34 research outputs found
The GENIE Neutrino Monte Carlo Generator: Physics and User Manual
GENIE is a suite of products for the experimental neutrino physics community. This suite includes i) a modern software framework for implementing neutrino event generators, a state-of-the-art comprehensive physics model and tools to support neutrino interaction simulation for realistic experimental setups (the Generator product), ii) extensive archives of neutrino, charged-lepton and hadron scattering data and software to produce a comprehensive set of data/MC comparisons (the Comparisons product), and iii) a generator tuning framework and fitting applications (the Tuning product). This book provides the definite guide for the GENIE Generator: It presents the software architecture and a detailed description of its physics model and official tunes. In addition, it provides a rich set of data/MC comparisons that characterise the physics performance of GENIE. Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure the Generator, run its applications and analyze its outputs are also included
Recent highlights from GENIE v3
Funder: u.s. department of energy; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000015AbstractThe release of GENIE v3.0.0 was a major milestone in the long history of the GENIE project, delivering several alternative comprehensive neutrino interaction models, improved charged-lepton scattering simulations, a range of beyond the Standard Model simulation capabilities, improved experimental interfaces, expanded core framework capabilities, and advanced new frameworks for the global analysis of neutrino scattering data and tuning of neutrino interaction models. Steady progress continued following the release of GENIE v3.0.0. New tools and a large number of new physics models, comprehensive model configurations, and tunes have been made publicly available and planned for release in v3.2.0. This article highlights some of the most recent technical and physics developments in the GENIE v3 series.</jats:p
MINERvA - neutrino nucleus cross section experiment
Recent results from MINERvA, a neutrino cross section experiment at Fermilab, are presented. MINERVA has the goal of providing precision results which will have important impact on oscillation experiments.
Initial data runs for muon neutrino and antineutrino beams of ~3.5 GeV have produced a large number of new results. This seminar will introduce the experiment and describe results for quasielastic, pion production, and inclusive cross sections
AGKY Hadronization Model Tuning in GENIE v3
The GENIE neutrino Monte Carlo describes neutrino-induced hadronization with an effective model, known as AGKY, which is interfaced with PYTHIA at high invariant mass. Only the low-mass AGKY model parameters were extracted from hadronic shower data from the FNAL 15 ft and BEBC experiments. In this paper, the first hadronization tune on averaged charged multiplicity data from deuterium and hydrogen bubble chamber experiments is presented, with a complete estimation of parameter uncertainties. A partial tune on deuterium data only highlights the tensions between hydrogen and deuterium datasets
Hadronization model tuning in genie v3
The genie neutrino Monte Carlo describes neutrino-induced hadronization with an effective model, known as Andreopoulos-Gallagher-Kehayias-Yang (agky), which is interfaced with pythia at high invariant mass. Only the low-mass agky model parameters were extracted from hadronic shower data from the FNAL 15 ft and BEBC experiments. In this paper, the first hadronization tune on averaged charged multiplicity data from deuterium and hydrogen bubble chamber experiments is presented, with a complete estimation of parameter uncertainties. A partial tune on deuterium data highlights the tensions between hydrogen and deuterium datasets
Neutrino-nucleon cross-section model tuning in GENIE v3
We summarize the results of a study performed within the GENIE global analysis framework, revisiting the GENIE bare-nucleon cross-section tuning and, in particular, the tuning of (a) the inclusive cross section, (b) the cross section of low-multiplicity inelastic channels (single-pion and double-pion production), and (c) the relative contributions of resonance and nonresonance processes to these final states. The same analysis was performed with several different comprehensive cross-section model sets available in GENIE Generator v3. In this work we perform a careful investigation of the observed tensions between exclusive and inclusive data, and install analysis improvements to handle systematics in historic data. All tuned model configurations discussed in this paper are available through public releases of the GENIE Generator. With this paper we aim to support the consumers of these physics tunes by providing comprehensive summaries of our alternate model constructions, of the relevant datasets and their systematics, and of our tuning procedure and results