13,850 research outputs found

    Urban fiscal austerity, infrastructure provision and the struggle for regional transit in 'Motor City'

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    Studies suggest that urban fiscal crises trigger the institutional separation of strategic services from general purpose municipal functions. Traditional reformists have highlighted the economic benefits of regional approaches. Global austerity has created fiscal problems for central cities and suburbs alike, transforming the motives for regional solutions. This paper examines how the City of Detroit engineered a new regional arrangement with the surrounding suburbs to raise debt for the delivery of mass transit infrastructure. It represents a dual 'spatial fix' in the form of (i) a 'state territorial fix' providing fiscally stressed municipalities access to municipal bond markets and (ii) a 'speculative spatial fix' that benefits the Detroit growth coalition by linking regional mass transit to the prospect of land-use intensification. © The Author 2014

    Multi-orbital bosons in bipartite optical lattices

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    We study interacting bosons in a two dimensional bipartite optical lattice. By focusing on the regime where the first three excited bands are nearly degenerate we derive a three orbital tight-binding model which captures the most relevant features of the bandstructure. In addition, we also derive a corresponding generalized Bose-Hubbard model and solve it numerically under different situations, both with and without a confining trap. It is especially found that the hybridization between sublattices can strongly influence the phase diagrams and in a trap enable even appearances of condensed phases intersecting the same Mott insulating plateaus.Comment: Minor change

    Periodic Structure of the Exponential Pseudorandom Number Generator

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    We investigate the periodic structure of the exponential pseudorandom number generator obtained from the map x↦gx(modp)x\mapsto g^x\pmod p that acts on the set {1,…,p−1}\{1, \ldots, p-1\}

    Cν\nuB damping of primordial gravitational waves and the fine-tuning of the Cγ\gammaB temperature anisotropy

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    Damping of primordial gravitational waves due to the anisotropic stress contribution owing to the cosmological neutrino background (Cν\nuB) is investigated in the context of a radiation-to-matter dominated Universe. Besides its inherent effects on the gravitational wave propagation, the inclusion of the Cν\nuB anisotropic stress into the dynamical equations also affects the tensor mode contribution to the anisotropy of the cosmological microwave background (Cγ\gammaB) temperature. Given that the fluctuations of the Cν\nuB temperature in the (ultra)relativistic regime are driven by a multipole expansion, the mutual effects on the gravitational waves and on the Cγ\gammaB are obtained through a unified prescription for a radiation-to-matter dominated scenario. The results are confronted with some preliminary results for the radiation dominated scenario. Both scenarios are supported by a simplified analytical framework, in terms of a scale independent dynamical variable, kηk \eta, that relates cosmological scales, kk, and the conformal time, η\eta. The background relativistic (hot dark) matter essentially works as an effective dispersive medium for the gravitational waves such that the damping effect is intensified for the Universe evolving to the matter dominated era. Changes on the temperature variance owing to the inclusion of neutrino collision terms into the dynamical equations result into spectral features that ratify that the multipole expansion coefficients ClTC_{l}^{T}'s die out for l∼100l \sim 100.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
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