory lung function measurements in the population surveyed by the authors. The results of the authors\u27 own studies of ventilatory functions in textile, cement, and coal workers as well as in controls are presented

    Chronic obstructive lung disease in exposure to organic aerosols

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    Ispitivana je skupina radnica eksponiranih aerosolima pamuka, konoplje, lana, začina, soje, čajeva, kave te krzna. Aerosoli konoplje i lana uzrokovali su najveću prevalenciju kroničnih respiratornih simptoma i bolesti kao i najveće promjene ventilacijske funkcije pluća. U cilju prevencije potrebna je kontrola aerozagađenja kao i provođenje preventivnih medicinskih pregleda.A group of female workers occupationally exposed to cotton, hemp, flax, spices, soy, tea, coffee and furs was included in the study. The highest prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and diseases and greatest changes in ventilatory capacity were due to exposure to hemp and flax aerosols. The development of respiratory impairment can be impeded by control of the working environment and preventive medical examinations

    Selection of spirometric tests in evaluation of ventilatory capacity

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    Prikazani su neki testovi pogodni za kliničko i epidemioloÅ”ko ispitivanje ventilacijske funkcije pluća. Navedena je relativna vrijednost različitih spirometrijskih parametara za utvrđivanje restriktivnih i opstruktivnih promjena ventilacije. Opisani su osnovni principi ispitivanja i diskutirana evaluacija testova plućne ventilacije. Posebno je dan pregled aparature najpogodnije za spirometrijsko ispitivanje ventilacijske funkcije pluća.Tests for clinical and epidemiological studies of ventilatory capacity are presented. Relative value of various spirometric parameters in detection of restrictive and obstructive ventilatory changes is illustrated. The methodology for ventilatory capacity assessment is described. Evaluation of spirometric tests is discussed. Instruments for lung function testing are also reviewed

    Respiratory response to physical exercise in patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma

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    Respiratorna funkcija prije i poslije testa fizičkim opterećenjem analizirana je u 15 bolesnika (7 s kroničnim bronhitisom i 8 s bronhalnom astmom), koji su nakon fizičkog opterećenja pokazali porast bronhalne rezistencije 50% i viÅ”e u odnosu na kontrolnu vrijednost prije opterećenja. Test fizičkim opterećenjem izveden je na pokretnom sagu s opterećenjem od 50 do 120 Watta. Bronhalna rezistencija (Raw), specifična bronhalna provodljivost (SGaw), maksimalni ekspiratorni volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) i maksimalni ekspiratorni protok kod izdahnutih 50% vitalnog kapaciteta (FEF50) izmjereni su prije te 5 i 20 minuta nakon opterećenja. Parcijalni tlak kisika u arterijskoj krvi (PaO2) izmjeren je prije i odmah nakon testa fizičkim opterećenjem. Bolesnici oboljeli od kroničnog bronhitisa pokazali su nakon opterećenja prosječni porast Raw (5 min: + 127%, 20 min: + 96%) i prosječni pad FEF50 (5 min:-12%; 20 min: -10%). Bolesnici oboljeli od bronhalne astme pokazali su nakon opterećenja prosječni porast Raw (5 min: + 147%; 20 min: + 105%) i prosječni pad FEF50 (5 min: -24%; 20 min: -21%). Rezultati pokazuju da je kod oboljelih od bronhalne astme doÅ”lo do statistički značajnog pada FEF50 5 i 20 minuta nakon testa fizičkim opterećenjem, dok kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa to nije utvrđeno. Kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa statistički je značajan porast Raw i 20 minuta nakon opterećenja, dok kod oboljelih od bronhalne astme porast Raw 20 minuta nakon opterećenja viÅ”e nije statistički značajan, upućujući na bolju spontanu reverzibilnost Raw kod astmatičara. PaO2 se nije statistički značajno promijenio nakon fizičkog opterećenja u oboljelih od bronhalne astme, dok je kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa doÅ”lo do značajnog prosječnog porasta PaO2 (P < 0,01).Respiratory function before and after exercise was analysed in 15 patients (seven with chronic bronchitis and eight with bronchial asthma). The patients were selected on the basis of increase in airway resistance (Raw) of 50% or more after exercise. The patients were tested on a treadmill under a load ranging from 50 to 120 W. Airway resistance, specific airway conductance (SGaw), one-second forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and maximum expiratory flow rate at 50% vital capacity (FEF50) were measured before and again at 5 and 20 minutes after exercise. Arterial partial oxygen pressure (Pa02) was measured before exercise and immediately after it. The patients with chronic bronchitis demonstrated an average increase in Raw after exercise (5 min: + 127%: 20 min: + 96%) and an average decrease in FEF50 (5 min: -12%, 20 min.: -10%). Patients with bronchial asthma demonstrated after exercise an average increase in Raw (5 min: + 147%, 20 min: + 105%) and an average decrease in FEF50 (5 min: - 24%, 20 min: - 21%). The data analysed show a significant decrease in FEF50 5 and 20 minutes after exercise in patients with bronchial asthma, while in patients with chronic bronchitis decrease in FEF50 was not significant. There was a significant increase in Raw as long as 20 minutes after exercise in patients with chronic bronchitis. In patients with bronchial asthma increase in Raw 20 minutes after exercise was not significant indicating better spontaneous reversibility of increased Raw in asthmatics. Pa02 did not show significant changes after exercise in respect to the values before exercise in asthmatic patients. In bronchitic patients there was a significant average increase in Pa02 after exercise (P < 0,01

