39,498 research outputs found

    Ab initio two-dimensional multiband low-energy models of EtMe_3Sb[Pd(dmit)_2]_2 and \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2 with comparisons to single-band models

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    We present ab initio two-dimensional extended Hubbard-type multiband models for EtMe_3Sb[Pd(dmit)_2]_2 and \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2, after a downfolding scheme based on the constrained random phase approximation (cRPA) and maximally-localized Wannier orbitals, together with the dimensional downfolding. In the Pd(dmit)_2 salt, the antibonding state of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the bonding/antibonding states of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) are considered as the orbital degrees of freedom, while, in the \kappa-BEDT-TTF salt, the HOMO-antibonding/bonding states are considered. Accordingly, a three-band model for the Pd(dmit)_2 salt and a two-band model for the \kappa-(BEDT-TTF) salt are derived. We derive single band models for the HOMO-antibonding state for both of the compounds as well.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Physical Review

    Localization length of a soliton from a non-magnetic impurity in a general double-spin-chain model

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    A localization length of a free-spin soliton from a non-magnetic impurity is deduced in a general double-spin-chain model (J0J1J2J3J_0-J_1-J_2-J_3 model). We have solved a variational problem which employs the nearest-neighbor singlet-dimer basis. The wave function of a soliton is expressed by the Airy function, and the localization length (ξ)(\xi) is found to obey a power law of the dimerization (J2J3)(J_2-J_3) with an exponent -1/3; ξ(J2J3)1/3\xi\sim (J_2-J_3)^{-1/3}. This explains why NaV_2O_5 does not show the antiferromagnetic order, while CuGeO_3 does by impurity doping. When the gap exists by the bond-dimerization, a soliton is localized and no order is expected. Contrary, there is a possibility of the order when the gap is mainly due to frustration.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, Figures are in eps-file

    Staggered Ladder Spectra

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    We exactly solve a Fokker-Planck equation by determining its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions: we construct nonlinear second-order differential operators which act as raising and lowering operators, generating ladder spectra for the odd and even parity states. These are staggered: the odd-even separation differs from even-odd. The Fokker-Planck equation describes, in the limit of weak damping, a generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process where the random force depends upon position as well as time. Our exact solution exhibits anomalous diffusion at short times and a stationary non-Maxwellian momentum distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Decoherence due to discrete noise in Josephson qubits

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    We study decoherence produced by a discrete environment on a charge Josephson qubit by introducing a model of an environment of bistable fluctuators. In particular we address the effect of 1/f1/f noise where memory effects play an important role. We perform a detailed investigation of various computation procedures (single shot measurements, repeated measurements) and discuss the problem of the information needed to characterize the effect of the environment. Although in general information beyond the power spectrum is needed, in many situations this results in the knowledge of only one more microscopic parameter of the environment. This allows to determine which degrees of freedom of the environment are effective sources of decoherence in each different physical situation considered.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Solid motor diagnostic instrumentation

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    A review of typical surveillance and monitoring practices followed during the flight phases of representative solid-propellant upper stages and apogee motors was conducted to evaluate the need for improved flight diagnostic instrumentation on future spacecraft. The capabilities of the flight instrumentation package were limited to the detection of whether or not the solid motor was the cause of failure and to the identification of probable primary failure modes. Conceptual designs of self-contained flight instrumentation packages capable of meeting these reqirements were generated and their performance, typical cost, and unit characteristics determined. Comparisons of a continuous real time and a thresholded hybrid design were made on the basis of performance, mass, power, cost, and expected life. The results of this analysis substantiated the feasibility of a self-contained independent flight instrumentation module as well as the existence of performance margins by which to exploit growth option applications

    Finite spin-glass transition of the ±J\pm J XY model in three dimensions

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    A three-dimensional ±J\pm J XY spin-glass model is investigated by a nonequilibrium relaxation method. We have introduced a new criterion for the finite-time scaling analysis. A transition temperature is obtained by a crossing point of obtained data. The scaling analysis on the relaxation functions of the spin-glass susceptibility and the chiral-glass susceptibility shows that both transitions occur simultaneously. The result is checked by relaxation functions of the Binder parameters and the glass correlation lengths of the spin and the chirality. Every result is consistent if we consider that the transition is driven by the spin degrees of freedom.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, incorrect arguments are delete

    Global Structure of Optically Thin, Magnetically Supported, Two-Temperature, Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    We present global solutions of optically thin, two-temperature black hole accretion disks incorporating magnetic fields. We assume that the {\pi}{\phi}-component of the Maxwell stress is proportional to the total pressure, and prescribe the radial dependence of the magnetic flux advection rate in order to complete the set of basic equations. We obtained magnetically supported (low-{\beta}) disk solutions, whose luminosity exceeds the maximum luminosity for an advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), L > 0.4 {\alpha}^2 L_Edd, where L_Edd is the Eddington luminosity. The accretion flow is composed of the outer ADAF, a luminous hot accretion flow (LHAF) inside the transition layer from the outer ADAF to the low-{\beta} disk, the low-{\beta} disk, and the inner ADAF. The low-{\beta} disk region becomes wider as the mass-accretion rate increases further. In the low-{\beta} disk, the magnetic heating balances the radiative cooling, and the electron temperature decreases from ~ 10^9.5 K to ~ 10^8 K as the luminosity increases. These results are consistent with the anti-correlation between the energy cutoff in X-ray spectra (hence the electron temperature) and the luminosity when L > 0.1 L_Edd, observed in the bright/hard state during the bright hard-to-soft transitions of transient outbursts in galactic black hole candidates.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted for Publications of Astronomical Society of Japa

    M87 black hole mass and spin estimate through the position of the jet boundary shape break

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    We propose a new method of estimating a mass of a super massive black hole residing in the center of an active galaxy. The active galaxy M87 offers a convenient test case for the method due to the existence of a large amount of observational data on the jet and ambient environment properties in the central area of the object. We suggest that the observed transition of a jet boundary shape from a parabolic to a conical form is associated with the flow transiting from the magnetically dominated regime to the energy equipartition between plasma bulk motion and magnetic field. By coupling the unique set of observations available for the jet kinematics, environment and boundary profile with our MHD modelling under assumption on the presence of a dynamically important magnetic field in the M87 jet, we estimate the central black hole mass and spin. The method leads us to believe that the M87 super massive black hole has a mass somewhat larger than typically accepted so far.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, accepted for publication by MNRA