910 research outputs found

    Correlation functions for a Bose-Einstein condensate in the Bogoliubov approximation

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    In this article we introduce a differential equation for the first order correlation function G(1)G^{(1)} of a Bose-Einstein condensate at T=0. The Bogoliubov approximation is used. Our approach points out directly the dependence on the physical parameters. Furthermore it suggests a numerical method to calculate G(1)G^{(1)} without solving an eigenvector problem. The G(1)G^{(1)} equation is generalized to the case of non zero temperature.Comment: 9 pages, ps format. This article was published in EPJD vol. 14(1) (2001), pp.105-11

    Multi-orbital bosons in bipartite optical lattices

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    We study interacting bosons in a two dimensional bipartite optical lattice. By focusing on the regime where the first three excited bands are nearly degenerate we derive a three orbital tight-binding model which captures the most relevant features of the bandstructure. In addition, we also derive a corresponding generalized Bose-Hubbard model and solve it numerically under different situations, both with and without a confining trap. It is especially found that the hybridization between sublattices can strongly influence the phase diagrams and in a trap enable even appearances of condensed phases intersecting the same Mott insulating plateaus.Comment: Minor change

    Gain without inversion in quantum systems with broken parities

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    For a quantum system with broken parity symmetry, selection rules can not hold and cyclic transition structures are generated. With these loop-transitions we discuss how to achieve inversionless gain of the probe field by properly setting the control and auxiliary fields. Possible implementations of our generic proposal with specific physical objects with broken parities, e.g., superconducting circuits and chiral molecules, are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Tunable nonlinearity in atomic response to a bichromatic field

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    Atomic response to a probe beam can be tailored, by creating coherences between atomic levels with help of another beam. Changing parameters of the control beam will change the nature of coherences and hence the nature of atomic response as well. Such change can depend upon intensity of both probe and control beams, in a nonlinear fashion. We present a situation where this nonlinearity in dependence can be precisely controlled, as to obtain different variations as desired. We also present a detailed analysis of how this nonlinear dependency arises and show that this is an interesting effect of several Coherent Population Trap(CPT) states that exist and a competition among them to trap atomic population in them.Comment: 16 pages and 6 figure

    Optical spectroscopy of a microsized Rb vapour sample in magnetic fields up to 58 tesla

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    We use a magnetometer probe based on the Zeeman shift of the rubidium resonant optical transition to explore the atomic magnetic response for a wide range of field values. We record optical spectra for fields from few tesla up to 60 tesla, the limit of the coil producing the magnetic field. The atomic absorption is detected by the fluorescence emissions from a very small region with a submillimiter size. We investigate a wide range of magnetic interactions from the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime to the fine one, and the transitions between them. The magnetic field measurement is based on the rubidium absorption itself. The rubidium spectroscopic constants were previously measured with high precision, except the excited state Land\'e gg-factor that we derive from the position of the absorption lines in the transition to the fine Paschen-Back regime. Our spectroscopic investigation, even if limited by the Doppler broadening of the absorption lines, measures the field with a 20 ppm uncertainty at the explored high magnetic fields. Its accuracy is limited to 75 ppm by the excited state Land\'e gg-factor determination

    Applications of atomic ensembles in distributed quantum computing

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    Thesis chapter. The fragility of quantum information is a fundamental constraint faced by anyone trying to build a quantum computer. A truly useful and powerful quantum computer has to be a robust and scalable machine. In the case of many qubits which may interact with the environment and their neighbors, protection against decoherence becomes quite a challenging task. The scalability and decoherence issues are the main difficulties addressed by the distributed model of quantum computation. A distributed quantum computer consists of a large quantum network of distant nodes - stationary qubits which communicate via flying qubits. Quantum information can be transferred, stored, processed and retrieved in decoherence-free fashion by nodes of a quantum network realized by an atomic medium - an atomic quantum memory. Atomic quantum memories have been developed and demonstrated experimentally in recent years. With the help of linear optics and laser pulses, one is able to manipulate quantum information stored inside an atomic quantum memory by means of electromagnetically induced transparency and associated propagation phenomena. Any quantum computation or communication necessarily involves entanglement. Therefore, one must be able to entangle distant nodes of a distributed network. In this article, we focus on the probabilistic entanglement generation procedures such as well-known DLCZ protocol. We also demonstrate theoretically a scheme based on atomic ensembles and the dipole blockade mechanism for generation of inherently distributed quantum states so-called cluster states. In the protocol, atomic ensembles serve as single qubit systems. Hence, we review single-qubit operations on qubit defined as collective states of atomic ensemble. Our entangling protocol requires nearly identical single-photon sources, one ultra-cold ensemble per physical qubit, and regular photodetectors. The general entangling procedure is presented, as well as a procedure that generates in a single step Q-qubit GHZ states with success probability p(success) similar to eta(Q/2), where eta is the combined detection and source efficiency. This is signifcantly more efficient than any known robust probabilistic entangling operation. The GHZ states form the basic building block for universal cluster states, a resource for the one-way quantum computer
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