7,894 research outputs found

    Continuous analysis of nitrogen dioxide in gas streams of plants

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    Analyzer and sampling system continuously monitors nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the feed and tail gas streams of a facility recovering nitric acid. The system, using a direct calorimetric approach, makes use of readily available equipment and is flexible and reliable in operation

    Resilience of multi-photon entanglement under losses

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    We analyze the resilience under photon loss of the bi-partite entanglement present in multi-photon states produced by parametric down-conversion. The quantification of the entanglement is made possible by a symmetry of the states that persists even under polarization-independent losses. We examine the approach of the states to the set of states with a positive partial transpose as losses increase, and calculate the relative entropy of entanglement. We find that some bi-partite distillable entanglement persists for arbitrarily high losses.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, title changed, minor typographic errors correcte

    Absence Form from Mary C. Durkin Principle Elementary School to Mr. and Mrs. Akinaga, November 24, 1944

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    A developmental investigation of the relationship between appraisals and peer self-esteem in children experiencing peer-aggression

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    Transactional models of stress and coping emphasize the role played by cognitive appraisals in determining psychological adjustment (Lazarus, 1999). This proposition has been supported by research examining young people's adjustment in relation to family conflict and break-up (Grych et al., 1992). Furthermore, this literature suggests that there is a change in the relationship between appraisals and adjustment at around 10 years of age: specificity of appraisal type (e.g. threat, blame) becomes relevant to outcome after 10 years, whereas before 10 there are either no effects of appraisal on adjustment or a diffuse effect of 'negative' appraisals more generally (Jouriles et al., 2000). However, it is currently unclear whether this developmental progression can be generalized from familial- to social-stressors experienced by children and young people. The current study therefore evaluates the model within the context of a commonly experienced social childhood stressor: peer-aggression

    The Impact Of A Sleep Training Program For Night Nurse Shift Workers

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    Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the impact of the NIOSH training on sleep quality scores, determine the association between intention to perform sleep improvement strategies and sleep quality, and identify strategies, barriers, and facilitators for implementation among night nurse shift workers. Methods: A pre-test and post-test design was used. Data were collected electronically between September 2020 and February 2021 before and after online intervention (NIOSH training). Participants who met the inclusion criteria were night shift nurses who worked full time in a hospital setting in the midwestern and southern United States (N = 42). After screening for risk of sleep apnea, 32 participants were retained and from these five submitted training certificates and completed the post-test. Results: Most nurses reported baseline PSQI scores indicating sleep deficiency and high intention to perform strategies learned in the training. All who completed the training rated the training favorably and identified strategies implemented as a result of the training as well as barriers and facilitators to implementation. The impact of the training on PSQI post-training scores and the relationship between intention to perform strategies scores and baseline PSQI scores were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Night nurses experience sleep deficiency that can impact health and work performance. Online training may help to improve awareness and lead to the implementation of strategies to minimize risks. The study underlines the importance of supporting sleep health and provides foundational knowledge on the impact of the NIOSH training


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    Preferred Measurements: Optimality and Stability in Quantum Parameter Estimation

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    We explore precision in a measurement process incorporating pure probe states, unitary dynamics and complete measurements via a simple formalism. The concept of `information complement' is introduced. It undermines measurement precision and its minimization reveals the system properties at an optimal point. Maximally precise measurements can exhibit independence from the true value of the estimated parameter, but demanding this severely restricts the type of viable probe and dynamics, including the requirement that the Hamiltonian be block-diagonal in a basis of preferred measurements. The curvature of the information complement near a globally optimal point provides a new quantification of measurement stability.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in submission. Substantial Extension and replacement of arXiv:0902.3260v1 in response to Referees' remark

    The efficacy of mupirocin ointment and chlorhexidine body scrubs in the eradication of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis

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    Patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis have a high prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage, which may lead to serious infections. Mupirocin ointment has been used intranasally to eradicate S. aureus carriage in health human volunteers and health care workers. Chlorhexidine, an antiseptic with excellent antistaphylococcal activity, is widely used for handwashing and skin cleansing. METHODS: Anterior nares cultures were obtained from patients older than 18 years who were undergoing long-term hemodialysis. Patients with S. aureus nasal carriage were enrolled in the study. Axillae and groins were cultured. Patients were given mupirocin ointment intranasally twice per day for 7 days and chlorhexidine body scrubs daily for the first 3 days. Follow-up cultures were obtained from anterior nares, axillae, and groins at 1 day, and 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment. RESULTS: One day after completion of treatment nasal carriage was eradicated in 83% of patients (15/18). After 12 weeks, 69% of patients (11/16) were free of nasal carriage. CONCLUSIONS: Success rates of eradication were excellent compared with those in other published reports. This simple and effective regimen had no major side effect

    Sounds Good to Me: How Communication Mode and Priming Affect Auditor Performance

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    Audit associates routinely interact with clients to request explanations and evidence regarding financial statement account balances. Client explanations may be vague or incomplete. We examine whether auditors\u27 assessments of the quality of client explanations and their decision to follow-up with the client are influenced by (1) communication modes that vary in media richness, and (2) a prime that is intended to stimulate skeptical behavior. Media richness refers to the amount of data inherent in the communication mode. We predict that richer communication modes, such as video, can be more distracting than less rich communication modes, such as email. More distracted auditors will assess the quality of the client\u27s response as higher and are less likely to follow-up with the client—potentially impairing audit quality and increasing audit risk. We predict and find that a prime that focuses auditors on the verifiability of the client\u27s response will mitigate this behavior
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