10,251 research outputs found

    Spectral Energy Distributions of Passive T Tauri Disks: Inclination

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    We compute spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for passive T Tauri disks viewed at arbitrary inclinations. Semi-analytic models of disks in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium are employed. Over viewing angles for which the flared disk does not occult the central star, the SED varies negligibly with inclination. For such aspects, the SED shortward of ~80 microns is particularly insensitive to orientation, since short wavelength disk emission is dominated by superheated surface layers which are optically thin. The SED of a nearly edge-on disk is that of a class I source. The outer disk occults inner disk regions, and emission shortward of ~30 microns is dramatically extinguished. Spectral features from dust grains may appear in absorption. However, millimeter wavelength fluxes decrease by at most a factor of 2 from face-on to edge-on orientations. We present illustrative applications of our SED models. The class I source 04108+2803B is considered a T Tauri star hidden from view by an inclined circumstellar disk. Fits to its observed SED yield model-dependent values for the disk mass of ~0.015 solar masses and a disk inclination of ~65 degrees relative to face-on. The class II source GM Aur represents a T Tauri star unobscured by its circumstellar disk. Fitted parameters include a disk mass of \~0.050 solar masses and an inclination of ~60 degrees.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 20 pages, 7 figures, aaspp4.st

    Keck Pencil-Beam Survey for Faint Kuiper Belt Objects

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    We present the results of a pencil-beam survey of the Kuiper Belt using the Keck 10-m telescope. A single 0.01 square degree field is imaged 29 times for a total integration time of 4.8 hr. Combining exposures in software allows the detection of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) having visual magnitude V < 27.9. Two new KBOs are discovered. One object having V = 25.5 lies at a probable heliocentric distance d = 33 AU. The second object at V = 27.2 is located at d = 44 AU. Both KBOs have diameters of about 50 km, assuming comet-like albedos of 4%. Data from all surveys are pooled to construct the luminosity function from red magnitude R = 20 to 27. The cumulative number of objects per square degree, N (< R), is fitted to a power law of the form log_(10) N = 0.52 (R - 23.5). Differences between power laws reported in the literature are due mainly to which survey data are incorporated, and not to the method of fitting. The luminosity function is consistent with a power-law size distribution for objects having diameters s = 50 to 500 km; dn ~ s^(-q) ds, where the differential size index q = 3.6 +/- 0.1. The distribution is such that the smallest objects possess most of the surface area, but the largest bodies contain the bulk of the mass. Though our inferred size index nearly matches that derived by Dohnanyi (1969), it is unknown whether catastrophic collisions are responsible for shaping the size distribution. Implications of the absence of detections of classical KBOs beyond 50 AU are discussed.Comment: Accepted to AJ. Final proof-edited version: references added, discussion of G98 revised in sections 4.3 and 5.

    High Rayleigh number convection with double diffusive fingers

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    An electrodeposition cell is used to sustain a destabilizing concentration difference of copper ions in aqueous solution between the top and bottom boundaries of the cell. The resulting convecting motion is analogous to Rayleigh-B\'enard convection at high Prandtl numbers. In addition, a stabilizing temperature gradient is imposed across the cell. Even for thermal buoyancy two orders of magnitude smaller than chemical buoyancy, the presence of the weak stabilizing gradient has a profound effect on the convection pattern. Double diffusive fingers appear in all cases. The size of these fingers and the flow velocities are independent of the height of the cell, but they depend on the ion concentration difference between top and bottom boundaries as well as on the imposed temperature gradient. The scaling of the mass transport is compatible with previous results on double diffusive convection

    Vertical Shearing Instabilities in Radially Shearing Disks: The Dustiest Layers of the Protoplanetary Nebula

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    Gravitational instability of a vertically thin, dusty sheet near the midplane of a protoplanetary disk has long been proposed as a way of forming planetesimals. Before Roche densities can be achieved, however, the dust-rich layer, sandwiched from above and below by more slowly rotating dust-poor gas, threatens to overturn and mix by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI). Whether such a threat is real has never been demonstrated: the Richardson criterion for the KHI is derived for 2-D Cartesian shear flow and does not account for rotational forces. Here we present 3-D numerical simulations of gas-dust mixtures in a shearing box, accounting for the full suite of disk-related forces: the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, and radial tidal gravity. Dust particles are assumed small enough to be perfectly entrained in gas; the two fluids share the same velocity field but obey separate continuity equations. We find that the Richardson number Ri does not alone determine stability. The critical value of Ri below which the dust layer overturns and mixes depends on the height-integrated metallicity Z (surface density ratio of dust to gas). Nevertheless, for Z between one and five times solar, the critical Ri is nearly constant at 0.1. Keplerian radial shear stabilizes those modes that would otherwise disrupt the layer at large Ri. If Z is at least 5 times greater than the solar value of 0.01, then midplane dust densities can approach Roche densities. Such an environment might be expected to produce gas giant planets having similarly super-solar metallicities.Comment: ApJ, in press. Connections made to baroclinic instability. Movies available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~echiang/im/im.htm

    Phase-sensitive quantum effects in Andreev conductance of the SNS system of metals with macroscopic phase breaking length

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    The dissipative component of electron transport through the doubly connected SNS Andreev interferometer indium (S)-aluminium (N)-indium (S) has been studied. Within helium temperature range, the conductance of the individual sections of the interferometer exhibits phase-sensitive oscillations of quantum-interference nature. In the non-domain (normal) state of indium narrowing adjacent to NS interface, the nonresonance oscillations have been observed, with the period inversely proportional to the area of the interferometer orifice. In the domain intermediate state of the narrowing, the magneto-temperature resistive oscillations appeared, with the period determined by the coherence length in the magnetic field equal to the critical one. The oscillating component of resonance form has been observed in the conductance of the macroscopic N-aluminium part of the system. The phase of the oscillations appears to be shifted by π\pi compared to that of nonresonance oscillations. We offer an explanation in terms of the contribution into Josephson current from the coherent quasiparticles with energies of order of the Thouless energy. The behavior of dissipative transport with temperature has been studied in a clean normal metal in the vicinity of a single point NS contact.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Low Temp. Phys., v. 29, No. 12, 200

