4 research outputs found

    Competitiveness indicators of catering business entities : the case of Russia

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    Purpose: The article analyzes the existing marketing strategies in catering and define their influence on the competitiveness level of catering business entities in Russia. Design/Methodology/Approach: This article is dedicated to generalizing papers on the problems of catering marketing strategy formation. The object of the research is marketing strategies in catering and their influence on the competitiveness level of the entities. Findings: The novelty of the research is an algorithm of evaluation of the competitiveness level and marketing strategy adjustment of operating catering business entities based on the analysis of their major performance indicators. The algorithm with its system of certain indicators allows defining the competitiveness level, selecting and adjusting marketing strategies and sub-strategies, and, thus, enhancing the effectiveness of catering business entity performance. Practical implications: Flexibility and adaptiveness of this system entails that any catering business entity can select priority indicators from it and then calculate them to adjust marketing strategies and sub-strategies based on data obtained in the meantime. Originality/Value: The value lies in the disclosure of industry specifics of strategic marketing management in a definite economic activity considering essential strategic and operational factors which determine ultimate economic effectiveness of target marketing exposures.peer-reviewe

    Regional cuisine as a catering concept that increases the tourist flow to the Russian regions

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    The article presents an overview of business concepts in the field of restaurant business, allowing to maintain consumer interest in the products and services offered using the capabilities of the Krasnodar Territory. The purpose of the research is to identify the main driving forces of the development of restaurant projects, focusing on the relevance of consumer properties of catering products for consumers, applying a differentiated approach to them and focusing on what can lead to success. The research methods used are analysis, synthesis, generalization, observation and forecasting. The results and discussion: the article highlights the role of tourism in the development of catering enterprises as an engine of business concepts aimed at the tourist audience and related to the promotion of regional cuisine. For the next few years, the concept of a local cuisine has a huge prospect. In all regions of Russia this particular direction will be developing in the near future – local cuisine, the Russian cuisine, old recipes, unusual farm products. The state support of tourism will also increase interest in HoReCa. Conclusions: The Krasnodar Territory is a developing tourist, multinational, creative region open to innovations. Restaurateurs, culinary specialists and confectioners monitor the state of the hospitality industry in Russia and in the world, constantly seeking professional recognition, gaining more and more recognition, the Ministry of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage and the Department of Consumer Sphere and Regulation of the Alcohol Market of the Krasnodar Territory stimulate the promotion of the restaurant image of the Kuban in various levels, holding professional forums, festivals, exhibitions for HoReCa industry specialists, opens up new opportunities for the exchange of experience, facilitating the acquisition of new knowledge, communication with suppliers, and acquaintance with gastronomic trends

    Modern features of innovative strategies for the development of hotel business enterprises

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    The hotel business is the basic sector of the tourism industry, contributes to the increase in tourist flows, the internationalization of financial capital, and the growth of employment. The hotel sector is developing rapidly (with the exception of 2020, which is explained by anti-Covid measures), largely due to the introduction of innovative development strategies. The investment prospects of the hotel sector should be built on the basis of such a systematization of modern innovative trends, and business planning of the activities of hotel enterprises should ensure the best implementation of innovative approaches when developing a strategy in a specific business environment. The purpose of the study is to study the modern features of innovative strategies for the development of hotel business enterprises, their impact on the dynamics of sales of paid services to the population, including the example of the Krasnodar Territory. The research methods are the following: statistical method, competitive analysis method, generalization method, forecasting. The results and conclusions: an analysis of the applied innovative strategies by hospitality enterprises indicates that such strategies are effective tools for effectively solving the problem of survival and ensuring the business security of hotels. Conclusions: innovative strategies are the most important part of the strategic management of a hotel enterprise, they make it possible to strengthen its competitiveness, meet the constantly changing preferences of guests, follow industry trends or even outstrip them

    Modern features of benchmarking in the hotel business

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    The market of hotel services is an actively developing market in which innovative technologies of service of guests are widely used; various loyalty and reservation programs are being developed and improved; new approaches to business process management are applied. Benchmarking is a very relevant area designed to assess and select alternative options for the development of the hotel business, defining tasks and improving management efficiency through a deeper study and borrowing approaches successfully implemented by competitors. The aim of the research is to study the current features of benchmarking in the hospitality industry and its impact on the dynamics of enterprise performance. The research methods used are method of competitive analysis, statistical method, generalization method, forecasting. The results and conclusions: the analysis of the state of the hotel services market has shown a steady growth in the number of facilities and consumers of hotel services, which leads to increased intra-industry competition. Benchmarking helps to correlate the operating performance of the hotel business with the performance of the competitive environment, to move away from the subjective assessments of hoteliers and to identify errors in sales policy. In addition, the use of benchmarking allows you to predict the dynamics of demand in order to minimize managerial errors. The conclusions: benchmarking is part of marketing research and the basis for business process planning in the context of choosing strategic activities of the hotel service company. Conducting such a study is focused on providing the hotel with significant competitive advantages, the quintessence of which is the procedure of studying the experience of operating in the market of business leaders