106 research outputs found

    Sanatoriul Codru - instituţie performantă, îndrăgită de pacienţi

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    Leonid Cobâleanschi - fecior destoinic al plaiului moldav

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    Nicolae Testemiţanu – personalitate notorie în medicină

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    Nicolae Testemiţanu – patriot devotat, ilustru savant şi talentat organizator al ocrotirii sănătăţii

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    The article presents an analysis of the activity of a martyr of our nation, devoted patriot of the country Moldova, illustrious scholar in medicine and talented organizer of health care. Born on August 1, 1927 in the village of Ochiul-Alb, Rascani district, into a peasant family, Nicolae Testemitanu in 1951 he graduated the State Institute of Medicine from Chisinau. He started his doctor activity at Rascani as a physician surgeon, then becomes secondary clinical, later chief doctor of the Republican Clinical Hospital, PhD (candidate) in medical sciences, and head of Department Traumatology and Orthopedics. In 1959 he was elected rector of the Institute of Medicine where he showed qualities of good organizer, by helping to open new faculties and improving working and education conditions for employees and students. NicolaeTestemitanu ‘s talent as an excellent organizer of health care is highlighted with special strength in the post of health minister. He was also an illustrious international scientist. In 1983 he was awarded with State Prize in Science and in 2010 he was decorated with the Order of the Republic, and in 2011 become academician of ASM. In 1990 State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is named Nicolae Testemitanu.Articolul reprezintă o analiză a activităţii unui martir al neamului nostru, patriot devotat al Moldovei, savant de talie internaţională în medicină şi talentat organizator al ocrotirii sănătăţii. Nicolae Testemiţanu s-a născut la 1 august 1927 în satul Ochiul-Alb, raionul Râşcani, într-o familie de ţărani. În 1951 absolveşte Institutul de Stat de Medicină din Chişinău. Activitatea de medic o începe la Râşcani ca chirurg, apoi este secundar clinic, devine medic-şef al Spitalului Clinic Republican, doctor (candidat) în ştiinţe medicale, docent, doctor habilitat, şef al Catedrei Traumatologie şi Ortopedie. În 1959 este ales rector al Institutului de Medicină, unde a manifestat calităţi de bun organizator, contribuind la deschiderea noilor facultăţi, la îmbunătăţirea bazei materiale şi a condiţiilor de muncă şi de studii ale colaboratorilor şi studenţilor. Talentul lui Nicolae Testemiţanu în calitate de organizator excelent al ocrotirii sănătăţii se evidenţiază cu deosebită putere în postul de ministru al Sănătăţii. El a fost şi un savant de talie internaţională. În 1983 i s-a decernat Premiul de Stat în ştiinţă, în 2010 a fost decorat post-mortem cu Ordinul Republicii, iar în 2011 devine academician al AŞM. Din 1990, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie poartă numele lui Nicolae Testemiţanu.Настоящая статья представляет собой анализ деятельности одного из преданных патриотов, замечательных ученых медицины Молдовы и талантливых организаторов здравоохранения. Николай Тестемицану родился 1 августа 1927 года в селе Окюл-Алб, Рышканского района в крестьянской семье. В 1951 году закончил Кишинёвский государственный медицинский институт. Начинает свою деятельность в качестве хирурга в Рышканской районной больнице, затем поступает в клиническую ординатуру, назначается главным врачом Республиканской клинической больницы, защищает кандидатскую, потом докторскую диссертации, избирается заведующим Кафедрой Травматологии и ортопедии. В 1959 году назначается ректором Кишиневского государственного медицинского института, где проявляет особые качества организатора, способствуя открытию новых факультетов, улучшая материальную базу, условия труда и учебы сотрудников и студентов. Его талант организатора особо проявляется будучи министром здравоохранения. Николай Тестемицану был замечательным ученым международного уровня. В 1983 году ему присуждена Государственная премия Республики Молдова в области науки, в 2010 посмертно награжден Орденом Республики, в 2011 становится академиком Академии наук Молдовы. В 1990 году Медицинскому университету присвоено имя Николая Тестемицан

    Наука, искусство и практика управления в медицинских учреждениях

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    Summary. The article highlights the management of triple approach: as science, as practice and as art. There are also exposed some features of the deployment management process in medical institutions, especially the management functions such as planning, organization, motivation and control. Also there are described a number of problems faced by medical institutions at present and offered some solutions to solve them.Резюме. В данной статье выявлен тройной подход к управлению: управление как наука, как практика и как искусство. Также выяснены некоторые особенности процесса управления медицинскими учреждениями, включая функции управления, такие как планирование, организация, мотивация и контроль. Вместе с тем, описан ряд проблем, с которыми сталкиваются медицинские учреждения в настоящее время и предложены некоторые методы для их решения

    About Schientific medical schools

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    Catedra Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie în medicină USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The appearance and development of scientific schools in Moldova began after the Second World War in 1945 when Kislovodsc Institute of Medicine (Russia) had been transferred to Chisinau (Moldova). Multiple departments were founded in this institute where teachers have developed both educational process and scientific work, preparing national medical staff and scientific researchers. A lot of names of famous scientist’s representatives of Russia, Ukraine, Belarussia etc. are published in this article. These personalities have founded numerous medical and scientific schools and promoted prosperity of science in the Republic of Moldova. Then these schools were directed by young national scientists who developed and continue to develop successfully medical science in our country. Nowadays, we are proud with some our former graduated students presenting medical science at the international level - in famous scientific centers such as the U.S., Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Israel and other countries

    Nicolae Testemiţanu - un nume devenit renume

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    Сущность, содержание и характеристики качества медицинских услуг

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    Summary. One of the priorities of the health care system in Moldova is the medical services’ quality improvement. This article presents various definitions for health care quality and the principles connected with quality improvement. An important part in this article is allocated to the structure and main principles of total quality management in the health care system. This part reveals the problems of the commissions that are studying the quality of medical services in healthcare establishments.Резюме. Одной из первоочередных задач системы здравоохранения Республики Молдова является улучшение качества медицинской помощи населению. В данной статье приводятся различные определения, а также принципы, связанные с улучшением качества. Особое место отводится составу и основным принципам менеджмента общего качества в системе здравоохранения. Приводятся задачи комиссий по изучению качества медицинских услуг в учреждениях здравоохранения