    Visualization of Coherent Destruction of Tunneling in an Optical Double Well System

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    We report on a direct visualization of coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT) of light waves in a double well system which provides an optical analog of quantum CDT as originally proposed by Grossmann, Dittrich, Jung, and Hanggi [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 516 (1991)]. The driven double well, realized by two periodically-curved waveguides in an Er:Yb-doped glass, is designed so that spatial light propagation exactly mimics the coherent space-time dynamics of matter waves in a driven double-well potential governed by the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The fluorescence of Er ions is exploited to image the spatial evolution of light in the two wells, clearly demonstrating suppression of light tunneling for special ratios between frequency and amplitude of the driving field.Comment: final versio

    Spectral Energy Distributions of T Tauri Stars With Passive Circumstellar Disks

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    We derive hydrostatic, radiative equilibrium models for passive disks surrounding T Tauri stars. Each disk is encased by an optically thin layer of superheated dust grains. This layer re-emits directly to space about half the stellar energy it absorbs. The other half is emitted inward and regulates the interior temperature of the disk. The heated disk flares. As a consequence, it absorbs more stellar radiation, especially at large radii, than a flat disk would. The portion of the spectral energy distribution contributed by the disk is fairly flat throughout the thermal infrared. At fixed frequency, the contribution from the surface layer exceeds that from the interior by about a factor 3 and is emitted at more than an order of magnitude greater radius. Spectral features from dust grains in the superheated layer appear in emission if the disk is viewed nearly face-on.Comment: 29 LaTeX pages w/ 10 eps. figures, aaspp4.sty, final version with few minor stylistic alterations and 1 content change (section 4.1.1 on GM Aur and non-zero inclination

    Fomalhaut's Debris Disk and Planet: Constraining the Mass of Formalhaut B from Disk Morphology

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    Following the optical imaging of exoplanet candidate Fomalhaut b (Fom b), we present a numerical model of how Fomalhaut's debris disk is gravitationally shaped by a single interior planet. The model is simple, adaptable to other debris disks, and can be extended to accommodate multiple planets. If Fom b is the dominant perturber of the belt, then to produce the observed disk morphology it must have a mass M(sub pl) 101.5AU, and an orbital eccentricity e(sub pl) = 0.11 - 0.13. These conclusions are independent of Fom b's photometry. To not disrupt the disk, a greater mass for Fom b demands a smaller orbit farther removed from the disk; thus, future astrometric measurement of Fom b's orbit, combined with our model of planet-disk interaction, can be used to determine the mass more precisely. The inner edge of the debris disk at a approximately equals 133AU lies at the periphery of Fom b's chaotic zone, and the mean disk eccentricity of e approximately equals 0.11 is secularly forced by the planet, supporting predictions made prior to the discovery of Fom b. However, previous mass constraints based on disk morphology rely on several oversimplifications. We explain why our constraint is more reliable. It is based on a global model of the disk that is not restricted to the planet's chaotic zone boundary. Moreover, we screen disk parent bodies for dynamical stability over the system age of approximately 100 Myr, and model them separately from their dust grain progeny; the latter's orbits are strongly affected by radiation pressure and their lifetimes are limited to approximately 0.1 Myr by destructive grain-grain collisions. The single planet model predicts that planet and disk orbits be apsidally aligned. Fomalhaut b's nominal space velocity does not bear this out, but the astrometric uncertainties are difficult to quantify. Even if the apsidal misalignment proves real, our calculated upper mass limit of 3 M(sub J) still holds. Parent bodies are evacuated from mean-motion resonances with Fom b; these empty resonances are akin to the Kirkwood gaps opened by Jupiter. The belt contains at least 3M(sub Earth) of solids that are grinding down to dust, their velocity dispersions stirred so strongly by Fom b that collisions are destructive. Such a large mass in solids is consistent with Fom b having formed in situ

    Shifts of the nuclear resonance in the vortex lattice in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7

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    The NMR and NQR spectra of 63^{63}Cu in the CuO2_2 plane of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 in the superconducting state are discussed in terms of the phenomenological theory of Ginzburg-Landau type extended to lower temperatures. We show that the observed spectra, Kumagai {\em et al.}, PRB {\bf 63}, 144502 (2001), can be explained by a standard theory of the Bernoulli potential with the charge transfer between CuO2_2 planes and CuO chains assumed.Comment: 11 pages 7 figure

    Apse Alignment of Narrow Eccentric Planetary Rings

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    The boundaries of the Uranian ∈, α, and β rings can be fitted by Keplerian ellipses. The pair of ellipses that outline a given ring share a common line of apsides. Apse alignment is surprising because the quadrupole moment of Uranus induces differential precession. We propose that rigid precession is maintained by a balance of forces due to ring self-gravity, planetary oblateness, and interparticle collisions. Collisional impulses play an especially dramatic role near ring edges. Pressure-induced accelerations are maximal near edges because there (1) velocity dispersions are enhanced by resonant satellite perturbations and (2) the surface density declines steeply. Remarkably, collisional forces felt by material in the last ~100 m of a ~10 km wide ring can increase equilibrium masses up to a factor of ~100. New ring surface densities are derived that accord with Voyager radio measurements. In contrast to previous models, collisionally modified self-gravity appears to allow for both negative and positive eccentricity gradients; why all narrow planetary rings exhibit positive eccentricity gradients remains an open question