84 research outputs found

    Cognitive psychology

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    Children with Learning Disabilities in Malaysia

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    Learning disabilities may be manifested differently in children and are usually detected and become apparent when they start formal education. Adequate support for children with learning disabilities begins with the correct identification of their problems, which may, in turn, lead to a proper and accurate diagnosis followed by early intervention programmes. The focus of this chapter is to review research on the different types of learning disabilities experienced by children in Malaysia and to propose a possible way forward in helping them. Research on the different types of learning disabilities conducted in Malaysia is explored and the challenges or issues related to the problems with children who have learning disabilities in Malaysia are discussed. Based on the analysis of documents as well as a review of available research, it was found that currently, research on the different types of learning disabilities in Malaysia is very limited. Additionally, there are still unresolved issues around the support for children with learning disabilities in Malaysia. The discussion on the way forward is expected to provide authorities and policymakers, teachers, researchers as well as parents with specific information that can be used to support children with learning disabilities to achieve their optimal learning experiences

    Event related brain potential studies of strategic retrieval processing in episodic memory

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    The relationship between three classes of retrieval processes -- orientation, effort and success -- was investigated using event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioural measures. Participants studied words in two different contexts in 5 experiments. In subsequent test phases they responded positively to old words from one study context (targets), and negatively to old words from the alternate context (non-targets) as well as to new words. In experiments 1-4 participants completed different study-test cycles across which target designation was varied. The contrasts between the ERPs evoked by new test words separated according to target designation in Experiment 1 revealed correlates of processes that form part of a retrieval attempt, but in that experiment effort and orientation were confounded. In Experiment 2, effort and orientation were systematically manipulated. The key finding was that the degree of engagement in an orientation varies with task difficulty. In Experiment 3 differences between ERPs elicited by new words were different to those in Experiments 1 and 2, providing support for the concept of orientation as different encoding tasks were employed in Experiment 3. These correlates of retrieval orientation were proposed to influence selective recollection, because the left-parietal old/new effect -- the ERP signature of recollection -- was evident for targets and not for non-targets in Experiment 3. This hypothesis was supported by the findings in Experiment 4, where left-retrieval old new effect were evident for both targets and non-targets, while indices of orientation were less evident than in Experiment

    Methods of Qur'anic memorisation (hifz): implications for learning performance

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    Memorisation of the Qur’ān occupies a central position in Muslim conception of religious education. The awareness of preserving the Qur’ān through memorisation (ḥifẓ) is becoming prevalent and is still continued in these modern days in many educational institutions in many parts of the Muslim countries. This article examines different methods of Qur’ānic memorization being practiced in Malaysia. Similarities and uniqueness of those methods will be presented. The evaluation of those Qur’ānic memorisation techniques brings to the foreground the educative value of memorisation as a learning tool and the implications memorisation methods have in enhancing an individual’s learning performance. ********************************************************** Penghafalan Al-Qur’an menduduki kedudukan sentral dalam konsepsi Muslim mengenai pendidikan berkaitan agama. Kesedaran untuk memelihara Al-Qur’ān melalui penghafalan (ḥifẓ) menjadi semakin ketara dan masih diteruskan pada zaman moden ini di banyak institusi-institusi pendidikan di banyak bahagian negara-negara Islam. Artikel ini meneliti pelbagai kaedah penghafalan Qur’ān yang diamalkan di Malaysia. Persamaan dan keunikan kaedah-kaedah tersebut akan dibentangkan. Penilaian terhadap kaedah-kaedah penghafalan Qur’ān tersebut membawa kepada rumusan mengenai nilai pendidikan melalui kaedah penghafalan sebagai satu alat pembelajaran dan implikasinya dalam meningkatkan prestasi pembelajaran individu

    Electrophysiological indices of strategic episodic retrieval processing

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) were acquired during test phases of a recognition memory exclusion task, in order to contribute to current understanding of the processes responsible for the ways in which memory retrieval can be controlled strategically. Participants were asked to endorse old words from one study task (targets) and to reject new test words as well as those from a second study task (non-targets). The study task designated as the target category varied across test phases. The left-parietal ERP old/new effect – the electrophysiological signature of recollection – was reliable for targets only in all test phases, consistent with the view that participants control recollection strategically in service of task demands. The contrast between the ERPs evoked by new test words separated according to target designation revealed reliable differences at midline, anterior and right-hemisphere locations. These differences likely reflect processes that form part of a retrieval attempt and are interpreted here as indices of processes that are important for the strategic regulation of episodic retrieval

    Gender identity crisis of the millennial generation in Malaysia: special focus on the issue of Pengkid

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    Gender identity crisis among Malaysian youth nowadays is becoming a matter of grave concern. This article is based on a study conducted to explore and understand the perception of the public towards Pengkid, a term used to refer to a female, whose physical and behavioural appearance resembles that of a male. The sexual orientation is also towards other females, i.e., showing a preference for same-sex partners. Pengkid is becoming more visible in society and lately, the term has been associated with social concerns, like, drug and sexually-related problems. This study also aims to develop possible indicators for identifying a Pengkid. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods is used. A survey was conducted involving a total of 1,298 samples, representing people in three main districts in Negeri Sembilan, i.e., Seremban, Port Dickson and Rembau. Structured interviews were also conducted with several target groups or subject matter experts, such as religious leaders, academicians, lawyers, medical doctors and social workers as well as a number of Pengkid. The main finding from the research indicates that the level of awareness of the public of the Pengkid problem is high. The research also developed some physical and behavioural indicators for the purpose of identifying Pengkid

    The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in vocabulary learning

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    The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on vocabulary learning for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are non-native English speakers. A lack of educational strategies may hinder the children from benefitting the most from their education. Previous literature has demonstrated that CAI can be effective in enhancing language development. However, research on the applicability of CAI in the Malaysian context whom majority are non-native English speakers is limited. 29 children with ASD aged four to seven were recruited through purposive sampling from two branches of an autism centre. The present study employed an experimental mixed-design in which the children were assigned to two groups which are CAI and a control group (non-CAI) based on the centre they attended. The CAI group used computer with software program of First Word II while the control group received the conventional teaching instruction. Results of a 2 x 2 mixed ANOVA indicate that there were significant main effects of time (i.e., pre and post intervention) on both participants' receptive and expressive vocabulary learning. Potential explanations of these findings were discussed in this study. Implications, strengths, limitations, and recommendations for future research were also discussed. © 2018 IEEE

    Persepsi masyarakat terhadap Pengkid di Malaysia (Public perception of Pengkid in Malaysia)

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    ‘Pengkid’ is a term used to refer to a woman with masculine appearances and is prone to same gender sexual orientation. It is different from the term lesbian who is female homosexual and who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females. ‘Pengkid’ has been prohibited by the National Council of Fatwa (Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan), but the problem is still seriously spreading in the society. By using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, this paper aims at identifying the characteristics of ‘pengkid’. In addition, the paper aims to identify contributing factors that lead to the spread of ‘pengkid’, as well as studying the relationship between pengkid and their level of religious understanding. This paper also provides suggestions and plans of actions to curb the increasing problems of ‘pengkid’ in society. The study has highlighted several physical and behavioural indicators of pengkid. It also identified three main contributing factors for the problem of pengkid, namely, individual and parents/family, environment, and religion. Furthermore, the study has found that the level of religious understanding and its practices has a direct impact on the lifestyle of a pengkid