    Follow-up study of respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacty in sisal workers

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    Ispitivana je prevalencija akutnih i kroničnih respiratornih simptoma i ventilacijska funkcija pluća u 50 tekstilnih radnica izloženih praÅ”ini sisala. U ponovljeno ispitivanje nakon 19 godina uključeno je 20 od prethodno 50 ispitivanih radnica. Tijekom prvog ispitivanja utvrđena je znatno veća prevalencija svih kroničnih respiratornih simptoma u izloženih nego u radnica kontrolne skupine premda je razlika bila statistički značajna samo za stezanje u prsima (P<0,01). Uspoređivanjem prevalencije pri prvom i ponovljenom ispitivanju u 20 tekstilnih radnica dobiveno je statistički značajno povećanje za kronični kaÅ”alj, dispneju, stezanje u prsima i katar nosa. U ponovljenom ispitivanju prevalencija većine kroničnih respiratornih simptoma bila je značajno viÅ”a u izloženih radnica nego u radnica kontrolne skupine. Rezultati ventilacijske funkcije pluća u 50 radnica na preradi sisala upućuju na značajne akutne redukcije FVC i FEV1 tijekom radne smjene ponedjeljkom i četvrtkom. Uspoređivanje izmjerenih vrijednosti s očekivanim normalnim vrijednostima prikazuje niže vrijednosti pri ponovljenom ispitivanju u odnosu prema onima tijekom prvog ispitivanja. Prosječni godiÅ”nji pad ventilacijskih testova iznosio je 0,027 L za FVC i 0,036 L za FEV 1. NaÅ”i podaci upućuju na to da dugotrajna izloženost praÅ”ini sisala može u osjetljivih osoba dovesti do razvoja kroničnih respiratornih simptoma i oÅ”tećenja ventilacijskog kapaciteta pluća.The prevalence of acute and chronic respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity was studied in 50 textile workers exposed to sisal dust. A follow-up study was performed 19 years later and induced 20 workers out of the 50. The first study showed a considerably higher prevalence of all chronic respiratory symptoms in the exposed than in control workers although the difference was statistically significant only for chest tightness (P<0.01). Comparison of the prevalence in the first and the follow-up study in 20 textile workers revealed a statistically significant increase in the rate of chronic cough, dyspnea, chest tightness and nasal catarrh. During the follow-up study the prevalence of almost all chronic respiratory symptoms was significantly higher in exposed than in control workers. Results of ventilatory capacity in 50 sisal workers showed acute reductions of FVC and FEV1 during work shift on Monday and the following Thursday. Comparison of the measured and predicted normal values demonstrated lower values in the follow-up study in comparison to those in the first study. The mean annual fall of ventilatory capacity tests was 0.027 L for FVC and 0.036 L for FEV1. Data suggest that long-term exposure to sisal dust may cause the development of chronic respiratory symptoms and lung function impairment in sensitive subjects
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