Respiratory response to physical exercise in patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma


Respiratorna funkcija prije i poslije testa fizičkim opterećenjem analizirana je u 15 bolesnika (7 s kroničnim bronhitisom i 8 s bronhalnom astmom), koji su nakon fizičkog opterećenja pokazali porast bronhalne rezistencije 50% i više u odnosu na kontrolnu vrijednost prije opterećenja. Test fizičkim opterećenjem izveden je na pokretnom sagu s opterećenjem od 50 do 120 Watta. Bronhalna rezistencija (Raw), specifična bronhalna provodljivost (SGaw), maksimalni ekspiratorni volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) i maksimalni ekspiratorni protok kod izdahnutih 50% vitalnog kapaciteta (FEF50) izmjereni su prije te 5 i 20 minuta nakon opterećenja. Parcijalni tlak kisika u arterijskoj krvi (PaO2) izmjeren je prije i odmah nakon testa fizičkim opterećenjem. Bolesnici oboljeli od kroničnog bronhitisa pokazali su nakon opterećenja prosječni porast Raw (5 min: + 127%, 20 min: + 96%) i prosječni pad FEF50 (5 min:-12%; 20 min: -10%). Bolesnici oboljeli od bronhalne astme pokazali su nakon opterećenja prosječni porast Raw (5 min: + 147%; 20 min: + 105%) i prosječni pad FEF50 (5 min: -24%; 20 min: -21%). Rezultati pokazuju da je kod oboljelih od bronhalne astme došlo do statistički značajnog pada FEF50 5 i 20 minuta nakon testa fizičkim opterećenjem, dok kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa to nije utvrđeno. Kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa statistički je značajan porast Raw i 20 minuta nakon opterećenja, dok kod oboljelih od bronhalne astme porast Raw 20 minuta nakon opterećenja više nije statistički značajan, upućujući na bolju spontanu reverzibilnost Raw kod astmatičara. PaO2 se nije statistički značajno promijenio nakon fizičkog opterećenja u oboljelih od bronhalne astme, dok je kod oboljelih od kroničnog bronhitisa došlo do značajnog prosječnog porasta PaO2 (P < 0,01).Respiratory function before and after exercise was analysed in 15 patients (seven with chronic bronchitis and eight with bronchial asthma). The patients were selected on the basis of increase in airway resistance (Raw) of 50% or more after exercise. The patients were tested on a treadmill under a load ranging from 50 to 120 W. Airway resistance, specific airway conductance (SGaw), one-second forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and maximum expiratory flow rate at 50% vital capacity (FEF50) were measured before and again at 5 and 20 minutes after exercise. Arterial partial oxygen pressure (Pa02) was measured before exercise and immediately after it. The patients with chronic bronchitis demonstrated an average increase in Raw after exercise (5 min: + 127%: 20 min: + 96%) and an average decrease in FEF50 (5 min: -12%, 20 min.: -10%). Patients with bronchial asthma demonstrated after exercise an average increase in Raw (5 min: + 147%, 20 min: + 105%) and an average decrease in FEF50 (5 min: - 24%, 20 min: - 21%). The data analysed show a significant decrease in FEF50 5 and 20 minutes after exercise in patients with bronchial asthma, while in patients with chronic bronchitis decrease in FEF50 was not significant. There was a significant increase in Raw as long as 20 minutes after exercise in patients with chronic bronchitis. In patients with bronchial asthma increase in Raw 20 minutes after exercise was not significant indicating better spontaneous reversibility of increased Raw in asthmatics. Pa02 did not show significant changes after exercise in respect to the values before exercise in asthmatic patients. In bronchitic patients there was a significant average increase in Pa02 after exercise (P < 0,01

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